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Everything posted by Aurorix

  1. "Xemnas, it's not nice harm people." Slade said to the Gible who was laughing but stopping seeing as his joke wasn't met well. If you didn't know pokemon with rough skin can control whether or not it's rough at will. Xemnas was probably playing a joke on you." Xemnas looked guilty, He felt bad about harming her so he went by her and let a sad "Gible..." to say he's sorry. "Xemnas it's ok, you didn't know you do and I'm sure Danielle agrees." Slade said giving a smile to Xemnas then turned his focus towards Danielle, "Are you ok. does it hurt?" (Check the in the anime section in this page for proof if you need any http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Rough_Skin)
  2. 505 Forever.... O>O (or until we reach 1,000 x3)
  3. "Oh yea, I almost forgot." Slade remembering he forgot someone. "Be right back!" he said as he rushed towards the pokefood section and got another bowl of food. He came back and set the food down by the already eating Flare and grabbed a pokeball from his belt. "OK Xemnas, time to eat!" he said as the ball opened in his hand and out came the pokemon who said, "Gible." as he got out of the ball. "I don't think you two have been introduced," He said looking at Danielle, "This here is Xemnas, an unexpected party member, not that that's bad or anything." Xemnas then let out a friendly, "Gible!" and waved to Danielle and her group.
  5. "Why not? I need a break after this long day. We could talk about what we have been through over pasta." "Welp, I'ma hungry for'a pasta right now'a," Slade said now sporting an Italian voice, "Hurry up'a Jacob or there won'ta be any pasta left'a for you." Flare then followed Slade as he went right besides Danielle with a big grin on his face. He went over and filled his plate with tons of pasta and grabbed a bowl of pokefood for Flare, but he hid an oran berry on the bottom of the bowl for Flare. He found an unoccupied table and reserved it by sitting there, then waited for his friends to drop by.
  6. Oi, I got one Persona 4: I'll Face myself Epic Boss Battle Sad, Tear Jerker Sader, Tear Jerker With Lyrics
  7. "Wait, you're saying she likes me?" Slade said with surprise "I thought she had a thing with Jacob." Slade now felling more confident got up from his bed. "I'm going to see for myself and if she is. And if she is oh well, but if she isn't then I'll ask!" Flare stood there in awe, the once gloomy Slade was back to his normal self and better than ever. It seems Mareek's words spoke through to him and he was happy his partner was so happy. He couldn't help but yip over and over until Slade left. "Thanks Mareek, I really needed that that. Now I'm off." He said as he fixed his hat and headed out the building. Once he got outside the aroma of spaghetti filled the air and he looked for Danielle. But he found her talking to Jacob, that put a slight damper on his enthusiasm. He approached the group with Flare by his side, "Hey guys how are you doing, oh Jacob how nice of you to join us. So you guys wanna talk over food? I smell pasta and me likey pasta" He asked the group, seems it was harder than expected to ask Danielle to speak alone.
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