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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Aurorix

  1. As the rain of arrows come Stardust hides under her magic table. "Just take down these stupid archers already! Hurry up before one of them hit me!" The whinny bee begins to push her brother forward, not that she'd be able to budge him. Stardust to G5 and activate Charisma+
  2. Baldur got a full frontal view of every long and extended second of Seigmund's death. Every twitch, every small shutter, every gasp for air. The voice rings even lounder in his head and Seigmund's face almost seems to warp into another. "Please Baldur, do it for me. I know you're more than capable... Please... Please... Please... Why did you let me die?" The butler falls back, landing on his bum not even fully aware of what's going on anymore. He doesn't even acknowledge the arrival of the three show stoppers or anything anyone has said thus far. He merely just stares in horror, mouth agape, shaking in his boots and heart rate sky rocketing.
  3. "Please, you talk too much." The light inside the orb in his staff began to glow and the blade began to spin faster and faster as he raises it up with his right hand, "Goodbye, Siegmund!" This was followed by the butler bringing down the blade straight for the man's neck. But then, suddenly... ...his blade stops just short of cutting the man's neck. The glow in the staff seems to pulse, the blade slowly begins to stop spinning and sparkles begin coat all over the shadow swordsman. Seigmund's wounds slowly begin to close as Baldur heals his wounds. He retracts his staff, bringing it back to his side. Staying silent, he simply looks down at the man in front of him. What did he just do?
  4. "You're really dead set on having me kill you." He takes a step back witnessing Seigmund's sheer determination to stay up, "However, your fate was decided as soon as we decided to storm this fort. I suppose it wouldn't be right to pass up the opportunity to get revenge for my birth family." Pulling back his gloves he slowly approaches his throne, step-by-step. "Very well, let your past sins finally catch up with you as the boy from years past enacts justice's judgement!" Baldur to J3 and murder Siegmund
  5. "Wait... J-just hold on a second. I didn't even know you were still alive until a moment ago." The butler takes a step back, "You drop a bombshell that I had another birth family in Perus and now you want me to end your life? You're not even one of the people I seek justice against and you want a be a martyr for me? What kind of bullshit is this!? I don't even care about my 'original' family that you killed, I never even knew them! Do you want me to kill you because you think that'll ease your conscious? Death by the kid who's family you murdered, that's so cliché it makes me want to puke!" He takes a step forward pointing his staff at the man on the throne, "There's only one person I'm out here for! Only one person who's promise I have to keep! Only one person who I seek justice for, and I doubt you even know her! So drop this whole 'noble death' act!" Baldur to K-6
  6. The boy was quite shocked at first, hearing that his father was somehow alive. “Adopted? Heh... I guess that makes it three families now huh...” The butler says oddly relieved. His tone quickly turns into disgust as he continues, “I should’ve know you’d be still alive, you always have been a cockroach. Here I thought you were a casualty of that raid to spark a war with Ria, or maybe your debts finally caught up with you and they sent hit men to finish the job. Tell me, is mother still alive or is that too much to ask for?”
  7. "Please, if your memory is so grand you should know that the Anton family was of Rian blood. Just another poor family who's worthless head uses the money he makes by having his wife sell herself on the streets to ease his alcohol and gambling addiction. The Anton family was nothing more than another pile of gutter rats trying to skitter by on what little they had." The boy is surprisingly calm, considering his previous outbursts. So outward signs of frustration or anger. "It seems if your own all mighty memory falters just to make your own deeds so grandiose. Its a shame you only realize this now before your life comes to an end."
  8. “Hmph, as if I would need to use a Vulnerary. A protector who can’t keep themselves alive on their own isn’t a good one. Granted I do keep some on me for emergencies but I’ve never had any need to use it.”
  9. "No, you are not fighting. Not until I can take a look at your wounds to make sure you don't have any lasting damages. Honestly, I'm surprised you're able to move let alone talk from just a small amount of vulnerary."
