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  1. Yes, I'm back.... Hello again Reborn. I'm back again to give my thoughts of my "ideal Mystery Dungeon" fan game. I would make it myself but there are three problems that are too big of obstacles. 1. I am not a programmer! I can't even code, which is why I'm so hesitant on working on my own projects anymore, and with a HUGE lack of community tutorials there's no way I can find stuff out on my own. 2. Lack of resources! I prefer the 2d style of Mystery dungeon, and since a 3d style isn't even possible id have to stick to the former any way. Not to mention sprites only exist for gens 1-4 to my knowledge, not exactly great if one wants to keep relevant. In addition I can't seem to find any proper tools for a mystery dungeon game. And The ones I DO find don't have download links, so you can imagine the frustration one feels. 3. I am not a spite artist/editor I suck at art, I REALLY suck at art. I could practice for 1000 years, and still make crap art. With a lack of proper resources I'd have to make my own stuff. Resources alone are hard to come by as it is, but to add custom made stuff be it borrowed or made my self? That's just a mess waiting to happen. Soooooo. I'm leaving this message here for anyone ambitious enough to try and take some of these ideas and make them their own... not like I can do anything with them. That said, Here's my cluster mob of ideas.... The Story Like every other PMD game, the player is a human who was turned into a pokemon and lost their memories, only remembering that they were once human and their name. They were brought to the pokemon world to restore balance to nature.... you get the gist. I know it's the typical start and I have not really deviated much. This is where I start to do so, and it's nothing but originality from here on out. The player was brought to this world by Mewtwo, who had a vision of a horrible apocalyptic event that will destroy the pokemon world. This would be done by the hand Giratina the ruler of the Under Realm, a hellish world enveloped in darkness and despair. Giratina seeks to expand his domain, and to do so he must merge the Under Realm with the Over Realm (where the story mostly takes place). In Mewtwo's vision, he saw that Giratina can be defeated, but only by a human. So, he used his psychic powers to take a human from their world, transformed them into a pokemon, and them to the pokemon world, for a bit of added protection he also erased their most memory. and that's the back ground of where the player came from. When the player awakens, they will find themselves in the wilderness as usual, where they will meet their partner. The meet them as they were on their way to town to sign up to be an officer of the World Law Enforcement Guild (That's right, the theme for the team of this game is pokemon police officers), and protect the innocent from bad pokemon and keep the peace of the world. Buuuuuut, before the player and their partner character can head to town, They come across a pokemon who is on the run from another pokemon from which they stole from. It is up to the player and their partner to go after the thief by chancing him to the end of a dungeon, where they will fight the theif and take back the stolen property. When the Thief is defeated some members of the Law Enforcement guild arrive to see what transpired, impressed by the player and their partner. This leads to the officers offering them both jobs at the guilds, and they start their new lives working in law enforcement. And the adventure plays on from there until the end, with many events happening in between. Some arcs that I hand in mind were ties to Giratina preparing to make his move to launch an invasion on the Over World. With The Player thwarting the plans as they go. Such as Ghost and Dark pokemon crimes rising exponentially, or the disappearance of a number of psychic and dragon type pokemon. Both of which the player and their partner are tasked to investigate with some help of the other guild members. Though I cannot say what as I have not put enough thought into them to really make them note worthy (besides this is a concept, it's not like this is ever going to be made anyway). All that is needed to be known is that some of the more of them leak a bit of hints about what the sinister legendary pokemon is up to, which arouses suspicion to the guild (Some of which suspect the player and their partner are in on it). Haven't planned much beyond that. And that's my idea. Do what you will with it because I cant do jack.
