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Everything posted by DashingStorm

  1. I think that hiring Grapevine Gallade might've been one of my better decisions.. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18184

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      That's until he also releases a thread before it should be like you did. HEE!

    2. Felicity


      Why is Huk a plague knight?

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I still have no idea who this Hukuna Person is. I'm Plague Knight! HEE HEE HEE!!!

  2. For general information, use the On the Hunt section if you're searching for specific items/Pokémon. Don't know where to go? Check out Reborn City's pinned where to go thread.
  3. Not to burst your bubble, but I don't think Ame's gonna add more on top of the things already in development. They consume a lot of time as is, already. As for your initial question, the answer to that is "Never in Episode 15". Episode 16? Doubt it. 17? Doubt it. 18? Maybe.
  4. I'm such an evil genius. I'm sorry for getting your potential hopes up. :[

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fumble


      Bad pony. :c

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      I am disappoint.

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie


      Ow... I forgot I had my mask on. Welp... Didn't hurt too bad. HEE!

  5. Welcome, Trainer! If you're seeing this message correctly, that means you're in the right section to get your team registered for the Redemption League! Firstly, my apologies for getting your hopes up a month ago, but we gotta keep things a bit spicy, you know? Sorry! Next, I'd like to briefly explain how things will work in terms of registration. This won't take long, but I have to emphasize that you read this carefully to avoid conflicts in the future. Important note: Please do NOT submit your own "version" of OUR Trainer Cards. Sprites and moves will look inconsistent and you guys are not part of the card-creation staff. We appreciate the gesture, but you're only giving us more work by us having to re-make your cards to resemble ours. Another note: To find your Trainer Card, click on this: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18099&page=3entry451552 to quickly get to the page & post where we currently have every single Trainer Card! Basic rules & limitations: - Your team must consist of 6 Pokémon. Obviously. - You are not allowed to use Mega Stones/Mega Evolution in your League challenge. - You are also not allowed to bring Pokémon that classify as "legendary", as can be found below: Generation 1: Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Mewtwo, Mew Generation 2: Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Ho-Oh, Lugia, Celebi Generation 3: Regirock, Registeel, Regice, Latios, Latias, Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquaza, Jirachi, Deoxys Generation 4: Mesprit, Azelf, Uxie, Heatran, Cresselia, Palkia, Dialga, Giratina, Regigigas, Phione, Manaphy, Darkrai, Shaymin, Arceus Generation 5: Victini, Cobalion, Virizion, Terrakion, Tornadus/Landorus/Thundurus and their Therian formes, Reshiram, Zekrom, Kyurem, Keldeo, Meloetta, Genesect Generation 6: Xerneas, Yveltal, Zygarde, Diancie, Hoopa, Volcanion - Speed Boost Blaziken is not allowed. Aegislash and Greninja are completely viable for usage. Upholding the Species Clause, we're changing it a little bit around to ensure "duplicate-species-mon" are also not allowed. So no Porygon2 and Porygon-Z for instance. - Moves/Items that boost Evasion are not allowed. - Moody is also not allowed when you battle, keep this in mind. - The move Swagger is also not allowed. If people are trying to register a team with a Pokémon that knows Swagger (looking at all you "Swagkey" abusers from the past), they will get notified they have an illegal move. - Make sure you include the Hidden Power type you want, if you're going to register this move with us. Also, please use a spoiler tag when adding your registration, it'll make the thread look a bit less.. Big. Spoiler tags are made by doing this; [ spoiler] and [/ spoiler] (without the spaces). Additional rules for the Redemption League: Speed Boost Blaziken is banned from use. We will uphold the Species Clause, meaning you can only have one Pokémon of a certain species in your team. The following battle clauses will be in effect for Gym Leader/Champion battles: Freeze Clause, Battle Timeout, Sleep Clause, Species Clause, Swagger Clause, Evasion Clause. To clarify these rules and clauses; Freeze Clause - Only 1 Pokémon per team can be Frozen. Battle Timeout - Battle Timeout has to be on at the start of the battle and may not be turned off. Stalling out the timer repeatedly will lead to you getting disqualified for that battle. If you disconnect, the Leader you will be battling (and vice versa, in terms of the gentleman's clause), will wait for their respective opponent to return while the timer is running. If they do not return, they are disqualified for that battle. Sleep Clause - Only one Pokémon can be asleep per team, however when a Pokémon uses Rest, it does not add up to the one Pokémon