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Everything posted by Aurorix

  1. Jade O'Duffle (33/33HP) (Healthy) (5/6 Cryo-Rounds) Jade got a bit annoyed that his last shot seemingly did nothing at all to the creation of the heartless. "Damn, I guess if shooting the creations does nothing. How about I aim for the robotic arms making them!" With his plan B now thought up, Jade takes aim the the Right Robotic Arm with a cryo-round. Hopefully this time it amounts to something. Aim to Kill on the Right Robotic Arm (1d6 + Dex + (-1 initiation))
  2. All these people posting Cacti, but I bet not even a 1/4 of them have been to a desert. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BIGJRA


      we drive to laughlin NV every year so all i can say to you presumptious friend is  🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵 🌵

    3. DemICE


      i have many @ my balcony if that counts

    4. Maelstrom


      “Ah you think cactus is your ally? You merely adopted the desert. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the rain until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me!”

  3. Added to Bucket List: Create a sassy Sylveon who also has a psychopathic lust for killing dragon-types

  4. Jade O'Duffle (33/33HP) (Healthy) (6/6 Cryo-Rounds) Keeping mostly quite Jade focuses on completing the mission. It's just like completing a bounty. Now faced up against the origin of the heartless and their mission objective they must complete it as soon as possible. His quick reflexes lets him get the first strike on their foes. Seeing as the machine is currently the cause of all the heartless, slowing down it's production would be quite beneficial. Taking that into account he fires a Cryo round into the heartless being made in hopes it'll slow down it's production even if it maybe for just a few seconds. Aim to Kill on the Heartless being produced by the Machine. (1d6 + Dex + (-1 initiation))
  5. Merry Christmas Reborn~ 

    May this day bring joy to everyone!

    1. pbood2


      You too Exlink! :)

  6. Seeing as most of the remaining bandits were out of the range of his allies, maybe he could bait them in a bit. He should be able dodge at least a couple of their attacks. Though him being the bait for others? Talk about a coincidence. He went into a relatively open space and yelled to get the enemy's attention.\ "Hey, you bandits couldn't hit a target five feet in front of you and I've seen children more threatening then the whole lot of you!" Move to E12
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