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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Aurorix

  1. I made my account during: Episode XI: Out of Light
  2. Wha! Yash, you're leaving us... Q~Q It's ok though, I hope that what ever you're doing right now, (besides reading this ) and your plans for the future go as smoothly and fun as your time here. The RP community will feel different without you there but life take priority. I don't plan on leaving anytime soon so I hope to see you when you come back again, but until then I'll leave you with the rest of this song. Sincerely, ~EXLink32
  3. 'The work of gods ey? Well I guess I should just believe him and focus on the one big glaring thing in his explanation.' Zagi thought to himself seeing how there's no real reason to continuing questioning his new body. If there's no way to recreate it, then there's really no reason to continue to delve into this subject any further. "Clash of Fates?" He asked not even going to bring up the body again. "What exactly is the Clash of Fates and what do I have to do?" Since this was the reason why he's here, might as well know at least what it is, since it'll probably what he'll be doing for a while.
  4. 162 @Lamona *slaps face with a giant tuna fish*
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