limit. Species Clause - You are only allowed to have one Pokémon of the same species (Evolution line) in your team. So you’re not allowed to have Eviolite Doublade and Aegislash or Porygon2 and Porygon-Z on the same team, for instance. Swagger Clause - Using the move Swagger is not allowed and when team registration takes place, we will notify whoever is trying to register Swagger on a Pokémon that this is not allowed. Evasion Clause - Moves that boost Evasion, like Double Team or Minimize are banned from usage. Moody Clause - Pokémon with the Ability Moody are not allowed. To limit, but not have items be abused, you can have up to 3 of the same item on a Pokémon, meaning 3 Pokémon with Leftovers is a viable option. However, the use of Gems is prohibited. (Even though the Normal Gem is viable and legal, we’ve decided to ban every single Gem instead of allowing just one.) EV spreads and Items can be changed, as long as the maximum restriction of 3-of-the-same item rule is followed. Abiding Smogon rules, we have also decided to limit the use of Baton Pass to 1 Pokémon. This also means that the following Pokémon are not allowed to have a combination of Baton Pass & Swords Dance & Speed Boost: Torchic, Combusken, Blaziken, Ninjask, Scolipede. Agility & Swords Dance however, is allowed. On request, we have come to the conclusion that you may have one Pokémon in rotation only after you have defeated all 18 Gym Leaders. If you want to earn that 7th Pokémon, you have to prove to us, and yourself, that you're worthy of having a 7th Pokémon to face the Champion. I think that's the basics covered, let's actually get to how you register your team with us in the next step. Team/Trainer Registration: Registering your team with us will work as follows; Once you've picked 6 Pokémon to be on your team, you will post exactly which Pokémon you will be using in the League as well as the movesets you will be using for each Pokémon. That is all you need to post. We don't need to know your EV/IV spread, happiness, gender or anything else. Only your Pokémon and their respective movesets. Once you have made these movesets, you cannot change them mid-League. Our supervision team will be monitoring every battle and are well-informed on what needs to be checked. If something isn't right, you will immediately get disqualified for that battle, and the usual Redemption League rules apply. If you want to register under a different name (that isn't your forum name, but your Showdown name for example), please make sure you make note of this. This is what you have to post your team to be like in this thread when we open up: [Pokémon Name] [shiny: Yes/No] [Move 1] [Move 2] [Move 3] [Move 4] All sprites used are the ones used in the Reborn game, because Gen 6 sprites looked awkward when we resized them to fit Trainer Cards. >>; Speaking of sprites, we have a small variety of sprites you can choose from for your personal Trainer Card, open up the spoilers below for your favorite! PS: If you really want your current Trainer Card's sprite, we can do so for a minor.. "fee" of 250 rupees, to be sent to Grapevine Gallade. Please make sure your current Trainer Card is showing in your signature, or seperately upload it onto an image sharing website and provide us with the link to it. Trainer Card Sprites: Hotshot (M): Decibel (Non-Binary): Kuro (M): Lucia (F): Vero (M): Alice (F): Ari (Non-Binary): Cynthia (F): Ace Trainer (F): Ace Trainer (M): On top of these sprites, you can pick any of the following Trainer Card designs you like! Credit is given where credit is due, and we most definitely owe Alicirno a lot for helping us with these wonderful designs. She's created all the type-themed Trainer Cards, and they look absolutely amazing! Pokémon Type-themes: Flying: Ghost: Grass: Ground: Ice: Normal: Poison: Psychic: Rock: Steel: Water: Fire: Fairy: Dark: Fighting: Electric: Dragon: Bug: Special Themes: Christmas: Rainbow: Team RWBY: Team CFVY: Heart Gold: Soul Silver: Chikorita (best starter n/a): Burning flames: Grass Theme with Whimsicott/Lilligant: Basic League Themes: Yellow: Purple: OR Orange: Green: Light Blue: Brown: Pink: Navy Blue: OR Red: OR Blue: Turquoise: The color schemes on some of these may look weird- But that's an issue I've had to deal with and couldn't find a way to resolve. When the creation takes place, you'll most likely not notice the difference. Be patient when you register. We have to create these Trainer Cards manually until we're able to get some sort of system going, so it might take a day or two to get these registrations done. When you've registered your team, you're pretty much set for the League! I- Think that's pretty much all you need to know in preparation for the League. I've seen that the "Redemption RMT" thread has been getting a lot of attention, so it might be wise to check up that thread and learn a thing or two. Be warned, our leaders are set to battle in either singles, doubles or even triples! It's all to their liking, honestly. What're you waiting for?! Get to registering! We hope to see you participate in the League fairly soon! - Dashie To clarify, you are allowed to change up to two moves if you still have 1 badge. Post it in the thread as a comment, send payment over to Grapevine Gallade and wait for us to confirm the changes for the next card update. Thank you.
