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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Aurorix

  1. 131 So I totally wouldn't have got onto Reborn and post or go on Pokemon Showdown at all, right? '3'
  2. Crangrape juice is bae~ <3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I have also been converted to the CranGrape side....

    3. Deleted User

      Deleted User


      that is all,


    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      As long as it deosn't have pulp... seriously... why the fuk do people like OJ with pulp?

  3. 129 Aren't I the most honorable and should be look up to?~
  4. 127 almost as bad as 70 I totally searched for 'test answers' on my laptop, totally didn't do anything else '3'
  5. 125 My science teacher forgets to teach us something for a test coming up so he lets us use the internet on the test
  6. "Oh ho ho ho ho, Slairk is always ready for the job!" He said as he continued to twist his stash with his fingers. "Just tell me when and Slairk will give you monsieurs the most beautiful act of sneaking, that is if you can find Slairk, ho ho ho ho" He chuckled confirming he was ready.
  7. 114 (I wasn't planing on azery on interfering ) Kiai could find faint traces of a fearsome aura before the bugs interference kicked it
  8. 105 What was that strange Aura that left north wards?
  9. "Oh ho ho ho ho," Slairk chuckled after hearing the hunt for the strange beast, "If one monsieur should be scout, that monsieur should be me Slairk mastery of all things trickery and sneaky!" He said twisting his stash with his pointer finger and thumb, "Though if this monsieur is going to scout out the camp with some other monsieur or madam then that personne must not be turbulent, or how you say a lot more quite then the Lord of all things loud and obnoxious." He said pointing towards Gradun. Now his songs were getting on his nerves, even more so now that he wants to accompany him on a scouting mission.
  10. 96 Sasuke took a direct hit from the attack and was sent flying into the tree. "Heh, nice one. Though I must bib you adieu. As for how it go away, try looking for a mailman that's all I'll say." He then rushed into the under brush heading west to heal his wounds.
  11. 94 The dusk stone in his hands soon turned into a puff of smoke, "Do you think so low of us to simply leave our objective out in the open unprotected?" Sasuke said smugly. "It's a sad sight to see indeed." Soon after that a different Sasuke appeared from the ground, behind Jet (Dig) with a night slash blade in hand. He took a slash at the dragon from behind as Ruby use this chance to escape into the under brush whether he shot at her, sasuke or failed to shoot at all. mean while the clone then puffed away into smoke leaving the real sasuke attacking jet.
  12. 91 Ruby use protect again blocking the air slash then began to shine and her wounds slowly started to fade (Morning sun) The clone then turned a puff of smoke once more, "Getting tired yet, I'm not." another sasuke said standing out in the open
  13. 89 Ruby waited for Jet to come close towards her. As he was firing his dragon pulse she let out a close range Dazzling gleam as well but also taking the hit from the dragon pulse Sasuke again didn't move taking the hit from the shadow claw and turing into a puff of smoke once more. "Having fun yet?" he said from behind the gemed ghost If Kiai had looked down he would've felt sasuke's aura underground then have another one appear and surface through the place where he dropped the dusk stones. Going behind Hectic and taunting him. Though another aura was underground as well but this one seemed to be retreating north. This aura was definitely not Sasuke's or the Ruby's it was more of a fearsome aura.
  14. 85 Ruby formed a yellow dome around her body (protect) which the wave of air had hit but did no affect on Ruby. She then released a dazzling gleam on both of them Sasuke again did nothing, standing there as the attack slashed through him and he turned to smoke.he was then behind the ghost standing upside down on a tree branch. "Aw, too bad. missed me again~" He then then laugh as he tongue scarf swayed back and forth in the air.
  15. 83 (I forgot shade ate the other one >_< Also wat poke is Hectic I forgot ) Ruby gracefully jumps out of the way of the dragon pulse and once she lands the red gem on her head shimmers and sends a wave of light on both of them. (Dazzling gleam) Sasuke just sat there as he was hit by the claws by then turned into a puff of smoke, then he walked out of the forest. "What's wrong, can't hit a frog?" He snickered at the attempt to hit him.
  16. 80 "Another Dusk stone, oh no no no no that simply will not do." Sasuke said as he began to stretch. Suddenly the second dusk stone quickly and forcefully made it's way out of Robert's pocket as it glowed with a bright blue light. (psychic) It zoomed out of his pocket and into Sasuke's other free hand. "You had one job and now look what you got yourself into." A female voice echcoed though for any human all they heard was "Espe, espe espeon." "Well we got both of them so that ghost won't be evolving at the tourney anytime soon." Sasuke said to the voice in the forest, "Besides I would've gotten them anyways Ruby." "Less talk more work, and how are you suppose to fight with your hands full?" The Espeon asked as he made here way out of the underbrush "Like this," Sasuke said as he dropped the two stones on the ground behind a bush. they made a loud thump as they hit the ground. "Honestly, sometimes I don't even know." Ruby sighed as she sat on her hind legs letting her tail sway in the air.
  17. 78 "Oh?" Sasuke said with amusement "There's more then one player it seems." He then grew a maniacal grin, "So then where is this player 2, wouldn't want to keep in suspense now would you?" He chuckled as he lay in the tree.
  18. 76 the hand grabs the stone but it quickly poofs into a puff of smoke as well as the Sasuke standing there.(Double Team) "Uh uh uh," Sasuke said laying in a tree near by waving one finger back and forth at Robert and his gang, "If I made it that easy then it wouldn't be fun now would it?"
  19. 74 Sasuke just laughed as he throws the dusk stone up and down with one hand and says (in poke language) "If you can grab it out of my hand" he then swipes his frog hand and grabs the stone mid going up and licks it with his tongue scarf turning him into a ghost type.
  20. 70 71 *All the most of the greninja's bursted and jetstream followed the scent to one lone greninja casually making his way back*
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