  2. The year is 2190, Science vessel FMM UV has found a new planet with a suitable climate to support mankind. The young planet was code named FMM UV-32, and an exploration team has begun their mission... To see if the planet is suitable for colonization. However their efforts so far have proven that such a thing is not possible. FMM UV-32 currently seems to be inhospitable to sustain a colony because of its unstable terrain and dangerous wildlife. To their surprise, the animals of the planet have an uncanny resemblance to the extinct dinosaurs on earth. When news of the "Dinosaur Planet" made its way to earth a company by the name of "DinoHunt Corp." bought the planet and turned it into a game reserve for seasoned hunters around the world to test their metal in the first opportunity in 50 million years. However, much is still unknown about the planet and DinoHunt Corp. is looking for able bodied volunteers to set off on an adventure along with the first batch of hunters and a handful of their agents to explore and document the planet even further, and that is where our story begins! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you can't already tell, This RP is based off the old Carnivores games from 1998, with a bit of Cityscape thrown in. This franchise hold a strong, special, (and terrifying) place in my heart and with the game surprisingly still going strong with the help of mods that I'd finally make a carnivores RP where players RP has hunters, Scientists, and Agents hired/enlisted by DinoHunt Corp. to explore the planet as well as "Test out" the new hunting grounds as well as document the life forms on FMM UV-32, The Story takes place before the first game... BUT not only will all the life forms from the franchise be in the game but also some NEW dinosaurs and monsters that were not in any of the games. I mean an RP based on a great hunting game? What could go wrong? To tell me if you are interested because I REALLY would like to see this one be a thing
  3. I have already made a thread for this in the past. but since then it has gotten buried (or probably even archived) and would like to see about getting back to work on this fan game of mine. Now I have already gotten a bit of a start on it (Thanks Wrath of Lamb for keeping What you have worked on in a download file) But I still am in need of help. So if you think you have what it takes then launch me a PM and I'll see about making a conversation for all of us involved. Now where is the story. The Game takes place in a universe where none of the events from the movies, show, or mainstream games are canon. The player is an employee of a company known as PokeTech, a laboratory that focuses on pokemon research, and they and their colleagues have just created the pokemon "Mewtwo". Now this mewtwo dislikes pretty much all humans, except for the player whom it respects and even likes. One day a crime organization known as "Syndicate" breaks in to try and steal Mewtwo, but the player takes it before they do and escapes the lab. The player then goes undercover as a pokemon trainer to investigate what syndicate's ultimate goal is, while also building up a team of pokemon. Now for what I am looking for... Sptiter- I plan to use generations 1-6 in this game, but in order to do that I need shiny sprites for generations 5 and 6. Right now I am using the sptrites form Reborn as a place holder, but I don't want to do this for long. I am also going to need a TON of sprites for the player and NPCs, once again I'm using what I have as a place holder but that's not going to be enough. So if you fancy your self a spriter then please lend a hand. Remeber I'm using RPG XP just like everyone else so you got to make them just like you were going to import them there. Scripter- Well, when I say Scripter, I mean some one who can point me in the direction of where I can find particular settings and adding editing the small stuff, writting the more complicated stuff and letting me copy and paste it. The Script is already hard to navigate through (for me at least) as it is so some help in that department would be nice. Eventing- I am okay with eventing, but sometimes what I want to happen just doesn't happen when it should, and MUCH of the more complicated events I plan to have down the road that I have not quite gotten to yet I don't even know how to do (yet), so some help in this field would be much appreciated. I don't really need that much help with everything else. I'm a pretty good mapper, I HAVE a story planed, all I really need help with is the more complicated stuff or the tings I have little to no skill in. so again if you would like to help just send a PM and we can talk there. Thank you for showing your interest by coming to this thread. -TyranntX EDIT: I just noticed that I posted this in the wrong section, if a mod could move this over to "Fan-game Expos'e" that would be great thank you.