  10. "Any distance I can make between myself and you I see as a boon." The butler scoffs at the eye before heading over to Ferdiad. This curse of his must really be something if it could help take Knight down. Baldur to J9 and heal Ferdiad after Mim vuls Ferdy up and moves out of the way after being performed
  11. Baldur takes his eye off Shin for one second and he’s already taken a lot of damage. Before the butler could react to fix his wounds he was already off. “I swear... if that fool gets himself killed I’ll drag him back down to earth and kill him again myself..” Moving on ahead, the healer turned his attention back to Mim, “That ‘strength’ of yours is going to get you killed someday, you know? I don’t need another dead ally on my conscience.” Now to Mim’s new friend, “Please, I doubt you would have any useful information that we couldn’t get else where. Besides, what point would there be to torture someone we spared the life of. Just worry about not getting in our way and don’t leave just yet. They’ll probably send men the way we came through and I doubt they’ll let a deserter walk away.” Baldur resigned himself to sparring this armored lady. She didn’t seem hostile anymore anyways Off in the distance he noticed Lucy was looking a bit off. Wanting to assure his promise to keep her safe he activated his staff to form a glowing runic circle in front of him. The same rune would form under the light magic user as she would be teleported right by the group. If anything, he bets she’ll at least feel more secure with Mim nearby. Baldur to K14, Rescue Lucy to J14
  12. Baldur grew a slight and small smile witnessing Shin be competent while not looking like the equivalent of a rat heap. However, his smile didn’t last as he noticed in the corner of his view Mim healing an enemy. God, someone needs to put this girl on a leash or something. She can’t keep doing whatever she wants to like this or she’ll get herself and the others into trouble eventually down the line. “Snowbird! That knight is the enemy! Don’t treat someone’s wounds who’ll only shove a blade in your chest seconds later.” Turning his gaze to the knight on the ground he continued, “If you know what’s good for you, you better stay down! You try anything funny and I’ll make sure to send you off to the gods without interuption!” While the butler did talk a big game, he had major doubts his small blade could make it past all that armor. For his sake he hopes that the knight has some sort of honor left in her and stays down.
  13. The butler grumbles before clicking his tongue, straightening his posture and turning his head slightly angled downward. "Yea yea, I get it... Fine, whatever." He was grinding the front of his right foot into the ground, before heading to the now opened front door, "Lets just move on. Phoenix, Golden Eye get close so I can fix you both up." Kane to L22 Baldur to K22 heal Kane
  14. Purple hair huh? Was the general referring to Baldur or Shin? Not that the butler really cared either way, one of them was going to be lying in the dirt when this is all over so why bother trying to figure anything out. However, Baldur had to take a step back after witnessing what just transpired. "I.. wha-..." This was then followed by a stomp forward and vigorously swung his arms back in anger, "Are you kidding me right now!? Now is NOT the time to be swapping spit! What are you even hoping to accomplish with this show!? Show everyone that you two are a thing now!? Honestly, focus more on NOT DYING!!!"
  15. "You wretch! Have you no honor OR loyalty? Selling out your prince for what? Gold? Fame? Position? Detestable!" Baldur glared through his mask towards the floating eye only to be a bit... confused...? Yea we'll go with that, confused at Mim's little speech. It honestly made him snicker a bit, "Fuckface huh? Not the most refined of insults but I suppose for a rat like him it should suffice. Maybe when we're through here they'll rename this place Fort Fuckface. After the worthless general who, even with his wealth of power, couldn't stop a 'rag-tag group' from kicking hiss ass." He starts rubbing his chin in thought, "'Fort Fuckface'... has a nice ring to it don't you agree?"
  16. "Look, we don't have time to be bickering. If you haven't noticed we just got the attention of THE ENTIRE FUCKING FORT. Let's just knock her out here and have someone drag her to Anvil. We can deal with this moral dilemma after the threat of death isn't looming over us."
