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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Aurorix

  1. 1633 but I don't have a life O _ O Also @DarkLight:
  2. 1630 I feel bad because I'm holding everyone up
  3. Christmas coming up, butt this year I could really care less about it. It's just feels like a big, meh.

  4. Zero looked at the ape with slightly confused. "Hey, ummm... do you know where the doctor is here? I came for a check-up and would you mind getting him?" He asked, hoping he understood what he said. Something about the monkey seemed strange to him, like he was the doctor. Though, with what he's seen today, it wouldn't surprise him.
  5. After the mist lowered and he noticed the entrance Zero went into the medical area.
  6. As he was being shake by the jaws of the dragon it was hard, but Sasuke was able to fire off one water pulse. Hopefully her grip on him will be released after receiving an attack like that at close range.
  7. As Sasuke was returning to the ground he could feel the sting on the jaws of a dragon on his left hip. The dragon's bite was ferocious and if they didn't do something quick Sasuke would be out for the count. "Sasuke, hurry and use Water Pulse on the dragons face!" The frog cringed as he charged a water orb and was ready fire it right to his face a close range. If he didn't release the grip now, he'd have a face filled with water.
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