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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Aurorix

  1. Baldur sighs before heading to the once sleeping and now collapsed Shin, "This is what happens when you let your guard down. Don't let it happen again. I don't want to have to work on that cloak of yours again." The butler then begins to close up the nomad's wounds enough to bring him back to his feet. After Lysander moves, Baldur to V16, Force Lysander to equip Icicle Shower and Heal Shin
  2. "Phoenix, open that chest. Everyone else stick to the side and move up." Baldur moves to X16 and Shoves Justine to Y17 because he can Kane to AC16 and OPEEEN DE CHIST Arthur to Y15, equip Sacred Fire
  3. Somewhere deep in his gut, Baldur's intuition told him to not eat the soup, especially. He merely had small bread roll and an apple and seeing what came out of the concoction. The cheese wasn't so bad, many soups or stew put in cheese, however there was no way of explaining why they would put a fly trap in the soup. At first he felt a bit bad for not eating the soup they worked hard to make but now, not so much. Though his attention was immediately brought back with the entrance of Kane, "How were those two captured in the first place? Shouldn't they be back at Ceda Palace?"
  4. Realizing a bit too late that he was standing next the Scarlet Brat, Baldur side-eyed Lizaveta with a grimace. While he would LOVE to tear into her about her little mumblings, which he could only assume was aimed towards his little moment of exhaustion. Baldur wasn’t about to let himself cause a scene in front of new recruits in enemy territory. . . a second time. Clicking his tongue and puffing out a small puff of air from his mouth, he turn and walked away from the Scarlet Brat. Heading towards a separate room entirely. Though if one was watching closely, they could see him reach into his suit pocket and pulling out a canteen before the door shuts behind him.
  5. A whole bunch of new members before their biggest operation yet? Adelaida & Godiva he was alright with. They both at least have shown to everyone to be both competent and trustworthy. But these two newcomers dragged in by Mim & Shin, unsurprised it was these two who brought them, he was more than a little skeptical. He had a gut feeling that these two would be more than just a handful and hopefully he was wrong. However, suddenly Baldur's vision began to blur. He entire body felt heavy, his eye lids closing on him before. . . . His eyes snapped back open as he catches himself before he completely collapsed. Holding his head up with his hand, standing on one knee he lets out a soft grunt before pushing himself back up. There were a lot more wounded down there than what he had hoped, and after the battle prior along with... the incident... it was no wonder his body felt exhausted. However, they still have a job to finish and he won't soon rest until it's completed. He just hopes no one saw that.
  6. Baldur squinted towards Nazariy character and their constant outbursts, though he ultimately decided to shrug him off. "No, that should be all that's necessary. I'll go bring the girl down here in an open bed then start working. Thank you for your assistance Adelaida." He gave a nod to the warrior before heading back up and to the throne room. Gentle picking up the sleeping Lucy he took her back down before softly placing her in a bed under a warm blanket. He did not waste time following up on his word fixing up the soldiers down here, though he did always keep Lucy in sight. He did not trust these men and far as he could throw them. They were not about to do anything funny to her under his watch.
  7. The eyes pressed against the boy all felt like daggers. He wasn't much one for public speeches either, though someone has to do it. He takes a deep breath before he begins, "I won't bore all of you with something long and drawn out so I'll get straight to the point. I ask is that some of ours be allowed to rest here before we begin leaving and moving forward. That is all." Glancing around at everyone's condition he adds, "And... if you would wish it of me I shall be glad to help heal the wounded if you all would grant us stay." He stands firm waiting for their responses with baited breath. Maybe he was a bit too direct here.
  8. "I suppose that does work in our favor..." His voice trails off a bit at the end there before he quickly shakes it off, "Lets head down then. Better to just pull this band aid off quickly than to have it be long and drawn out." He waits for the warrior to lead the way down.
  9. "Hmmm, this is quite the issue now isn't it. We can't just leave the girl freezing there either." Baldur tilts his head and ponders for a moment, "I don't believe those men will be too willing to listen to an enemy in a suit any time soon... Though perhaps they might be more willing if a former ally came along as well." Turning his gaze back towards Adelaida he continues, "Would you by chance be willing to accompany me down there? I'd sooner like to get the confrontation over with than risk a surprise assault sometime soon."
  10. “Well I’m glad you like it, and thanks for letting me keep this.” The butler gives a slight bow before trying to figure out what he’s going to do before they head back out. He knows he should be resting but he can’t sit still while within these halls. Though, now that he thinks about it he hasn’t seen Lucy ever since... that scene. Might be good to go check up on her. His searching eventually brought him to the throne room where he would find a napping Lucy curled up on its decadent seat. All this stress probably knocked her out. She can’t just sleep here either. First of all, it’s a big chair that’s not meant for sleeping and second she’ll catch a cold without at least a blanket of some sort. Though, it’s not like he knows the inner workings of this fort either. However, Adelaida definitely would. Leaving the napping girl for now he now goes back where he las saw the soldier. “Say Adelaida, mind showing me where the beds or blankets are kept in this fort? Lucy fell asleep in the throne room and she’s bound to catch a cold with this weather without some covers.”
