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Everything posted by DashingStorm

  1. Fact of the matter is, we don't have the Mega Ring and I doubt we'll be getting it anytime soon. Also, the Mega starters in your first post aren't just simply artwork, they're actually Pokémon used in Insurgence. Which brings me to the next comment; Copying their concepts isn't really making Reborn unique. If Ame so wishes, she could possibly implement something else that could use a Mega and make a custom -ite stone for it, I guess.
  2. In case you haven't actually played the game, Reborn actually has "fake" Mega Evolutions. Specifically, every single PULSE-Pokémon is a Mega Evolution by itself. Open spoiler at own risk if you haven't completed the game yet. Trying to keep Reborn as unique as possible is already difficult, let's try not to make it worse.
  3. Please keep discussion in this thread related to the Redemption League. For Reborn-related discussions, please use the appropriate forum (Reborn City) instead.
  4. You do realize there's a soft-reset key, right? F12 soft-resets the game and returns you to the intro screen. Even if you want to load a different savefile while playing, you simply rename the backup/secondary savefile mid-game, soft-reset and you'll be in that savefile.
  5. To answer your questions; Yes, OU-banned Mega Stones are legal. Yes, the Mono-"banned" Mega Stones are also legal. Mega Sala-stupidly-broken-mence is also legal. No, Soul Dew is beyond banned. You may ask yourself why some are legal and some aren't. Simple answer; The teams used by the leaders may be monotype, but they're not in the monotype tier. This means they (being the last 6 leaders) have free access to megas that would be banned in monotype/OU, but viable in Ubers, like Mega Mawile/Salamence/Gengar and whatever else is banned from OU.
  6. Only what's listed can be used. Anything stupidly broken is simply.. Stupidly broken.
  7. So uh- Minor update regarding the 7th Pokémon in the Redemption League. Check out my last post on the thread for more info.

  8. Yeah uh, minor change that you may or may not like. We're stepping things up a notch before we're kicking off. That 7th Pokémon we promised? You can still have it. After you've defeated all 18 Redemption League leaders. Sound harsh? ..Maybe. It's also very doable to defeat all the leaders with a normal team without a mega or legendary. It takes planning and strategy. And maybe a little cunning bribary. But to not stomp your hopes and dreams into the abyss, I'll be compiling a list of Pokémon you're allowed to choose from after defeating all 18 Leaders. It'll involve a few things like Mew and Celebi, for starters. Edit: Removed Landorus-I because it's banned to Ubers abiding Smogon rules.
  9. I second this statement. When I first started playing Reborn, Florinia gave me hell- As did Serra. (Mind you, this was back in Episode 8) Now that I've seen/battled every Gym Leader countless times, I still have to say Noel is the hardest because Clefable is tanky af.
  10. Check out the Field Effects manual, there are plenty of "weather" effects listed there. You're forgetting that Hail and Sandstorm are also weather effects. And the reason you're noticing Electric-type moves aren't Super Effective against Flying-types, is because of the windy weather, which has the same effect as Mega Rayquaza's Ability: Delta Stream. This cuts the weaknesses of Flying-type Pokémon in half.
  11. More information would be nice. What were you doing before you got stuck etc. Also, attach your savefile so we can take a look at it. Instructions can be found in Bug Reporting.
  12. The one in the spoiler below was a base concept that had no badges. I intend to use other styles because these look really, really plain now that I look at them.. I'm touching up all the basic/plain ones with a little bit more.. Dazzle.
  13. Been almost a week since I could last post an update on where we currently stand, but with battles taking place and work needing to be done, I can present to all of you what your future Trainer Cards will look like! We have various basic themes ready right now, 13 basic themes to be exact. We're currently trying to create Pokémon-based themes as well, and we also have a special edition Christmas theme ready! So open up the various spoilers below to find out what they look like! Christmas Theme: Dark Pink (basic color): Pink (basic color): We have more in the making, so keep an eye out for others!
  14. rip GlitchxCity's SoundCloud account :[

    1. Shing


      Hacked to death.

    2. zimvader42


      They hacked soundcloud?

  15. RWBY is hype. I need not say more.
  16. As much as I'd like that to be a thing, if we had to do this for every single individual registered person, it'd consume so much more time to do so, we'll have basic sprites ready for anyone to choose from when we've finished getting all the Trainer Card designs done. (They'll be Reborn-based sprites) However, if we can somehow link the Showdown server to the Reborn system, this might be a future possibility. Also, I'm sorry for the lack of updates as of late, it's been really hectic for me outside the League and I've been attending events that have taken quite some time. I don't think Venus wants to reveal her type, though. Snarky little.. Er-hem.
  17. There you have it. You're playing on XP to let that happen and as far as I'm aware, XP didn't really support the system we're now using. Your savefile is still named Game.rxdata, the thing you mentioned there is a backup savefile, which the game creates whenever you save the game, making it easier to revert to earlier states in case a corruption occurs. I'm not really sure whether it's possible to change the base location of where games are stored away, because it's coded into the Essentials base.
  18. Simply put, you can't. All you can do to transfer savefiles between computers is to put them on something like a USB-stick or portable hard drive and putting the files in the same folder they're usually in. For your savefile, that'll be C:\users\[username]\Saved Games\Pokémon Reborn. To run the game, have it extracted somewhere on the C drive to be able to make it run with your savefile intact.
  19. I actually feel like absolute shit. Headache, why won't you just leave me alone :[

  20. Yes, it does. The same goes for a Pokémon like Slugma/Magcargo with Magma Armor. Both these abilities cut the required Egg hatching steps in half.
  21. Signups are CLOSED. Thank you for your time, the people who have signed up can expect a PM from me today or tomorrow.

  22. Signups for reserve leaders are now CLOSED. Those who have signed up, expect to receive a PM from me and I expect a reply from you for confirmation. If you do not reply back (be it on either the forums or the Showdown server whenever I'm online) by the time we get started, I will automatically assume you will not be participating! Like I've mentioned before, this is serious business and I am most certainly not wasting my time with slackers, considering we're on a somewhat tight schedule here. For those who have signed up, thank you for your applications! For those who haven't signed up/were too late to sign up, don't fret, you can still participate freely when the League opens up! PS: For safety's sake, I'm not saying who signed up for this. Each individual will be PM'd by me personally.
  23. Sign-ups close in just over an hour. Last chance, folks.

  24. Dawn of the final day, 13 hours remain. Sign-ups close at 8 AM EST TOMORROW. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18194

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