  4. animals CAN be smart but not sentient, just look at Dolphins, and Elephants, and wolves, and foxes, and macaws, and primates, and yes even Dinosaurs. And the reason why they don't respond they way youth ink to the natives hunting dinosaurs is because, I'll say it again, THEY DONT ACTIVLY DO IT, natives hunt dinousaurs for SURVIVAL reasons, not sport like what humans do, with animals of today. Because if the natives DIDN'T hunt for food they'd starve and die out, which ruins the "Balance of nature" feel. So they DO care if dinosaurs die by the hands of humans, it's just when Vast quantities die off (I.E genocide) do they start to consider to take action. Think, the U.S Military doesn't bomb a country just because a singe Citizen from their country is killed out side their boarders.You make it sound as if dinosaurs are supposed to be big, dumb, slow, and cold-Blooded. All of which are not true. First of all dinosaurs KILL other dinosaurs, making your argument about the hobo and the police rather invalid. If that was the case then the humans would have been wiped out a LONG time ago. Secomd, you seem to forget that the Natives are NOT the only humans around. The Colonials are also here and are the ones responsible for causing the dinosaurs to,lose their home. The Natives are just caught in the crossfire on the accident that they are human too. Third, I stated that even though the T-Rex is TECHNICALLY King that not all dinosaurs follow him or even listen. He's more of a guideline to them than an overlord. Not to be rude, by you don't seem to know that much about dinosaurs... Or animals on general. Maybe you should do a bit of research just to get caught up with some of the more recent discoveries.
  5. Never said the Dinosaurs were Sentient, but they are rather smart. And whenI say that natives hunt dinosaurs, I mean the smaller ones like Dryosaurus and Protoceratops. And they don't do it actively meaning they will only hunt them in times of famine. Heck I didn't even say they were afraid of them either. I did say that some dinosaurs DO hate humans ant attack them on sight despite the fact their King said not too. Why? Because he knows that the natives are just trying to survive like they are. Yeah the native DO have a form of magic, but nothing like fire balls and thunderbolts. Like I said before it's more spiritual. I.E they use It to "Speak to Nature" for lack of a better way to put it, or to heal wounds that would normally be fatal. The Soilders don't care about nature and dinosaurs because, well they have Dinosaurs of their own where they come from, to the people of this world they will look at a Stegosaurus the same way we would look at a Horse. They just aren't as fascinated as we would be. Really think about that, would you have your mind blown if Dinosaurs never went extinct in our world and some one had a raptor as a pet? Probably not. The soldiers are really just to represent one extreme while the natives represent the other. One has this idea that nature is sacred and that disrupting the balance would cause Mass chaos, and the other thinks that nothing would happen at all. If you are not interested that's fine, just know that you need to put a lot of thought of how an RP CAN work, and not how it can't. And to be fair, this is the Intrest Check, what you see here is just to get people Intrested. More will be explained whe I post the Sign up page.
  6. So you want to be the Tylosaurus then? Great! But that still leaves us with a lot of room for openings. So sit tight.
  7. Whats this? An RP About Dinosaurs? Here on the Reborn forums? Well isn't that something grand. Let me give you the gist of this RP. It takes place in a dimension where Dinosaurs, you guessed it, never went extinct. Along side them live Natives, Colonial Soldiers, and People from our world who some how crossed over to this dimension. All these are playable but each of them have their own story to them. The Natives are trying to fight off the Colinials to protect their land and prevent Nature to be come upset and out of balance... According to their Religion. Although they do sometimes hunt dinosaurs they don't actively do it, for they believe it would upset the Balance of nature and thus their Protectors of their religion (a T-Rex [played by me], A Tylosaurus, and a Quetzalcoatlus) would exact their revenge on them. They DO have some magical power, but it's al spiritual magic and is not fatal to any one or thing. Also they call the Dinosaurs "Dragons". The Colonials want to destroy the Natives for they believe that they will get in the way of their conquest to expand their empire for their King. They have little to no respect for any religion out side of their own (which is not that different from religion from our world) and even less for Nature it's self. Unlike the Natives, the Colonials are not afraid to thin out the horde of any species of Dinosaur should they ever get in their way or cause them grief. Their weapons are strong, but they are not enough to stop or even harm the larger dinosaurs. They Refer to the Dinosaurs by Species. The Dinosaurs are merely trying to survive in this world at war. Their Emperor (A T-Rex, again played by me) is seen as the Natives Protector and Vanquisher and only will fight Humans should they cause Trouble on the continent. The Dinosaur Faction is needless to say the largest in size spending all over the world. Although technically under the command of the Emperor, Some Dinosaurs tack action against any human they cross even though they are ordered not to by the Emperor. The Dimension Travelers are Humans who came to this world by Freak accident and are trying to find a way home. There is only a few of them in this game (First come First Serve for this Character set when I make the CS page). There actually isn't that much to dimension travelers other than the fact that they come from our world. And that's the gist of things, I'll post the Sign up page once I find a good number of people Intrested.
