{Slade Vs. Jacob}
As soon as Sasuke heard Chalchi coming he went straight for Plan B. Using Knot Escape once more (Grass Knot) to drag him into the hole he uncovered from the ice. Jacob was right though, he is getting really tired. 1 more clean hit and he could be done for, though this next attack should help level out the playing field. After smashing the ice prison that had been filled with smoke, it bursted out surrounding Chalchi in black smoke. Slade then turned towards Jacob, "Ofcourse Jacob, if I didn't know that then what kinda trainer am I? That's why we came up with Plan B just for you." After Slade had said that roots broke out from the ice from around Chalchi (Grass Knot) and began to go over her and press downwards as she is trapped in the shadows of his smoke. With all that weight Chalchi is sporting this attack should deal massive damage if it hits.