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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Aurorix

  1. Yuri rolled his eyes at Drake's last comment, "Of course that's the first thing on your mind" He whispered back before she started yelling obnoxiously. 'Even if I wanted to, what girl would want a street rat as a boy friend.' He thought to himself as he peers off into the sky above with his left arm on his hip and the other holding his blade on his shoulder where it rested as it's white ribbons flowed in the light breeze.
  2. 67 almost as bad as 70 @K_H You don't wanna know
  3. It feels weird being at the receiving end because I'm usually the annoying one x3
  4. I'm so close I can almost taste it! >:3

    1. Shadow Tack

      Shadow Tack

      that's what he/she said?

    2. NickCrash


      Better get a burn heal...

    3. Rawr-Ma-Ama


      So... What does it taste like...?

  5. As Yuri watched as Drake waved toward his direction, 'Ugh, not this again,' he thought to himself as an annoyed expression came about on his face, 'Why is it always like this with her?' He sighed and before he could speak up another man did before him. After he was done Yuri spoke up with a little bit of an annoyed tone, "I'm Yuir." Yuri then rested his sheathed blade on his shoulder which he was previously holding by a white ribbon tied near the end of the sheath where the swords hilt is sticking out. "That's about it, nothing much else to say." There was some things that could've been said, though nothing he wanted to disclose.
  6. 45 @Dark Well, I though pokemon was an E rated game. Never knew they showed stuff so vulgar, and for you to be looking for it, for shame. >:T
  7. 33 Welp, that was easy Now if I could only get my 3DS back... :\
  8. 29 @Dark Take your time, I still need to get it back '3' Edit: by 'it' I mean my 3ds
  9. 27 Almost as bad as 70 I would take a frillish if I didn't have to clean the entire weekend and until I do my 3DS and Laptop is taken away. #SecretPhonePosting (intsert ninja face here)
  10. 24 TBH I get 20 for every A I get each semester and I got straight A's last one. 6 classes worth of A's equals 120 so I already had half of it covered '3'
  11. 21 The rule here is that I get a 5 dollar a week allowance for getting anything I want. Guess who saved up for the NEW 3DS '3' (still can't understand their name choice though)
  12. 13 @Dark I don't have Bank either @Turbo Welp, good luck~ '3'
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