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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Aurorix

  1. Been searching for hours butt cant find the Yureyu Key. Can someone please say where in the cave it's located at? PLEASE I'M BEGGING.
  2. I just wanna be me kuz I like useing cliches.
  3. how do you get in the locked room at the Abandoned Powerplant?
  4. Hi and welcome...................thats it...................stop reading...................i have nothing more to say go.....................STOP..........................if you're just gonna read this kuz yo have no life go on its a waste of your time..........................will you just stop reading.................................kill me now................................. *shoots self in the head* X_X.................................I'm dead......................................you're reading a dead persons thoughs you stalker...................................if you keep doing this you're gonna destroy the world............................... *world explodes* great job............................theres nothing left for humanity or pokemon.........................................THERES NOTHING LEFT...............................I'll give you a cookie if you stop.................................fine no cookie for you...................................I'm just gonna stop typing.
  5. Personally I prefer to have a baby alien then a pink puff-ball.
  6. I joined Reborn in mid Feb. but never realized this existed to introduce yourself. But better late (3 months) than never. *Insert Funny Line Here* Right now in-game i'm at gym leader shade and cant beat him >_< argh! Anyways I may get crazy sometimes but hopefully you can forgive me, right? Please. Anyways lets have many fun times kuz there's many to come. :3
  7. Just a recap you left off fighting/ trying to scare a deino family?
  8. Pokemon: 1. Frogadier Level: 32 Protean (Was a wild Froakie until he was captured and became Zaka's starter) 2. Eevee Level: 29 Anticipation (Eevee hasn't decided what to evolve into and wont until it decides) 3. Gengar Level: 62 Levitate (Mother's Gengar, Parent figure in his life.) ~Shiny~ 4. Egg (Bagon) This and the Gengar were the only things recovered from his parents. 5. Empty 6. Empty Since he was an orphan he was sent to the orphanage in Reborn, on his way there thats when he was aged so no one recognized him and was saved from the orphanage To clear up some loose ends in Zaka's Character, if you have any more Q's don't hesitate to ask.
  9. Name: Zaka Trainer Age: 16 Appearance: Personality: Smug, Casual, Crazy, and Sly Back Story: Before the Spear Pillar incident Zaka was 11 year old delinquent, but a stray shot from Dialga made him age 5 years. He went from like a nerd to that one guy everyone wants to be. He uses this too his advantage and butters up girls to do what he wants. Though his pokemon weren't affected by Dialga they haven't gotten used to the new Zaka. Zaka is all-around immature and doesn't work well with people, He's easily convinced and is an orphan because his parents died while heading the Heart Home city, they just happened to be right there when the whole problem stared. If he is acceptable please tell me. Happy RPing
  10. I've had this growlithe and Haunter forever and looked for those stones and its driven me crazy if you know the location please tell me or I'm goona jump off the bridge like the poison gym leader. >_<
  11. Aurorix

    Litwick Search

    Does anyone know where i can find/get a litwick? Thank you for you for your time.
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