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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Aurorix

  1. "Well, I'm glad it turned out at least somewhat good. You better not loose or mess of that new clip either, I'm not getting you another one. Though knowing you..." Taking notice of what Shin stumbled onto, the butler follows up. "Yea... about that. I found those letter sewed on as I was fixing it. Do those letters hold any special meaning to you at all?"
  2. For going into Chapter 5: PC’s Baldur: Store Vulnerary (1/3) Combine the QL of the Heal Staffs Purchase a Rescue Staff (530$) Ferdy: Take the Heavy Lance from the convoy Fey: Store the Hand Axe in the Convoy Take the Hammer from the Convoy Purchase Bolas (300$) Justine: Take the Steel Sword from the Convoy Lenore: Store Inspire in the Convoy Lizaveta: Use the Element Ring (+1 Res) Lysander: No Changes Mim: Purchased Iron Lance Take a Vulnerary (3/3) from the Convoy Shin: Purchase Silver Longbow (650$) NPC’s Kane: Store Iron Knife (23/40) Store Vulnerary (3/3) Take Lust from the Convoy Take & equip Relic of Ulux from the Convoy Arthur: Purchase Sacred Fire (450$) Lucy: No Changes Convoy No Changes Total Spent: 1930$
  3. "Dammit! I was too idle and now war is upon us..." Baldur tightly gripped his sleeve as he mulled over this information. Well at least they were going to solve this issue ASAP, he'll just have to make up for his sloth in this next mission. "I promised this world will know not of war and I intend to keep it!" "Oh Shin! If I could bother you for a moment," Baldur approached the archer with a familiar green fabric neatly folded by his side. "This was the best I could manage, it may not be brand new and still has some imperfections but I did fix your... weird... cloak... thing. Try it on to make sure I don't need to make adjustments." Contrary to what Baldur was saying, Shin would find no signs of imperfections by inspection. Maybe if he had the knowledge of a seamster it would become more apparent, but from the looks and most importantly the smell it almost seemed completely brand new. Did the butler do more than what said he'd originally do?
  4. "I... I don't know whether I should be impressed or concerned..." Crossing his arms and taking a deep breath in, "Maybe a bit of both?" Why does Shin of all people have high tolerance? Nothing about his build suggests that he would, unless he somehow drinks a lot behind closed doors.
  5. Baldur raised his right eye brow, "Really? You don't feel anything right now?"
  6. "Juuuuust give it a bit Shin." The man uttered disappointing while going off and dragging another chair underneath the umbrella. It shouldn't take too long for it to kick in if Lucy was anything to go by.
  7. Baldur was in awe of witnessing Shin throw caution to the wind, "Shin... What the FUCK! Were you paying attention at all to what was going on?!" Furiously snatching the glass from his hands and inspecting it one more time to make sure he wasn't imagining. "We're going to need a second chair at this rate..." He pinches the bridge of his nose to try and help quell his fury.
  8. Baldur sighed, "Yea sure..." Baldur said dismissively to Mim before taking another swing from his drink, "I'll stay by Lucy, you go enjoy the beach. I'd feel worse if I ruined two people's day off." Glancing back at his drink and over to Shin he holds it out for him, "Well, now that the cat is out of the bag do you still want a drink Shin?"
  9. Baldur grumbled with his arms crossed not moving. He really would like to follow-up on just leaving but his honor wouldn't allow him to just leave Lucy like this. He was just met with a familiar sense of guilt and frustration. Almost by instinct once Mim went to Lucy to go comfort her, Baldur already went for his iced tea. By the time Mim would turn around a noticeable amount of the drink would be missing from the glass. He doesn't say anything and just stares back with a 'I just want all of the to be over' face. Though the boy hasn't left yet, if that means something?
  10. "L-look, I told her her to wait until I make a new batch. What reason would I have to get someone drunk? She was really instant on having some, and I can't keep saying 'no' forever! Especially when the tears-" Stopping himself before he continued on that path. He wanted to pull out his own hair. He just wanted to enjoy his drink with a book. "I wanted to stay back at base! I knew something bad would happen if I were to come along and I'm proven right. So I'll just save everyone the trouble and see myself out."
  11. Oh gods, oh fuck! Mim is the last person he wanted to find out. Shit! Shit! Shit! Think of something! "H-hi Mim... Yea, Lucy wasn't feeling too great when she came back from the water. She said she was feeling really hot and came over asking for a drink before all this happened. Think it might be heat stroke?" God if anyone else found out he was underage drinking it'd be the death of him for sure.