  17. Seeing her lug of a brother already out on the ground the tiny bee crouched low the ground and placed her tablet over her head, hiding under it like some sort of cover. "H-hurry up and take care of these barbarians already!" Stardust hold and activate Charisma+
  18. "Not even five minutes in and you're already messing up your new clothes... Why did I expect anything else?" Baldur to E-24, heal Shin
  19. Baldur clenched his fist in anger and disgust. Such a massacre, such a waste of human life. Pointless. Of all it. Pointless. Both rulers want nothing more than to expand their power using whatever means necessary, even at the expense of the people under them. Both disgusting creatures unfit to hold the throne. "Do you honestly think our rag tag group is able to face a small well-armed army? We should clear the area of all nearby troops then go around the side. The more we take advantage of our element of surprise to get closer to that shadow master, the less we have to deal with his trickery." Lucy to L22 Baldur to G22
  20. Lotus to B8 and attack Axe Recruit A Brilliant Deduction to B10
  21. Baldur will take the Lucy support and I will force him to to the Shin support as well even if it puts my life in danger.
  22. "Now all we need to do is to get out of here!" "There is a rendezvous point outside the castle where we can meet up with Sir Thanatos. It should be a place where Lord Hades wouldn’t think to look from what he’s told me." The group's moment of relief would not last long, however. Suddenly, all of the runes everyone thought were long since deactivated began summoning revenants once again and at a much faster rate than before. It would only take a few moments before the entire group found themselves surrounded by a sea of these abominations. Something that was different about these new waves of zombie creatures were their sharp and glowing purple eyes. "Damn, we've been played! Everyone group up!" The bull held out his arm and from the ground underneath bursted out an axe of much higher quality than the one gifted to the party. These words echo echo only in the minds of the players, "Sorry Folks, but I can’t exactly have you getting out of here. Call it nipping the bud before it sprouts. No hard feelings right?" An equal parts cocky and maniacal laughter echoes before fading away. Before the party could react, parts of the swarm latched themselves onto the massive crystal in the center of the room and began clawing and smashing it. New Failure Condition: The Party doesn’t escape within the next 3 turns. The gem glows harsh with light beams piercing from the ever growing amount of cracks on its surface. The ground begins to shake violently and small pebbles and dust clouds escape from the ceiling. "Y-yea this isn’t good! Not at all! We need to carve a path through this horde and fast or we’re all going to be toasted!" The boy tries his hardest to make a dent in the hoard with little success. “Move aside boy!” The Bull grabs him by the hood and pulls him behind before a large pillar of stone erects from the ground in-front of him before he bats it into the hoard forming a small line straight towards the entrance. “Go! Now!” Everyone’s body almost seems to move on its own from everything happening so quickly. Soon one by one you all make it through before Owena gets jumped and is knocked off from her wyvern. “Grrr! You all keep running I’ll try and get her!” The Minotaur then turns around and weaves through the mass. "W-wait! I can’t just leave her!" Before the boy could even think about jumping back in he gets a harsh slap across the face. "Do you wanna die too?! There’s nothing we can do, just keep moving!" She grabs the boy’s arms and tugs him along, the prince looking more than a little frustrated for not being able to do anything but run. ------------ As the group approaches the exit of the building larger and larger chunks begin to crumble and fall from above and the vibrations in the ground only get intenser. Finally breaching the fresh cinder filled air of asphodel. A thundering crash echoes behind the group as the center erupts in a violet fiery explosion before the entire structure collapses in on itself. Everyone keeps pushing forward, lungs and legs burning alike. Well, maybe not Mercia but I’m sure she’s feeling a different kind of burning pain. Eventually, the group finds their way to the hidden supply stash camp, the adrenaline finally starting to wear off. "This… *huff* Should be… *puff* the place." The only thing that breaks the silence is the sounds of boiling magma. Seems even the boisterous prince can’t keep his enthusiasm after what just happened. There seems to be no sign of Owena or Asterios either. "We should rest here for a bit. It’ll be awhile before we’re in any real danger of being found."
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