  6. You can do that in episode 15 as well.
  7. To the best and also.. Strangest of my teambuilding abilities.. Flygon can run multiple sets, it's up to you whether you would want an offense Flygon or defensive Defog user. Personal favorite Flygon though: Flygon @ Choice Scarf Ability: Levitate EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpAtk / 252 Speed Jolly Nature - Earthquake - Outrage - Boomburst / Crunch / U-Turn - Stone Edge / Rock Slide I've loved Noivern, but since it fell down to UU, I've never really used it anymore. Noivern @ Focus Sash Ability: Infiltrator EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpAtk / 252 Speed Timid Nature - Hurricane / Air Slash - Draco Meteor / Dragon Pulse - U-Turn - Flamethrower All I can really suggest for Camerupt is Mega Camerupt. Camerupt @ Cameruptite Ability: Solid Rock EVs: 28 HP / 200 Atk / 200 SpAtk / 24 SpDef Mild Nature - Earth Power - Rock Slide - Lava Plume / Flamethrower / Fire Blast - Yawn / Protect Gardevoir is bae, a bit lacking in speed but still very good in OU. Gardevoir @ Gardevoirite or Life Orb Ability: Trace EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpAtk / 252 Speed Timid Nature - Moonblast / Hyper Voice (only for Mega Gardevoir) - Psyshock / Psychic - Will-o-Wisp / Thunder Wave - Calm Mind / Protect / Trick Room / Hidden Power Fire Cryogonal.. I've only used in a Reborn playthrough once. Cryogonal @ Focus Sash / Light Clay Ability: Levitate EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpAtk / 252 Speed Timid Nature - Freeze-Dry / Ice Beam - Rapid Spin / Recover / Flash Cannon - Reflect / Light Screen - Reflect / Light Screen / Explosion / Signal Beam (whether you want more coverage or dual screen use with Light Clay Good luck with your team-building!
  8. - You can change IV's however you like, but once you set a Hidden Power, it cannot be changed. - Who even uses Attract/Captivate/Cute Charm when there's a dozen of things that counter them to hell and back? I can see it being a valid "strategy", but I can also see it not being used. Just being reasonable here, if you want to opt for that strategy, go for it. Gym leaders can change genders whenever they feel like it, as can you, as challenger. The only thing you register with us, are your team members & movesets. We don't need to know anything regarding EV's, IV's, genders, happiness or whatever. The format for the leader you challenge will be made known before you battle them. Regarding the Hidden Power thing: Don't forget we're playing on Showdown, meaning that you can choose whatever type of Hidden Power you'd like to use, while keeping any and all IV you want, regardless of the amount of total IV's your Pokémon has. I wouldn't worry about being able to change IV's, as you're free to do so, but once you choose a Hidden Power type, it stays that way, even if you change your IV's accordingly. It's up to you to make sure your Hidden Power doesn't change when we register your team.
  9. If you're stuck, you can check out Reborn City and look around the pinned threads, or consult to Youtube for a video guide. [insert Lostelle comment here]
  10. - They will only see the team as it is registered with us. You don't have to make your complete status screen known to us, just the Pokémon and movesets. - Whichever format they choose to battle in, is completely up to them. They can either adapt to the current situation, or stand by their favored battle format and use that all the time. It's really all up to their preference/mood.
  11. Most of these won't get looked at because of the sheer complication it would take for the dev team to implement everything. Breaking these suggestions down one-by-one; - Lucky Egg is a thing, so that's not really needed. Besides, we're already using Gen 6' system where, if you're under a your opponent's level, you gain more experience than you would if you were the same or lower level. - Getting to know what Pokémon will be used next in doubles is/might be something that will be worked on in the future. - You could always re-sprite your character if you have the proper knowledge. But having a clothing system isn't really in Reborn's style (imo, idk what Ame's thinkin') - Simply said; No. Mega Evolution is already confirmed to be released at some point in Reborn's development and I doubt that Ame has any need for custom-made ones, when there's the PULSE system. - Er- Contest accessories would kinda take away the dark theme Reborn currently has. Again, going with a no. - Nothing needs extra work. If only you knew the amount of things the dev team is going through to fix/update current Reborn issues. If you so desperately want to make use of combination moves, get the respective Pledge moves for your starter(s) and/or weather type moves like Rain Dance & Sunny Day. - Too much of a hassle to implement and Reborn is following the exact aspects of the official game mechanics, so no.
  12. So you might not believe this, but the Showdown server is down everyone.