  11. Baldur wasn't exactly thrilled nor in the right condition to be going on a big shopping trip at this moment. Besides, too many people in one group would draw some attention. At the mention of metal, Baldur is reminded of what he scavenged from Seigmund's defeated corpse. Baldur approached the smiting duo slowly, being careful as to not reopen anything. "Oh Simeon, if its metal you're looking for I did scrounge up this. I don't know what you could do with a shattered blade, especially when its chained and enchanted with dark magic. However, if you could use this in any way, be that fixing this up or turning it into a mask, you're the expert so I'll leave it to your disgression." Pausing for a moment, he then continues, "Though, if it would be possible, I'd like to keep the handle of the blade. Just as a sort of... reminder of sorts."
  12. "A simple shoulder to lean on will be good enough, Knight." Baldur made sure to emphasize. He was not about to be carried off his feet back to the group. "My promise since the beginning was to keep everyone safe. I will do whatever is necessary to make sure that promise is kept... or well I will whatever I can at the very least." Glancing back down to the coat underneath him, a wave a guilt washes over his entire body. "Say uhhh... if you need me to buy or make you a new coat just let me know. It's the least I can do."
  13. The butler reluctantly sits back down before letting out a groan, "Yea yea... you're right... Sorry for causing so much trouble for you two..." He turns his head back towards Ferdy, "I'm also sorry for taking that away from your Knight. It's just... now wasn't the right time."
  14. Almost on queue Baldur slowly lifts up his upper body, now sitting on the ground. He instinctively goes and grabs his lower chest in response to the great pain. Wiping the blood from his mouth he finally speaks up, "I'm fine," He's obviously not, "We can't waste anymore time here. We have to get back to camp- ACK!" He lets out a wince of pain has he tries to force himself to his feet.
  15. “Heh, sorry Snowbird. Guess I wasn’t able to keep that promise...” The butler’s knees began to shake and his vision quickly blurring in and out of focus. The searing pain echoing through his whole chest and up his arms. However, even through all of this Baldur still seems to keep a smile on his face. “You- know... people say pride is the worst of the seven sins. The one that paves the way to the rest of the six. cough I myself... I disagree. With the right amount pride... is the only one of the seven with any redeeming value. Killing War... here and now... there’s no pride... no justice. She comes here only because she cares for someone... even if she’s done in-humane things in the past... she’s still human. HACK We’d be no different than the Icons if we killed her when she’s unarmed and defenseless. Don’t get me wrong... she still needs to be brought to justice, just not here. We need- cough ... we need to be better than the world if we hope to change it to a more peaceful place...” His voice was drained of most energy. How he was able to carry on such a speech was probably the quickly fading adrenaline. As Mim began to lower him he talked softly so that Lucy wouldn’t be able to hear, “Also, think of what would’ve happened to Lucy... Like it or not, she cares for War. If she died because she put herself at risk to care for Lucy... knowing Lucy there’s a good chance she’d blame herself for War’s death... That right there is a wound no herb, no magic, no substance could ever cure. It slowly eats away at your core before you become a shell of yourself... I can’t let that happen to anyone else... I’d fail my promise to Lucy if I let that happen... wheeze I know this is selfish and I’m putting a big burden on you but magic sure I don’t die okay? As much as I want to, it would be pointless death if it causes what I wanted to prevent... thanks in advance.” As the apothecary removes the blade his blood loss and the shock of pain knows the boy out into the light and dark balancing act of limbo. He held no resistance only for one raspy yelp of pain.
  16. The butler could almost sense intense bloodlust in the air and when onto alert. This was followed by the rustle of the bushes and the clanking of armor. Out of all the times to seek his revenge. Everywhere in Baldur's mind and body is telling him to let Ferdiad continue with his assault. Not like he hasn't done the same thing before to an Icon, plus with her gone that leaves only two to deal with in the future. by all logical accounts this is the smart to let her die. However, somewhere deep down his thought drift elsewhere and in a split second he's made up his mind. Dropping his staff, Baldur shoots himself between the charging night and the enemy mage. He allows the blade to pierce through his gut and out his back, Baldur's body lurching back with the momentum of the charging warrior. His mask drops forward, clinking off the blade in front of him before plopping onto the dirt. He coughs out a large gunk of before gritting his teeth placing both hands on the blade lodged inside of him. He grips it with all his might, the sharp metal easily digging past his gloves and into the flesh of his hands. Small tear streams of blood leak onto the blade before dripping to the ground as he locks the knight's blade in blade within himself. "Heh... What's the matter Knight? I would've thought your blade would dig deeper than that. Did your strength leave you along with what honor you had left?"
