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Everything posted by Aurorix

  1. New Profile Pic! :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DarkLight


      We have the ability to change others' pics and titles once with a purchase in the Site Shop. Derek doesn't have enough rupees to afford it, so that's why he said that.

    3. DarkLight


      You will see what I mean when you look there (Mess with others section of the shop)

    4. Aurorix


      Who would do that and who's idea was it to make it, that's just mean. ;~;

  2. Eventually before the will have to meet right? Then the tensions will rise extremely due to Slade's reaction to her attitude.
  3. I mean pokemon battle her instead of Evan and who wouldn't want ginger vs ginger battle?
  4. May I request to fight Kirsten instead of Evan in my battle at the end of the trip?
  5. Quick question on spells, are there set spells we can learn or can we create our own spells? Edit: nvm found my awnser in Chapter 2
  6. Toasted, cuz melted pepper jack is great. How do you like your steak?
  7. So I can't hear your yelling
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