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Everything posted by Aurorix

  1. Genis, Folie, Beach to "The House of Genis" "Alrighty then! You guys have the honor of being my first visitors!" The enthusiasm coming from Genis could fill a bath tub. Not only did he find the last thing he needed to complete his house to day but he's also going to have guests over. Maybe happy days are still possible for people. He quickly turned around with the end of his checkered scarf following close behind almost wrapping around to the front of his body. He pointed in front of him,"This way everyone!" With that he marched forward believe they're following close behind. Once they arrived at the "architectural master piece" that was his house, Genis felt a rush of embarrassment. "Oh my Arceus, I'm so sorry for the mess! Let me tidy up real quick." If the looked at the front entrance to his scarp metal tent they would notice some of the leafs had inched their way out and weren't all underneath the protection of the "advanced roofing" that was his house. He pushed the leafs back under and plopped himself inside. "Come on inside, though I don't know if your friends can come in as well mister."
  2. 7 Now is not your time vile reseters! Let their progress grow so their fall can be all the sweeter!
  3. Off subject a bit, but I recently made an art project for school and it's of Genis. I thought I might as well post it here for everyone.
  4. 2 AH HA HA HA! This was long fore told by my evil eye earring! Witness my true dark destructive power, humans!
  5. TFW you've spent hours trying to come up with an idea for an OC but end up not going anywhere... Q~Q

  6. Hardest choice in my life right now, Pit or Dark Pit Q~Q

    1. krim


      Pit has curved Arrows but Dark Pit is heavier and can kill with Side-B a lot earlier. Personally prefer Dark Pit tbh.

    2. Aurorix


      Prefer Dark Pit over Pit with personality, appearence, and side-b but I love pit's arrow >_<

  7. My first drawing tablet came in the mail today just set it up and looking forward to using it tomorrow! :D

    1. Hexagoen


      Remember to set up your drivers good!

      Also dont trust freeware. Freeware sucks ass.

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