  12. As Shin came close to whisper, Baldur couldn't even respond before Lucy threw up a little bit. "I think I'm going to be smelling that in a bit..." Baldur got out of his chair and straightened it up a bit before turning to the lady sitting in the sand, "Saaay Lucy, would you like to sit in the chair? Probably better than lying on the sand. Oh, and also," Baldur tries his best to force out a comforting voice. He pulls out an handkerchief from his pocket and held it out for her, "Here, you can use this."
  13. Baldur was not prepared for this sudden mood change. Yep, this girl is a total light weight. "U-uuuhhh... There, there, its completely normal to feel homesick." God, even he could tell he's not good at this. "B-b-but, you're doing the right thing by joining up with us! You could even steer your brother down a better path! Riiight Shin?" Baldur gave the man a look that pretty much said, 'Help, I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing.'
  14. No, no, no, NO! He is not dealing with a second one, "No Shin, I don’t have any extra drinks on me. At least none that are prepared. You’ll just have to wait until I make a second batch." Dealing with Lucy is going to be an ordeal in of itself. God knows what’ll happen if Shin gets added to the mix.
  15. Baldur turns to Shin and raises an eyebrow at his mumblings, "But Shin, you were asleep they entire time on the way over here. You were only awake for like 10 seconds at most."
  16. "W-why I did indeed make it myself! I did a mixture of green tea and an orange fruit tea. I also added a bit of lemonade as well, I may have put too much of it this time though..." As well as maybe adding a bit too much rum. However, nothing too bad so far was happening to Lucy. Maybe she should just stay away from the water for a bit but other than that nothing major. He shouldn't have been so worried.
  17. "No no, you’re fine. You didn’t ruin anything so don’t worry." Baldur looked at the glass and started to sweat bullets with how much of his drink vanished. "Saaaaay, you feeling okay? Nothing out of the ordinary?"
  18. Baldur was a bit on edge the entire time Lucy was taking a sip. "Remember, only a sip okay?" However, it seemed this sip was turning more than just a tiny one. "A-alright, I think that’s good Lucy. More then enough to quench the heat right?”
  19. "You're not be intrusive at all! N-not at all! Its just-" Baldur stopped himself before continuing. I'm sure one sip wouldn't be that bad... right? Hopefully anyways. He lets out a sigh, "Fine... you can have one sip. Just take it slowly and don't say I didn't try and stop you." But would Lucy be able to stop herself from drinking a lot of this delicious iced tea? It is very hot out too...
  20. "I-I'm sorry but you'll just have to wait until I prepare a fresh batch!" He felt a dark pit grow in the bowls of his stomach with these constant denials. He slammed his book shut before digging into his bag, "I should have some extra tea leafs in here to make some real quick. Y-you'll just have to wait!"
  21. "N-no no no no no. You reeeeeeally shouldn't. Trust me. " Baldur hides the bottom half of his face behind his book. "I-I'm sure Mim brought some water! Y-you can ask her!" Hopefully she'd take the bait and go bug Mim.
  22. Baldur peeked out from his book and got noticeably nervous at Lucy's question, "Uhhhhhh... Noooooo... You can't. I can make more but it'll take a bit." His eyes drifted away from hers trying not to say too much else on the subject.
  23. Baldur made his way to a chair with a small table underneath an umbrella. Bringing along with him a glass and a large glass of ice tea. The last thing he wants to do is to go in the water. The boy always hated the feeling of being wet. Getting himself comfortable in the chair he pulled out a book and began reading, occasionally taking a sip from the cool drink.
  24. Baldur simply rolled his eyes as Liza said her dues and scurried off. He had no obligation to assist her financially and has little desire to. Especially with this money and after the constant sewage that spews from her rusted pipe of a mouth. "These... really?" Baldur raises an eyebrow at Shin's fashion sense, "I mean, I guess its fine. I'm not going to stop you but..." Baldur was a little saddened that Shin didn't go with his choice- Wait why is he sad about what Shin out of all people is choosing? Ugh, how much more annoying could this trip get? "Liza? I saw her running off towards Kane, probably asking him if he could lend her money for her swimsuit or something like that." He scoffed.
  25. Baldur tilted his to the side as disappointed as ever, "Very well Arthur, but don't come crying to me later." He turned his attention towards Lucy, "If anythings happens or you need something come get me, otherwise I'm going to make sure Shin doesn't get something idiotic." He waved his hand before going on the search for Shin. "Lizaveta I already told Shin I'd buy his clothes, so you need only worry about yourself." The butler spoke approaching the two broke shoppers with a set of clothes already in tow, "Alright Shin, if these are to your liking try them on. I think they are your size but if anything feels off just let me know."
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