  8. Well, since everyone is so found of the idea... I will consider revamping this topic and just starting over since many of the other players are gone for the time being. I will however be holding on to my old characters and might even bring back old Vertex mainly because I am so attached to these characters. Many of the old rules still apply but I'll be sure to think of some more to keep this stable and fresh. Also I'll try and make it so we focus on one thing at a time so we don't jump all over the place like we did before. Also with gen Six nearing an end I might consider prepping this for fen seven when it's released (if it goes on that long) But so I can get a good idea of what you guys want to make SURE this doesn't die as quickly as the last run why don't you guys give me a bit of ideas for rules and customs to a I can get to work on polishing this better before making the new and improved chapter 1. But for a reference here is what I have so far... Feel free to comment on them. 1. Since 6 of the seven kingdoms have already been revealed I might just have the Six available to join rather than have four for chapter one and add the next two in the next chapter. The seventh kingdom will still be available in chapter. Is this. Good idea? Yes/No 2. I am going to give the kingdoms CAPITALS immunity to conquest for four chapters just so no one gets wiped out too soon or sooner than I'd like them to. Conquest can still be done on other lands but the homelands will not be available until the stated Chapter. Good Idea? Yes/No. 3. I'm going to see about adding a bit more history to the game, although this won't really effect the mechanics I have in mind it will ad some back ground to gameplay. For example "Tyrunt and the Sky Dragon" is an obvious tale about How Krusher rose to power, but what about everything before that? Like stories about legendary Poke'mon? Or how the kingdoms were founded things like that I feel would help give this game a bit of a kick. Good Idea? Yes/No. 4. I'm thinking about getting rid of the character limit, but also adding so,e rules so people don't go crazy with them. Reason beating is that so players can hold on to characters without getting rid of the one they have in any way at all. This way they can we,can better populate the world and have a greater range of colorful characters. Good Idea? Yes/No.
  9. Mind the double post, but I thought it was high time I revived this RP as I had a lot of fun with it in the past. If you think so too speak up.
  10. The reason why summoning is so restrictive is so no one can just whip out a dragon right off the bat. It's best to give the humans time to breathe and develop as a character before introducing dragons into the mix. The sun generates heat and so dose fire, that's where the connection lies. Also Sky and Light are not as restrictive as you think. The light dragon can only be summoned when during the the day with no clouds in the sky, during the dry season of countries this is common. Not to mention the Ritual said you have to OFFER the dragon something of value, doesn't mean it can't give it back after its summoned. And the Wind dragon just needs a clear sky, otherwise you can summon it at any time. Not to mention rain water is not as hard,to get as you think.
  11. Let me see if I'm understanding this correctly. This RP is a spinoff from Poke'mon Battlegrounds, An RP I made?
  12. Huh, didn't think battlegrounds got so popular that it would get a spinoff. It's not even done yet XD, but I can't help but feel some what flattered. Any way, best to be mildly interested than not interested at all I guess. Summer is practically over where I live, but I'll keep trying any way.
