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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Aurorix

  1. 58 I feel like we should play a game within this game
  2. 38 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ewZSjKaOc8
  3. This seems somewhat interesting, considering joining if this starts up.
  4. 33 I forget honestly, somewhere 2700 and under 3100
  5. Going to my first Smash tourny soon and I can't decide who I'm gonna use Q~Q It's a choice between Corrin, Dark Pit, Lucas, Roy or Falco.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. krim


      Ill have to second that. Corrin and DP are probably your best options for dealing with Bayo anyways.

    3. Cowtao



      Odd choice but he has some good spacing materials. Corrin is exciting and all but it's best to use somebody you know how to use and to counter out people who don't. Learn from your matches the Corrin/Bayo matchup and the rest is history.

    4. Dark Desire

      Dark Desire

      probably everyone at that tourny is going to have a pocket bayo and bayo has trouble with swordfighters so i'd just stick with one of them

  6. In a way, a character sheet is a more organized than an essay. What you would put in an essay is almost the exact same thing you would put in a character sheet. When people look through a character sheet they don't want to read a 5-8 paragraph paper just to look for a line or two bit of info/context about said character. If you wanted more context about their personality there's a section labeled personality for people to quickly get the info they need. In the essay you'd have to skim through it just to find the info needed. If I want to know the age of a PC I'd rather have a small little section like "Age: 33" to just glance at rather read through it trying to find it in a jungle of words. Besides I'd probably make a character sheet anyways. It's kinda like the prewriting/planning stages one has to do before creating an essay. For myself I need to jot down things for my characters in order to remember them, maybe off to the side or something. If I basically already have all the info I need for my character organized into sections why would I need to go through the hassle of rewriting everything in an essay format? TL;DR A character sheet IMO is more organized and is easier to find specific information about a PC.
  7. 12 Welp, at least I have ice cream to drown out my lack of a valentine *takes a bite while crying manly tears*
  8. New Beta Pokémon Boom Coliseum XD 64 3D Winds of the Abyss Revolution Advanced 2 U and Metal Knuckles 2.8 the pre-sequel / 2 days Redux HD Simulator

    1. Red_Chaos
    2. Aurorix


      Props to Krim for help making this piece of modern art

    3. Dylanrockin


      I think an addendum is needed * featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series and Knuckles.

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