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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Aurorix

  1. "This is sad to watch, honestly." The butler had at least some faith that Justine was only playing tricks on them. Honestly, this entire show was both disgusting an immensely disappointing. For both sides really. "Just leave the man alone. It's not even the actual day we're heading to the beach and you've nearly stopped his blood circulation."
  2. "Well, if that is what you wish then I'll leave it be. Don't worry about the others, I'm sure no one will be bothered by it either." The butler says with a nod followed by a gentle smile. That is before he turned back to Arthur to see how he was doing and his disappointed glare returned.
  3. Getting a face full of trunks, Baldur tore them off his head to reveal his absolutely livid expression. "I swear Mim, you are treading on very thin ice right now...!" His attention then turned to Lucy, not even noticing the new bangles Mim had put on nor Athur's embarrassing reaction. He could tell she wasn't enjoying having her scars visible. "If I could make a suggestion Lucy, maybe you could tie a small blue cloth or bandanna around your right shoulder? If it is at all bothering you to have it showing that it."
  4. "Oh yea, we were thinking of breaking that thing weren't we. I'm all for testing my strength so I didn't really bother considering why. Though I am curious Mercia, what made you first think to break that thing?" Argos spoke tilting his head a bit. The Bull lets out a disappointed snort, "I see you're just as thick-skulled as always boy. Me and your father keep telling you to at least think before taking action. You're going to have to take his place one day and I shutter to think what the underworld would be like under your rule as you currently are." Argos looks less than thrilled at the mention of him taking over the underworld. "This huge gem is quite unstable when interacted with in a certain way with certain intent. Had I known you were all explosion happy I'd have sealed this entrance off completely. The resulting blast would definitely destroy this entire room and most likely cave in a lot of rooms nearby. Though, what I'm more surprised about is why no mages at all were here monitoring it, nor why Thanatos had you come through here..."
  5. Baldur rolls his eyes at the last line, "Yea sure. Just make sure not to take so long next tiiiiiiimmmm-" His voice trailed off as Lucy made her entrance. He certainly wasn't expecting such a massive upgrade in her chest, which caught him more than a bit off guard. Clearing his throat trying to brush that off he continued, "Well, yes... She does indeed... look elegant and graceful as royalty should be. Maybe a certain someone should learn from her example hmmmmm?" He said that last part turning his eye right towards Crimson, glaring daggers.
  6. "Lets just get this over with..." He groaned, "Maybe I could teach you how to keep a level head while we wait Arthur. It seems like you certainly need it." It wouldn't take the butler too long to find a set of clothes that he would deem reasonable enough to use in the heat. His shirt was a plain black button-up contrasted by the bright white buttons and the white checkered cuffs which he rolled up. Following the cuffs were a matching pair of gold amethyst-encrusted bangles on each hand with a suiting necklace with a long light purple gem dangling from it. White slacks contrasted the shirt with black loafers finishing the set. Standing with his arms crossed, right foot tapping impatiently he waited for the girls to finally pick out what they're wearing, "Whats taking them so long? I don't exactly want to stay here all day, right Arthur?"
  7. Baldur was about to instinctively say "Yes, I do mind" to Liza. Thankfully he was able to catch himself before those words escaped his lips. However, hearing Shin even consider wearing his old rags again urked Baldur to his very core. "Shin, I will buy you your own set of new clothes. Just please wear something else that isn't your putrid rags."
  8. "Ugggghhh...." The butler groaned pinching the bridge of his nose. It seems this one really is dead set on dragging him along. God knows why she wants him of all people to come. "Fine, you win. I'll come along. But don't come crying to me if you regret it. Lets just make this shopping trip quick."
  9. Baldur rolled his eyes at Justine's comment, "Oh? So then, does that mean you won't completely write off what I have to say from now on?" Sarcasm oozed from his voice since he probably already knew the answer. "Actually you going along would be perfect. With you and Mim then I'm sure I won't be needed to come along. See Mim, it all works out for the better."
  10. Great more fighting, literally the one things she didn't want! Wasting no time she went over to her brother and began shoving him forward and pounding on his back (Which really only felt like small taps). "Go on you block head! Protect me-eeeer everyone and get the enemies attention! Stop dilly dallying!" Stardust moves to C-9 and activates Charisma+
  11. "Alright calm down there Mim. Just because a culture has different values than yours doesn’t mean they’re wrong. What they do about enforcing it maybe wrong though." Baldur shakes his head before turning to Lucy, "Just do what you’re most comfortable with. If that means not showing much or showing a lot that is your choice. I only ask that you don’t go overboard with it."
  12. This woman is a snake. He thought Arthur was just easy pickings but it’s obvious she’s more skilled than what he first thought. He let out a sigh. "Swimming is nothing like bathing first of all. Second, swimming is akin to kicking a ball with a friend only you’re in the water with the ball. Third, yes like any article of clothing some swimsuits make people look more attractive than others. And fourth, if you’re worried about people starring just don’t get a swim suit that’s too revealing."
  13. Baldur instinctively began tapping his finger on his crossed arms along with tapping his right foot. "That was not permission for you to ask her either! Gods... Besides, I can lay out in the sun in the backyard just fine with a cup of tea. It’s not like I need to go to the beach in order to relax.” He chose to ignore answering certain statements the little lady spoke.
  14. "When I said I’d help make her feel more comfortable I didn’t mean becoming her chaperon. Besides, wouldn’t having guys around only more things more uncomfortable for her? Even still, speak for yourself. Unless she outright says it, I doubt she’d really want me to come along."
