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DashingStorm last won the day on April 28 2016

DashingStorm had the most liked content!


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  1. Alright. Let's do this. Sprite's included. Do your magic, Sparky. :]
  2. - ..I would say it's obvious as to why you're not allowed a completely new team, but the general gist of not giving you a new team is to actually see how far you can go with an extra Pokémon. If you can hold your own against Mega Pokémon from all 18 types, can you do the same against those of the legendary types among mentioned 18 types? Those in the stronger ranks of those 18 types? You're given a 7th Pokémon and the ability to make that Pokémon have the desired moveset that could cover what your current team is lacking in. That being said, you've beaten the normal Redemption League with your team, why would you want to give up on a team you're synchronized with if you made it that far? That's kind of disrespectful for the team that worked so hard to get so far. - The 7th Pokémon is interchangeable for the challenger at any time they wish. Be aware of the fact that your 7th Pokémon will be registered onto a Trainer Card, along with its moveset.
  3. Regarding the counter-teaming issues from before, we've discussed this issue and we're aware of the fact that it's annoying for some, often leading to a restart. We get it, it's difficult to adapt to situations, but it's even more difficult for us to fine-tune the actual border of what's considered countering and what isn't. So we've come up with this PSA. PSA: Leaders work around a core and are indeed allowed to switch things up every now and then. Considering that most of them run static teams already, this will usually lead to a 1-move or 1-mon change. If that greatly disadvantages the challenger, please keep in mind that leaders are already heavily limited to their type, as opposed to challengers having free choice of the types they choose to bring into battle. The only thing we can actually do to get rid of this "counter teaming" issue, is to force leaders to have 100% static teams, with set Pokemon and set movesets. This would make the aspect of a challenging League void, since people do watch battles, people strategize with eachother and/or talk about previously used strategies by leaders. This is something we're trying to avoid, and is really hard to fine-tune, but the best we can have the leaders do, is to try and limit changing Pokemon/teams as little as possible, while still trying to provide a reasonable challenge that isn't over-the-top difficult.
  4. Alright. Let's roll in once more, shall we? Edit: Forgot the spoiler tag zz - My old sprite too okty RWBY Card, if I may.
  5. Incoming "when's e17 gonna release?" ... In 3, 2, 1..
  6. You just added another year by posing this question to the public. Js.
  7. Or maybe 64? Iunno.. 65 sounds better.

    1. Ojama Yellow
    2. Maelstrom


      counting is an overrated pastime.

  8. 65. :D Not 64, not 69. 65!

    1. Aurorix


      What about 66.6?

    2. Alistair


      calm down satan

    3. DashingStorm


      Unfortunately, 66 is not included.

  9. There's many wrongs with your post, the first one being you're definitely not ready to start up something this big by yourself. I'd strongly suggest you first gather a group of people you know/are capable of battling/managing the entirety of a League. For instance, look at some of these topics in here; http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showforum=64 Don't let that scare you off or anything, but we spent a good 6-8 months preparing and getting the actual Redemption League's Gym Leaders ready to battle a horde of challengers. Again, don't wanna burst your bubble, but you're really, really far from ready.
  10. So this is what a stream raid feels like... http://prntscr.com/cqw01l

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