  13. As the name suggests, this Rp is about Dragons. It was inspired by the anime "Fate Zero". However unlike my other RPs, the number of characters that will be available is limited. There are currently 15 slots open so if you are interested be sure to sign up quickly. And now... The Rules for signing up. 1. You may play as either a human or a dragon. Not both 2. You can only have one character 3. Each dragon is controlled by a SINGLE human. 4. Each dragon has a DIFFERENT ritual to summon it. This ritual is fixed and can not be changed. 5. There can not be repeating elements of dragons, only one of each are open. 6. All dragons have a human form to blend in to the modern world. 7. Dragons have more magic than humans. No exceptions. 8. Human weapons have no effect on dragons 9. Be respectful. 10. As GM my word is law. 11. You may control any number of NPCs, just keep track of them all. And now for some more background on the story. Long ago, eight Dragons fought each other for control of an enormous horde of treasure and the holy sword Excalibur. Their despite was beyond devastating, causing the destruction of many territories and even the fall of Antlantis. The humans of the world had also suffered, thousands of witch have even died in the crossfire of these clashing leviathans. So they attempted to seal them away to another realm where they hoped they would never return, but one Mage could not go through with this plan. She felt it was not fair for the dragons to be punished in such a way, and decided to make a deal with them all. She proposed that their despute should be made into a game of war, a game thatnismto be held once every 200 years. The rules were that each dragon was to be under the control of a mortal human and clash for the sword and the treasure, The winner and their dragon may do with the spoils what ever they please until the end of the humans life span while the rest return to the realm for rest. The Dragons Agreed to these terms and gladly allowed them selves to be sealed until the first war game began. For centuries this tradition has gone onwards and has no foreseeable end. But who is to be the winner of this next war game? Next up we have the dragons and their summoning rituals. there are eight dragons, one for each element. Fire Dragon- To summon the dragon of fire you must have a large fire and be in in an area of great heat, like a desert or a volcanic badland. You must also summon this dragon during the day when the sun is out. It can not be raining when you summon. You must have Animal Flesh as an offering. Water Dragon- This Dragon must be summoned in a body of water, it must also be raining. The more water you use to summon the after it will appear. You can not summon if there is any rays of sunlight. The offering for this Dragon Is Fish. Earth Dragon- this dragon must be summoned on dry land. The more desolate the location the better, the sky can be in any condition, but it can not be raining or done on wet land. This Dragons Offering is Any kind of mineral. Sky Dragon- you can Simon this dragon at any time or place, so long as the sky is clear. If there is even a single cloud the dragon will not be summoned. The proper offering for this dragon is Rain Water. Ice Dragon- Needless to say, you can only summon this dragon in a place where it is cold. It must be cloudy and the offering is purified snow. Nature Dragon- This dragon must be summoned in areas of lush vegetation. However it can be summoned at any time and under any conditions. You must give a veriaty of flowers as an offering. Light Dragon- This dragon can only be summoned during the day with visible sunlight. There can be no clouds in the sky and the offering is anything the summoner deems valuable to them selves. Darkness Dragon- This dragon can only be summoned at night under a full moon. There can be clouds must the moon MUST be visible. You must offer living livestock as an offering in order to summon this dragon. Remember dragons are massive so you can only summon a dragon outdoors. And now sign up sheets Humans Name: What do you call your self Sex: Male or Female Age: How old are you Location: Where were you born Crest: What Dragon Do you wish to summon? Bio: brief back story here Dragons Name: what is the Dragon's name Nickname: Histoy knows you as what Sex: Male or Female Age: how old is this dragon (3500 minimum) Element: What Element is this dragon (only one) Location: where did your dragon first appear Fav Food: what dose your dragon like to eat Specialty: what is Your dragon's special power (can be used any number of times) Super Power: what is your dragon's Super ability (can be used 3 times per fight) Ultra Power: What is your dragons ultimate power (can only be used once per fight) Bio: Brief background here. Lastly my character Name: Malitore Nickname: Saurus Bane Sex: Male Age: 65,000,000 Element: Darkness Location: Mexico Fav Food: Human Souls Specialty: Necromancy; summons undead warriors of different eras to fight Super Power: Dragon Vengeance; Summons a skeletal dragon to fight Ultra Power: Reincarnation; when vanquished, reconstitutes into another on of his 1000 incarnations. Bio: Malitore is said to be the beast of 1000 incarnations, as he has 1000 forms. Malitore was the one responsible for causing the extinction of the dinosaurs hence his nickname name "Saurus Bane". He is a master of dark magic and has a special power to turn invisible when submerged in darkness. For millions of years he has terrorized what is now North America, that is until the other dragons challenged his power. Now his only hope of world domination is to put his trust into a mere mortal human, assuming his next master has the power to control him properly. Sign ups are open, there are 8 human and 7 dragons available right now. So sign up quickly, the RP topic will be made when all roles are filled.