  15. "J-just what are you trying to insinuate with that!?" Obviously surprised and flustered by Mim’s last comment. Enough to even ignore Arthur being a mess right now, "If Lucy wants to go have fun at the beach, I don’t care. If she wants to go with you to go get swimsuits, more power to her. I fail to see how me not going would interfere with that!”
  16. His shoulders seemed to loosen upon hearing his first words. He was afraid that Simeon would hold it against him. "Sid? Is he already good enough to work with metal? If so I'd be impressed. I should make him something for his good work..." He trails off before he notices an unfamiliar name, "Jules? Can't say I've heard you mention him before. Is he a friend of yours?" ~~~~~~~~~~ Baldur places a hand to his forehead, arms still crossed, "Look at yourself Arthur, can't you see the finger she has you wrapped in... And that was not permission to drag me on a shopping trip!"
  17. "Well it maybe much and I wasn't exactly the nicest when we last spoke so I won't hold it against you if you decline but..." The boy is hesitant to speak, "I would like you to look into making a set of light magic imbued knifes, something that'd be really effective at taking down dark mages. I don't really know what goes into smithing or enchanting weapons. I don't even expect it to be done any time soon either. I'd actually prefer if you'd took the time to made it as strong as possible..." He stops himself, wrapping an arm around his chest to grab the other and looking down at the ground away from the man,, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be asking this. You've been nothing but nice to me and last time I..." He clams up again finding the words hard to form let alone get out. ~~~~~~~~~~ Crossing his arms unamused, "This has nothing to do with 'how cute you look', and I'm not going to the beach. Nothing about going interests me, if anything I'd be more peeved by everyone's attire then actually having fun. Not like I'll be going out of my way to stop others from enjoying whatever it is they'd get out of it though, I just want no part of it. Besides, I don't even have any swimwear and going in a suit is just begging for a heat stroke."
  18. Back before the two week time skip Baldur slams open the door, looking more than a bit peeved. He made his way towards Simeon before speaking directly towards him, however, he tone is calm almost somber/sad in contrast with his entrance, "Simeon... I... I have a request if you'd hear me out. I don't care how long it takes or how much it'll cost, I just... I need to be completely prepared for whatever happens in the future." ~~~~~~~~~~ Baldur wanted nothing to do with the beach. So he had no intention of preparing for it. Then when Mim bursted onto the scene Baldur instinctively averted his eyes, "Ugh, could you please save the antics for when you're at the beach? Also put some more clothes on. You're no where near close to the water yet." "I'm not going to the beach. It sounds boring and a waste of time."
  19. Baldur was about to respond before being cut off by Lenore followed up by Kane. He grumbled. As much as he would love to retort, doing it now would only stir the fire. Rather he just straightens himself, "I understand Phoenix but there are somethings that I can’t guarantee. One of those things is now not smashing Herman’s face into the dirt when I next him. I’m heading back to base. He starts walking away without saying anything else. He doesn’t know how long he’ll be able to contain the whirl of the emotions inside him. The last thing he wants is to lash out at someone.
  20. "If I annihilate all of the enemies they can't even think about hurting my teammates!" Increase the Knife Subcategory to C
  21. Baldur stomped his foot into the ground after Herman presumably run away for the last time. Dammit! He was so close with that first strike! However, after Lysander had just poked the hornet's nest at probably the worst time the boy turned around and even with his mask on his body language did not hide his immense rage and frustration. "Oh? I need to coordinate now huh? That's very funny Mr. Herman Daxter. It was just as reckless to impersonate the man and if that guard was just a bit competent the entire operation would've been over right then. So what? Is only your recklessness okay? I suppose you were also going to toss all that money you don't have on you to pay for all his goods. So go on, what exactly was your coordinated plan with Mink at that point?" Then it was after Lysander's last statement towards Kane that Baldur seemed to almost lose vigor in the way he was standing, "FINALLY SOMEONE SAYS IT! You don't want me here and you don't trust me. Not that I mind the last part since I've told you not to rely on me before. I'm just glad someone came out and said it. Not like I had a feeling about that for the longest time. So anyone else have their peace to say? Please, I'm all ears." He raised his hands up, stepping in and leaning in towards everyone, challenging them to just go ahead and say whats on their minds.
  22. Mercia flies in and knocks an arrow into her bow and launches it right into the Bull's chest which, along with all the damage he had taken previously, caused him to let out a grunt before loosing his footing and taking a step back. "ENOUGH!!!" The Bull echoed throughout the chamber before slamming his axe into the ground turning all remaining revenants sunk into nothing but mush and mud. "Very well, I am a warrior of my word. You all have proven yourselves adept enough in combat. Go! I grant you passage to whatever it is you have planned and take this." He tosses the axe he used and into the arms of the young lord. "Use this to help defend yourselves on your journey out." Axe of Asterios (17/20) Obtained and sent into the convoy! "W-we did it..? We did it! ALRIIIIGHT GUYS!!!" The boy jumped into the air raising both of his fists in victory. "Can you keep it down? Honestly, was all this really necessary? Damn near got some of us killed and sent back to the Lord..." Alunda spoke who had already patched up all of Korinna's wounds and was in the midst of finishing Aristotle's MAP CLEAR! Final Results: EXP: 151/100 LEVEL UP! Cheat Sheet:
  23. Baldur growls even louder through his mask, "SHUT UP! You don't even know the hell you put her through and ramifications it had!" Turning right back at Herman he charged towards him once more like a bull, weapon still ready to strike. "I swear I will hunt you down until justice is served!"
  24. Automated Movement: Aya K2 and perform Mercia EXP: 121/100 LEVEL UP! Cheat Sheet:
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