    1. Shamitako


      Like, OMG. No freaking way :o

    2. Lynxiechan


      Where's the like button.

  13. Probably not. We're still in the process of creating what needs to still be created and we cannot give an ultimatum as to when we're 100% finished and ready to launch.
  14. Loop around and find a way to lead you down (to the dark area).
  15. Interviews happen as we actually snag them with the leaders who are willing enough to give us a short interview. The backstory on how they were introduced to the League is a whole different approach that's also being covered.
  16. Future challengers, we have revealed the second bracket for the Redemption League; More info can be found here: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17625&page=7#entry428610 :]

    1. Fumble


      why are they so stronk :c

  17. I am totally not stealing Amethyst's thunder by making this announcement whatsoever- Nahhh. So hello people from the forums and interwebs, it's your #1 pony bringing you some exciting news! As you may or may not have noticed, we're short a subforum in "Reborn Events"! That's simply because we have decided to merge the Hall of Champions with another sub-forum, namely Onyx Trainer School! For all your battling needs, teachings and even future Reborn Events, like the upcoming Terrible Trifecta! tournament and the soon-to-be-released Redemption League, head on into the looming cave that we have decided to call "Victory Road", which can be found in our Gaming section! May your road to greatness be a victorious one.
  18. Ladies, gentlemen and those of unspecified gender, Down at the Redemption League HQ, we work day and night (literally because timezones are a thing), to make sure things are top-notch and up to date. As such, I'm proud to present to you all, our final gift (for now), when it comes to revealing bracket leaders! Now you may think this is harsh, but I will explain what the idea behind all this is soon! ..These three next leaders were actually nice enough to ask me whether they should introduce themselves or to just remain hidden and us just not saying anything- But we agreed and said that it would be fair to our challengers to give them a little bit more information beforehand. Presenting the leaders for bracket 2 in the Redemption League! -- Helen, holder of the Tugtupite Badge - Rock-type Leader -- Helen: "YO WASSUP. The name's Helen and I'm gon' rock your body SO hard, MOUNTAINS WILL INSTANTLY CRUMBLE. VOLCANOES WILL ERUPT." Dashie: "........." Helen: "Sup boss? Did I scare ya? DID I? HUH?" Dashie: "No- You merely harmed my hearing a little with your-" Helen: "OKAY SWEET. CYA LATER BOSS-PONY." -- Haley, holder of the Tundra Badge - Ice-type Leader -- Haley: "Hiya, I'm Haley. I could hear my loud-mouthed sister all the way down the hall. She get a bit too excited again, huh?" Dashie: "Just a tiiiiny bit." Haley: "She never learns. I wish she would shut up sometimes. Give me some peace 'n quiet, y'know. Doubt that'll ever happen unless she falls on her head or something." Haley: "Future challenger, I hope you're ready to be chilled to the bone. My Aurorus and I don't appreciate inexperienced battlers." -- Nicholas, holder of the Current Badge - Electric-type Leader -- Nicholas: "Heyo, the name's Nicholas, but you can call me Nick as well. I'm pretty much helping these lads, lasses and no clue how you refer to those without gender in that way- By doing pretty much exactly what I'm here for." Nicholas: "My buddy Magnezone here has been with me through everything I've been through so far. Not that I really get around and do things outside, I'm more the indoor-type. The less people I deal with, the better." Dashie: "I sorta hope you realize that this position will involve people walking in and out-" Nicholas: "...As long as they don't touch my equipment, I won't have to sic one of my zap-happy Electric Pokémon on them." Folks, these three leaders are the ones you will be facing once you've obtained at least two badges. With regards to what I've mentioned earlier by saying this is the last reveal (for now) that we're making, is that we want to keep things a surprise for everyone. As such, we have decided to work out a system, which will make you rely on your fellow forumers and battlers for some extra information. If you want us to reveal more, you will have to earn badges. You want to know who's in bracket 3? Get 5 badges and we'll make it known for everyone to see. That's all you're getting from us. Some may or may not like the fact we're leaving you guys in the dark, but we've pretty much revealed 6 leaders already, which leaves 12 types spread across the next 4 brackets. We hope to see you (very) soon, we're.. I dare say 80% ready as of today? Yeah, around 80% ready. Until then!
  19. Hoho. You've heard their names, but have you guessed their types? Learn about our first three leaders, Olivia, Elliot and Ariel right here! http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17625entry427794