  17. At the first sign of War, Baldur took a step in front of Lucy wary of any stuns she may pull. However, after War’s little... act he went into more of a scowl crossing his arms and tightly gripping his sleeve with his free hand. “As an Icon or Sin and one of our advisories highest in our list, please have some more self respect in the future. I can tell simply by your state that you’re not going to try anything stupid. Especially with four of us here.” He tilts his staff towards the injured mage as sparkles envelope her closing her major wound. “There, that should make things easier for you. Just make this quick,” the butler turns to Mim, “Unless you have any objections Snowbird.”
  18. (Will maybe edit in something later) Stardust make her yelly Charisma+ sounds
  19. The butler was initially dismissive towards Mim but Lucy's glances seemed enough to drag him out of his comfort zone, "Fine... the air in this place is quite choking, and thats without Seigmund's curse looming around us." Making his way with the four person group he stopped noticing the armored lady still with them. Thinking it would be rude to just leave her in the dark he walks up to Adaleida, "You should come with us back to our camp. Not exactly safe for a traitor to walk around. I or Snowbird, the small purple one, can treat your wounds with more care back there. We also have Anvil who can set you up with something more suited to you than that heavy armor. Something tells me you two will get along great. I would walk with you back to camp but it seems the other want me for something, I apologize for my lack of hospitality. Though, I'm sure you can find someone else to chat with if you're so inclined." With that he walks back to the trio. "You should just burn that book Crimson. It's better as a fire starter than any sort of reading material judging from the cover name."
  20. After all foes had seemed to make their retreat the butler let out a sigh of relief and adjusted himself. He pushed himself to go over and look down on Seigmund's corpse almost mourning at his loss. Baldur couldn't help but feel the shadow sword was also a victim in all of this as well. Sure he did some atrocious things, but from what he said it was a the direct command from the King. Not like some could exactly defy a king without risking their own death and in the end he did seem to have some drive to take out Rusland for all he forced Seigmund to do. Granted even if he was spared he'd still have to atone for his crimes but dead men can seek no redemption. I suppose that's the part that hits Baldur the hardest. If he can't obtain his redemption will his legacy be just the same as the fallen shadow sword. This is all assuming the man would even seek redemption which no one can say for sure. Bending down, the butler seems to recover all the shards of Seigmund's broken sword of darkness he can. Not like he could wield a blade but he wants to remember this feeling he has. Its not exactly a happen one but not sad either. I suppose somber would be the best way to put it. Meanwhile, while the butler was lost in his own mind he was crudely dragged out from the ruckus caused by Ferdiad. Momentarily stunned and startled, by the time he turned around Mim had already calmed the situation down. I suppose Mim has always been a better guardian... "Dammit Baldur! Even after all those years of training and studying you still can't protect anyone when they need you most!" Tightly gripping his staff, he turns away from the two of them. He wanted to go help ease her but having Lucy rely on him would get her hurt or killed in the future. Best leave her in more capable hands.
  21. "Hmph, as if I give a rat's ass as to what you think of my 'smack talk'. As if a black-hearted wretch such as yourself has anyone he cares for anyways. I bet you poisoned your own parents to sooner acquire your inheritance, since lining your pockets with a few more gold pieces seems to be your only motive in your actions."
  22. All Baldur did in repose to the 3 glares sent in his directions was simply click his tongue. Turning his attention towards Famine, standing tall and looking down (well figuratively at least) to the man on the horse. "Pardon me but I can't quite hear you. Did you loose your voice recently? Maybe got into a heated argument with Death? Clearly it couldn't be that a half-assed scratch permanently scared your voice. That'd just be ridiculous and humiliating."
  23. Baldur finally seemed to regain his senses. Rising to his feet more, he is once again momentarily stunned seeing the state of Shin. Though it was only for mere moments, he can't keep freezing up like this. His at the sight of Death his thoughts went to Lucy and to make sure she's kept safe. She can't be kept in the back either, there's some reinforcements coming from behind them too. Then an idea hit him as his eyes locked onto a nearby set of pillars. He stumbled over his own feet for a bit in his rush but quickly regained his footing. Forming runic symbols by the pillars and underneath the light mage's feet he summoned her to his side. "For now use these pillars as cover. We'll handle Death." Baldur to I3, Rescue Lucy to H3
  24. "Come you guys! What's taking all of you so long!? Quit dawdling and protect me! Especially YOU, you big oaf!" Stardust continued her shoving on Pinecone to move him forward. Eventually turning to tugging his arm forward. Stardust to H8 and activate Charisma+
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