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Everything posted by Aurorix

  1. Artist Block is the worst!

  2. I'm mainly focused on PORTABLE SKYRIM! Also there were rumors about a counsel pokemon game and seeing how this is also portable I could seen gen 8 on the switch or a Gen 4 remake to test the waters.
  3. Is the Luck stat in FE worth investing in? I know it effects hit/avoid and crit hit/avoid but it's only 1% or 0.5% (Depending on the game) per point you have over the opponent.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Eternal Edge
    3. Chevaleresse


      there's a skill in fates that gives a free +15 luck to adjacent allies. it's worthless.

    4. AuthorReborn


      luck is only relevant when you don't have it (see Fates Arthur). no need to invest in it since it's just kinda eh. If you're going to invest and want to change crit rates, do skill. if you want to change dodging and the like, speed. Luck is the stat you get when you combine both Skill and Speed and don't care about actually doing what either stat accomplishes.

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