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DashingStorm


      omg someone got the reference to Elliot haha

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      Mfw Normal in bracket 1 I swear to god Dashie

    4. DashingStorm
  20. Future Redemption League challengers, I bring you some exciting news. The first bracket's leaders will introduce themselves shortly and make their respective types known for you to be mentally prepared for what they might have in store for you. Each leader has a certain "ace" Pokémon, which is guaranteed to be on their team (hint hint wink wink), meaning that the other 5 members of their team will be unknown to you. However, considering the fact that each leader has a set type they work with, you might be able to make wild guesses as to what might or might not be used on each leader's team. Without further ado, presenting to you all; -- Olivia, holder of the Blossom Badge - Grass-type Leader -- Olivia: "So uh. Hi. I'm Olivia and I'm in the first bracket for the Redemption League. -sigh- My stupid little twin brother is also part of this league and he always gets all the glory. I'll show him that Grass-types aren't easy to deal with." Olivia: "I'll be waiting for you, challenger. Don't underestimate me!" -- Elliot, holder of the Harmony Badge - Normal-type Leader -- Elliot: "Uh.. Hello- (Why did I do this again..? Ambipom, help me out here will ya?) My name's Elliot and I- Guess I'm also in the first bracket. I mean, I'm not all that into violence and stuff.. I'd rather not battle at all, and enjoy myself a nice cup of tea and a good book instead of this barbaric battling." Ambipom: -shakes its head and pulls Elliot's scarf- "Ambii.." Elliot: "Right, right. I came here to prove to myself that I'm able to withstand some sort of violence and hope I don't pass out from the intensity.. I guess I'll be seeing you soon, challenger! (Did I do it right?)" (Dashie: "You did just fine, Elliot. Don't worry too much.") -- Ariel, holder of the Regal Badge - Fairy-type Leader -- Ariel: "Who's this? Another person out for a challenge? That's rich. Listen up here, princess. You won't get my badge without a tussle. So if you want it so badly, you'd better be prepared to get knocked from here to the moon and back. I'm not going down without a fight." (Dashie: "Jesus christ Ariel, relax-") Ariel: "Don't tell ME to RELAX, PRINCESS. I make my own rules and you're definitely not the boss of me." Dashie: "Actually- Technically.. I am-" Ariel: "No, you're not. Now back off and let me do my thing. HEY. CHALLENGER. Don't you dare mock me, my Sylveon takes on chumps like you for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Ta-ta, princess." Okay- Well that went smooth. So there you have 'em folks, the first three Redemption League leaders. Better get ready for a fight- These leaders don't mess around. -sighs- On that note, I'd say we're at.. Probably 70% completion when it comes to spriting overall? 60? I have no clue, we have 4 amazing spriters (Baz/Nova/Azery/Shia) on our team doing their thing and I gotta say, these sprites are absolutely marvelous. Kudos to our spriters! Keep an eye out for teasers and possible reveals for the second bracket when we're completely finished. And hey, I/we've revealed 3 types now, which leaves 15 more to guess! Who do you think will be in the second bracket?
  21. I think you're missing on the fact that if people were to rely on hax and use teams built around hax, like Serene Grace users with Ice Beam, they could end up freezing whatever can be frozen. That being said, the freeze clause has been around ever since competitive battling was created and is nothing but a standard rule in all (online) Pokémon competitions. I'm pretty sure that Showdown has this built-in, I was just making note of this clause as a whole. Also, we have to prepare our leaders with at least some information on what they should be expecting, but their teams are pre-set and they might have different teams to battle with. Sound unfair? Maybe. Unreasonable? Absolutely not. You can't dive into something without knowing what to expect, which is exactly what we're preparing them for. And speaking of which, even without them knowing your team(s), they're already preparing for battle. On that note, considering people still haven't correctly guessed all the types, I'll do an official bracket 1 reveal once Elliot's badge is finished. (Probably somewhere tonight)
  22. In due time. We'll slowly but surely reveal things as time passes so people have at least some time to prepare themselves.
  23. Mannnn.. I can't even diss this wifi battle, it was soooo well played. Replay: A6HG-WWWW-WW2T-2UB6 Q__Q

  24. Or you know. Go into your Reborn folder, open up the Grahpics folder, then go into Pictures > Tile Puzzle and you can find all the solutions to the tile puzzles.
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