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Everything posted by Aurorix

  1. resuming FE 7 Livestream after dinner break: https://www.twitch.tv/exlink32

  2. I'm in the mood to stream some Fire Emblem but I don't know which one to play.... http://www.strawpoll.me/11140964

    1. Commander


      The Last Promise

    2. Aurorix


      Is that a fan game?

    3. Commander


      It's a hack of FE7 iirc and it's an experience.

  3. 5 Actually only admins can reset whenever and any type of mod can reset on 7 (though I voted for both mods and admins can reset whenever but no one wanted that )
  4. Danganronpa 2 has a sweet opening, though I prefer this version myself
  5. Took 4-6 hrs to make this, fingers in pain... >_< http://i.imgur.com/SyhDDNA.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AeroWraith


      noice m8. that reminds me, I should really get back to drawing more again.

    3. doombotmecha
  6. This song/10 gr8 m8
    1. doombotmecha


      sb has a gr8 soundtrack in general fave track (name @ least) is "I was the sun (before it was cool)" it's the novakid theme and it's got a sweet wild-west feel

    2. AeroWraith


      novakid 4 lyfe

  7. I was debating whether or not to go with Skill or Attack as my boon. But Samurais already get a good ammount of skill so I went for attack.
  8. Name: EXLink Boon/Bane: +Str -Mag Unique Class: Samurai Castle Address: 03983-70211-01603-10470 Lv: 10 Str: 17 Mag: 4 Skill: 15 Spd: 14 Luk: 16 Def: 11 Res: 7 ​Literally got every kill I could with only Corrin xD
  9. 12 We'll see about your determination, mortal. My Four Dark Devas of Destruction consume vast amounts of your "determination" as a mere snack!
  10. 3 Now do yo see how futile it is to defy Gundam Tanaka!? You mere humans stand no chance against my dark arts!
  11. 15 Hmph, fine. We'll see see soon enough anyways.
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