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Everything posted by KingRyan

  1. Guys, this weekend is my last reasonable opportunity to go home to see my family and play xbox. Need help convincing my dad to let me come home.

    1. Maelstrom


      Do yourself a favor and get a ps4. =P

    2. KingRyan


      the only thing against that is my destiny progress and my wallet.

  2. Yo fam, send me your power and prayers, as i have played the crap card of minimal studying before a midterm tomorrow. As such i will be spending the next ~3 hours studying my engineering mechanics.

  3. Yo any other hunter's here in the house? I want to know your thoughts: I think there should be 4 Celestials challenge tames. There are already Crane, Serpent, Cat and Ox/Yak pets, I think it would be a really cool model of their respective pets, like after the world boss gets defeated on the timeless isle, that respective challenge tame beast spawns somewhere on the island, to tame. We can tame skoll, a technical lore figure. We can't we get tames for these guys?

    1. Eviora


      I have every class at 100 or higher. It's 'cause Blizzard hates fun.

  4. Does anyone know about the time lost proto-drake and it's descendants (Aeonaxx, Alani, Voidtalon)? I am searching for the Long lost hypogrpyh (which is Legion's iteration of it) and mentioned it in general in Azsuna, and a nice guy who has apparently found it several times, said he would help me too if he found any. I'm glad there are still some good people out there.

    1. Eviora


      I have them all. I got lucky with the hippogryph...

    2. KingRyan


      That IS lucky. I am missing the TLPD and Poseidus, i have all the rest except for the hypogryph now.

    3. Eviora


      My TLPD story is insane. Poseidus took me 10 months and I got it only by using now-obsolete CRZ bullshit.

  5. why do shurikens have a hole in them? (correct answer gets full points.)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. HughJ


      It gave you a place to put your finger when you wanted to pull the star out of an object, because all the edges were bladed

    3. KingRyan


      Gonna be honest, no one has gotten it right so far. At least not the comedic answer i was looking for. If anyone knows Ask A Ninja, they might know which answer i'm looking for :P

    4. Maelstrom


      If you're going off Ask A Ninja, then I'd best keep my comment to myself.

  6. how about i pronounce it Gi-dont-give-a-f-uck

  7. AAAAHHHHHH i flew too close to the sun. Or rather cut to close to the soft bleed-ey fleshy part of my heel. But fear not! tis just a flesh wound!

  8. Getting annoyed/dying inside by how much eng mechanics i still have to review/learn. All of it makes sense but trying to learn from numbers on paper even with answers is exhausting.

  9. Chem Lab, Mech midterm, and probably other school work i'm forgetting, but i'm at home. Do i school, or do i capitalize my time and play as much xbox one as possible?

    1. Alistair


      now I feel bad about how much I procrastinate myself


  11. Atmosphere~, we fly in low, upgrade our gear then it's time to go~, all will die and all will bleed~, cuz all we have is our destiny.~

  12. Wot if......before the end of the game we get 1 legendary, and it's random, like that one egg we can get from trading the growlith, like the item we get is totally random and it allows us to access 1 legendary in like.....not god tier.

    1. Maelstrom


      Do you really need to use one that bad?

    2. Alistair


      I think it's not such a bad idea. Of course we don't need a legendary, but having one or two sneaked into the game before the very final update could be a way to avoid having 50 legendaries suddenly thrown into our faces after the E4. But I would disagree with it being a random event. It would only serve to frustrate some players.

  13. Apparently i have missed the train....

    1. Maelstrom


      it wasn't a train, it was a flotilla.

  14. fuck the election, does anyone here know about none-pizza with left beef?

  15. So, now what? do we panic? Donald Trump ultimately has to answer to congress and the public right? Any major action he wants to take has to be filtered through by congress. The only thing we can do is vote and talk. He's been blowing hot air for the past year, but now he has the ability to actually do something. Now lets see what he does.

    1. Cepheus


      Republicans have the majority in like every major decision-making instance (as far as I know)

      so If Trump wants to do something it will get through those instances with (almost) no problem

    2. KingRyan


      But now i gotta ask, in his running he distanced himself from other republicans b/c he was so radical. Would it not be reasonable then to assume that those same republicans would at least be more logical than trump? That is if he remains to be a psycho business man.

  16. Frankly, TBH i would vote for Hilary, b/c A. I hate trump, and B. Hilary may be far from perfect, but she is the best we got so far. If anything she is much better than trump.

    1. Combat


      That's how a lot of people are voting, myself included.

    2. Cepheus


      I'm no american... but I would totally vote for that Kitten over there... look at it! it's soooo cute!!! :3

      and way more qualified than both of these :P

    3. 5hift


      Yeah don't sweat it.

      Probably gonna regret either choice.

  17. inb4 trump gets impeached and/or assassinated

  18. >.> <.<.......soon

  19. Ideas for Overwatch Christmas Stuff: Santa Torbjorn, Reindeer Winston, Sled D.Va Mech, W/ appropriate Elf Body Suit, Christmas Angel Mercy? Abominable Grinch Winston, Something for Mei, I would also say Ice Skater Lucio but he's already got a hockey uniform....Any other ideas?

    1. Cepheus


      Christmas-Sweater 76 (because of all the "Daddy 76" jokes on the web)

      Christmas-Knight Reinhardt

      (red-white striped armor, with Santa hat and Candycane-Hammer)

      Mrs.Claus Ana

      (because she is already a tea-loving granny^^)

      Christmas-Tree Bastion

      (a bit like the overgrown-origin skin but more "pine-y" and with christmas decoration)

    2. KingRyan
    3. laggless01


      Ghost of Christmas future Reaper?

      Jack Frost Zenyatta (make those spheres snowballs)?

  20. Ryu Ga Waga Teki Go Fuck Yourself :P

  21. you ever feel like you wanna strangle somebody for their incompetence and mediocrity? I feel that way about 2 people. Jerry Smith of Rick and Morty, and this one noob (for lack of a harsher word) that i just spent the last 5 hours attempting to run through wrath of the machine. We wiped on aksis for hours. but in retrospect, in the end, i found the fusion rifle in my mail waiting for me. it could be worse. Outbreak prime can wait.

  22. just played a defence numbani, and our whole team was d.va. We trashed them with our kawai skillz

  23. Yo, is that a pro genji?

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