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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Aurorix

  1. Cascoon well, its how the circuit send electricity with magnetic charges. Also calculating the current speed by A= V/R (Current = Voltage divided by resistance) and Electrical Force which is F = AV (Force = Current times Voltage)
  2. Silcoon Nah, it's just a test before Finals to raise people's grades for them to get exempt from said finals. It's on electricity and circuits. I just bring my laptop to school everyday just for instances like these.
  3. Linoone Know stuff = Computer time
  4. Mightyena I'm on my laptop Finished 1st with like 45mins left in the class :3
  5. Raikou Thorns? HA! Try running into a cactus of your bike
  6. Milktank How about necklaces -evil grin-
  7. Ursaring Then Slade and Flare's BBQ is going to rock everyone's socks off! (Hopefully)
  8. Forretress I'm glad someone noticed what i did there :3
  9. Wobbuffet Sure wynaut, I don't see the harm in a little profit.
  10. Slowking Well, Slade is from Celadon city. Literally the city of flowers and perfumes. Just putting that out there
  11. Quagsire -sigh- time to re-read that Edit: Oh, you mean like a booth? I was thinking maybe Slade could have like barbecue booth and have Flare cook the meat or something...
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