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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Aurorix

  1. "Now that I've got everyone's attention, who wants to help us look for the second group?" "Wait, the second group..." Slade mumbled to himself, "Wasn't Danielle in group 2, and they haven't returned yet." Then suddenly he began to worry. 'What happened out there?' he thought to himself, 'Is she ok? I guess the only way to find out is by going with them.' Slade thought while unknowing nodding. He then turned towards the Professors and Raiza, "May I volunteer for a search group? There's someone in group two who I'm worried about and I want to give those Team Rocket members a piece of my mind." Slade said with a fire in his eye. Sasuke was laying in a tree branch close to where Slade was and began humming a strange toon. Though it was too soft for anyone to hear unless they were right under him.
  2. Do I look like an Elf to you? Obliviously I have wings that makes me an angel, JEEZE! >:T Can you believe Jerry?
  3. Omastar You can never have enough fun!
  4. Porygon Awwww... Ruin my fun why dontcha?
  5. Get it, that's all I have to say (oops worng person to quote oh well)
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