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Everything posted by Aurorix

  1. Being sick is not fun, help me Q~Q

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Sadly, I'm not a healer. I only know stuff for blowing shit up with lightning... think using that to get rid of the sickness might cause a teeny weensy bit of collateral damage. Like only a little,

    3. Hiss13


      I do not have a license to practice medicine in the US…so no can do...

    4. AeroWraith


      This is what happens when you drop a bucket of ashes on me. lol jk, hope you get well soon

  2. Anime + Cards = a yugioh character :3
  3. 1. Yes, I want to see a Reboot. It was really fun so I don't mind redoing it. 2. I'd say accept them but then they start from scratch. As for Slade, I've noticed lots of holes in his back story so I'll need to fix it but other than that I'll might just create a new character entirely 3. Have a separate thread, it seemed to work last time. 4. I want to see a plot line that is keeps me in suspense and/or some touching scenes 5. No not really
  4. Looking back at the beginning of this RP, I can see how much I've grown and how much I can still grow. As a first RP I think I couldn't have had a better group of people to have done this with and I thank all of you. And if this gets revived again, you better know I'll be with it all the way!
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