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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Aurorix

  1. Where we're going is probably going to be dangerous and we need to defend our selfs... SO I BROUGHT A GOLF CLUB! :D

  2. Word of warning, I used Science/Math before... Needless to say, it bit me in the arse.
  3. A chill went down Zolivar's spine as the blistering cold wind rushed through the portal that the spider created. "Why, why does it have to be cold out right now." He muttered to himself. He hesitantly went into the portal after Darius and suddenly felt the freezing wind of the desert throughout his body. "What we're looking for right now is the light of a campfire... That's where we'll find one young Lord Arthur... and maybe even another one like you all." "Did someone say fire?!" He said in excitement, not being able to bare a couple moments in the chilling desert and it didn't help his armor was broken leaving him with only his light clothes from under his once majestic armor. He notice the light that seemed to be a fire and without thinking he rushed towards the fire without hesitation.
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