  14. I'll be busy with something else until he returns. If he dose that is.
  15. As the title suggests I wish to try my hand at machinima. With my fan made game being put on hold on certain accounts w wish to do something to pass time. This is my resolve, if you wish to help out just say so here and what you can do to contribute. I am not only going to have a character and direct but also help out with story writing. You must be 16 or,older to apply, kids will be ignored as I dont take them seriously in machinima. In terms of story I have something in mind,miss a bit shaky but it can be worked on. The majority of the cast is going to be elites as I feel they don't get that much attention. There are only a few Spartan roles open at this time. I'll post more later. I got some one to work the chamra. Now all I need is a great deal of people with a lot of time on their hands. Much of the maps are set up for the pilot. Except for one which I'll have to make from scratch because the game likes to be stubborn. As I said before the cast is going to be mostly elites. And rather than a hierarchy each skin has its own role ( the exception being the field Marshall). The reason for this is because it goes along with the story I wish to tell, but like I said be for I can make some adjustments if need be. Now as for each of the skins... Think of them as classes now. Although each of them CAN carry an energy sword if they choose some of them do have their limits. Reminder this is the BASE of the classes and your chars will work with some differences. Minor - The Minor is an offensive class and typically carry around short to mid range weapons, this means rifles and hand guns of any kind. In terms of armor ability they can hold sprint and evade. They may seem like the average foot soldier but with weapons like the ones in halo at their beck and call they are far from it. Spec-Ops- as the name suggests this class is more stealth based. They can only carry active camp for an armor ability unless instructed otherwise. Spec ops typically carry sniper rifles of any kind and sometimes Spartan lasers ( explained in the story section ). This a class for the assassin type, and there fore has a bit more restrictions. Ultra- the Ultra is a heavy weapons specialist, any thing that goes BOOM is available for them to use . They have no restrictions for armor ability ( with the exception of sprint and evade) making them quite dangerous to their foes. Ultras are quite slow because of their choice of weapons making them vulnerable if they are alone. Zealot- the Zealot is much like the Minor only rather goining on the attack on the enemy they prefer to protect their teammates. Needless to say they can carry either armor lock or drop shield. Tey are also highly trained medics healing their teammates should they need it. Ranger - the ranger is an all around class and have no limits what so ever. How ever that also means there is nothing to special about them. (My char is a ranger and the leader of one of the squads of one of the 8 elite factions) General - like the ranger, this class is an all around type, they are said to be highly intelligent and are often placed in squads as a tactician. Making plans and ideas for their team to lead them to victory. ( Note: just be cause your char is a general dose not always make them in charge) Field Marshall - this is not a class per say. Rather they will be taking the role of " head masters" of what I have in mind. Every faction has one. And now.... What I have so far for the story It takes place after all the events of the halo story line. ( this includes the unreleased 5 & 6). I don't have a title set quite yet, but I know that I want the sub text to be "The New Covanent". As the name suggest the elites are trying to rebuild the Covanent, only with out the idea of killing off all who are inferior and staying well away from the rings ( or at least not activate them). And because of this they are now allies with the UNSC. There is how ever a few problems... Who is to be in charge of this "Nee Covanent"? The elites have decided to hold an event ( witch will be left secret between me and any one who is interested) to decide. And thus the 8 factions were made. Houses if you will ( I say house to make it easy and it sounds cool to me) base on a color. Red, blue, green, orange, black, white, silver, and gold. The winning house gets to lead the new Covanent. And that's the gist of it. If you want to join just say so here,Mel me tour tag, and friend me on bxl. We do have some openings but since I'm working with a clan its best to get signed up now. Sign ups are open
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