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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by KingRyan

  1. To think that you can completely wall-stall Necrozma with a tiny lil sableye

    1. OpalWardMusicFan


      My Incineroar did that for me.

  2. you don't think....anabel could be aster? As in Aster that is Zinnia's Daughter? From Hoenn, Protected a Great Tower, name that stars with an A, coincidence? Maybe.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      like legit... she is. just a few years older and looking rather fine with that suit and tie, reminds me of the turks from FF7

    3. KingRyan


      AH that explains it. i never finished that battle tower way back when, but good to know! nostalgia satisfied :D

    4. OpalWardMusicFan


      Interesting choice, feel bad for her though.

  3. QUESTION: Mega Rayquaza + Flying Z Crystal + Dragon Ascent = what? Is this even possible?

    1. ShadowStar


      Nope. I'm pretty sure Mega Ray cannot use Z Moves

    2. YinYang9705
    3. Marcello


      It's actually the other way around afaik. Ray can't mega evolve if it's holding a Z-Crystal, regardless of if it knows Dragon Ascent.

  4. I think i understand why Nintendo included Zygarde in Sun and Moon. It's an Astral Setting. We have the Sun (Solgaleo) the Moon (Lunala), the Earth (Zygarde) and space/the void (Necrozma)

    1. Alistair


      That and poor old Zyg didn't get a dedicated version, so they had to make it up to it somehow

  5. Yo...does anyone by chance have an ~lvl 40 Riolu or Lucario they could trade me in Sun and Moon? To Trade i have Brionne, Incineroar, Gengar, Gyardos, and at most, my loyal lvl 41 Salamence.

    1. AuthorReborn


      probably want them to trade you a Lucario if it's that high since happiness resets on trades.

  6. Yo...does anyone by chance have a Riolu or Lucario they could trade me in Sun and Moon? To Trade i have Brionne, Incineroar, Gengar, Gyardos, and at most, my loyal lvl 41 Salamence.

  7. Anyone get an S.O.S. salamence yet? I've been looking for one for the past few hours.

  8. Yo, I got dat female salandit finally! now, once i finally see one for the first time, can someone potentially trade me a geodude?

  9. Yo, I got dat female salandit finally! now, once i finally see one for the first time, can someone potentially trade me a geode?

  10. I got da game! now it's time to start wonder trading! This is my planned team: Decidueye, Garchomp, Alolan Golem, Salazzle, Ash-Greninja, and Lucario.

    1. doombotmecha


      I'm not totally sure but pre-legendary team is 100% gonna have toxapex, inciniroar, and sivally

  11. I got da game! now it's time to start wonder trading! This is my planned team: Decidueye, Garchomp, Alolan Golem, Salazzle, Ash-

  12. when will poke bank transfer come to sun and moon. i have a lvl 10 shiny Gible and a lvl 21 shiny Lucario that i rly want to get to my game.

    1. AiedailEclipsed


      January from what I remember.

    2. KingRyan




    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Alistair
    3. Twilightwing


      moon: one of us one of us

    4. Maelstrom


      buy a new SD card and download it off the e-store

  14. what is better: Greninja w/ Battle Bond or Greninja w/ Protean

    1. Alistair


      Protean seems more reliable to me.

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Protean is 100%. You instnatly gain the boost rather than having to knock out and Protean's damage due to STAB is on par or at least very close to the boost. The only time it's better is i you were physical Gren, or want to use Water Shuriken I guess... cuase it does gain base power for the ability. Protean jsut immediately does things, whereas you ahve to want or Battle Bond.

  15. So.....now that sun and moon are out, when is all the new stuff going to be added to the game?

    1. Alistair


      Probably in E19. I've already seen a mod adding gen7 starters into Reborn though.

  16. How to create energy drink: 1. Add essence of adhd. 2. ??? 3. EHHHHH MACARENA

  17. Hey guys, how to i add pdf files from my computer to my about me section? I wanna upload my transmog portfolio :)

    1. Skeleton


      upload them somewhere and link them


  19. O-oooooooooo AAAAE-A-A-I-A-U- JO-oooooooooooo AAE-O-A-A-U-U-A- E-eee-ee-eee AAAAE-A-E-I-E-A- JO-ooo-oo-oo-oo EEEEO-A-AAA-AAAA

  20. Having an Existential Crisis at 19, godamnit DX i need a snickers.

  21. Does anyone else here play HotS? Yell at me if you play league if you want, but i play HotS for bonuses to the other blizzard games i play. But i am in love with Tyrande (Sorry Shan'do) i just love her package......in both senses of the word ;P

    1. Eviora


      I play all 6 current Blizzard games. I'm a coward and almost exclusively play vs AI in HotS, though. =p

    2. Cepheus


      I haven't played HotS in a long time... because I don't have anyone to play with... all my buddies don't like MOBA-Style games... :/

  22. I. eat. your. pancakes. I eat em all!

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