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Reborn Development Blog

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Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Aurorix

  1. My favorite Gen would have to be 3rd because I enjoyed the under water portions and how its half Land and Water. It also has all my favorite pokemon in it. If anyone on reborn could be your archenemy who would it be?
  2. Water/Rock type = Fire 0.25%
  3. Easy A Fool or Clown Ice Cream or Frozen Yogurt? Which one is better?
  4. Music, it helps drown out the pain. -_-' If you could be in any video game, which one would it be?
  5. Xatu Not as bad as 70 Btw 70 is worse than 177 because 177 is not exactly 70 and you don't know the meaning of 70
  6. After hearing Devin's announcement he looked down at the two Axew, "Looks like we're going soon," He paused for a moment and rubbed both of them on the head "I had fun today and hopefully we'll meet again in the future." Flare yipped as to say that he had a fun time as well. Slade gave both of the Axews a Oran Berry and tipped his hat off to them. He then walked towards to group ready to move onto the next place or head back to the cabin and Flare followed soon behind.
  7. "Wait, what hates going after groups?" Zolivar said as he rushed towards the fire faster then before. Though this is the fastest he's ever ran before, maybe he was scared of what was coming, he could really want to get out of the cold, or it might be that his armor was broken and not equipped. Yea probably the armor. Needless to say he zoomed towards the camp fire not wanting to know what he got himself into. Seeing as he has no armor on that would be the wisest decision.
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