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Everything posted by DashingStorm

  1. So this is extremely late and I totally blame everything on everyone, but we have another addition to our team; Reborn's own Shia! Shia will be assisting us with Sprite designing and creating alongside Bazaro and Nova. (The Olivia sprite is actually xyr's work!) Welcome aboard!
  2. If anyone has a Jirachi I can quickly trade and trade-back for the Hoenn Dex, pls tell me :[

    1. Darvan Korematsu

      Darvan Korematsu

      I gotcha. I'll be online in a few hours.

  3. Ha. Nobody's quite guessed the types for the first 3 Redemption League leaders just yet. Reveal may or may not happen this Friday-ish for their types! :]

    1. Odybld


      Oh come on, that's easy. Olivia is grass, Elliot is poetry and Ariel is mermaid.

  4. Anything meaning, they can build a team around whatever type(s) they wish to choose, as long as it follows the 1 Mega & 1 legendary rule. You can withdraw at any given time, but doing so will net you a penalty of 1 weekend of not being able to challenge leaders. To accommodate all future challengers, we will give everyone one freebie on withdrawing and re-creating their League team. We will keep note on who does this.
  5. Only the Champion is indeed allowed to use a legendary Pokémon. From brackets 5 and onwards, Gym Leaders will each have a Mega Evolution available to them, but no legendary Pokémon. To clarify: The Champion can use pretty much everything except Mega Rayquaza, Mega Mewtwo X/Y, Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre. So he/she/xe has access to everything except those.
  6. Could be a sign to not abuse CE even if it's only for speed. Js.
  7. If you don't know where to go, I suggest you give this thread a read first. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10938
  8. Check out the Redemption League thread for a quick teaser! :B

  9. Teehee. How about a quick teaser to see what we have in store for you? Presenting the first bracket's Leaders (not in specific order)! Meet our first three Redemption League Leaders! Elliot - A pacifist who doesn't really enjoy violence in the slightest and does his best in his normal, everyday life to avoid conflicts as much as possible. Ariel - A young person, descendant of the holy king and heir to the kingdom's throne. Xe also has quite the feisty attitude and will not hesitate to yell with sharp tones of sarcasm. Olivia - ???'s twin sister and quite agitated by her position in not only their family, but also her position in the League. Dashie: "I'm sorry for that, Olivia- But your battling style is just.. So unorthodox. We all have to start somewhere, right?" Olivia: "Sure, but why does my 30-second-younger-good-for-nothing brother get to have-" Dashie: "That's enough, Olivia. No need to spill the beans for the challengers. Just- Be prepared for whatever they send out and do whatever you can to be an obstacle in the challenger's path. That's your duty as a Gym Leader." Olivia: "Ugh, fine. But I'm far from done." Er-hem. Like I was saying.. These are the first three Redemption League Leaders. I will not specify what type they run juuuuuust yet. I'll leave that up to speculation and imagination. Oh- For those interested, we're still working on sprites and not every single sprite is finished just yet. For this bracket, we only have Ariel's sprite done, so here xe is;
  10. ..It actually hurt my eyes to read all that. I hate to ask, but can you put your upcoming threads/questions in paragraphs to make things easily readable? On that note, shiny Pokémon have no distinct advantages over other Pokémon as far as I know. They're simply re-colors of existing Pokémon and have no extra features added to them. Guess you´re just lucky?
  11. There's a Development Blog where you can see progress and a status report on Episode 16.
  12. If you check out the Graphics folder in your Reborn folder, open up Battlers and search up Espeon (which is #196), you'll see it.
  13. Freeze Clause is a thing everywhere, we can't really stop that unless we ban all moves that can Freeze, which will limit a lot of people. And no- It can't be a Mega. Edited the rule and pretty much removed it. :]
  14. - Challengers are not allowed to use Mega Pokémon whatsoever. - If your net drops and Battle Timeout auto-disqualifies you, that's all on you. We're not responsible for your net connection and you are to have a stable connection yourself before battling. - See what I'm about to post & will update in the OP. We've come up with a few additional rulings that may or may not be to your liking. To keep this League challenging, we've ultimately decided to not allow Mega Pokémon or Legendary Pokémon simply because up until you've earned 12 badges, you will not see any Mega Pokémon whatsoever. On top of this, the last 6 Leaders will use Mega Pokémon of any possible tier, ranging from NU to OU. Do keep in mind that even with Gen VI mechanics, it's still not impossible to defeat Mega Pokémon. Sure, the leaders will have an advantage, but that doesn't restrict you as challenger. It just means you should be able to create a team that can work around Mega Pokémon. Think of things like priority moves, Prankster & Status moves, or even Trick Room, to work to your advantage. (For the record, I've test-battled one of the leaders with my old League team minus Aegislash and managed to do just fine and actually win.) Additional rules: Speed Boost Blaziken is banned from use. We will uphold the Species Clause, meaning you can only have one Pokémon of a certain species in your team. The following battle clauses will be in effect for Gym Leader/Champion battles: Freeze Clause, Battle Timeout, Sleep Clause, Species Clause, Swagger Clause, Evasion Clause, Moody Clause, OHKO Clause. To clarify these rules and clauses; Freeze Clause - Only 1 Pokémon per team can be Frozen. Battle Timeout - Battle Timeout has to be on at the start of the battle and may not be turned off. Stalling out the timer repeatedly will lead to you getting disqualified for that battle. Sleep Clause - Only one Pokémon can be asleep per team, however when a Pokémon uses Rest, it does not add up to the one Pokémon limit. Species Clause - You are only allowed to have one Pokémon of the same species in your team. So you’re not allowed to have Eviolite Doublade and Aegislash on the same team, for instance. Swagger Clause - Using the move Swagger is not allowed and when team registration takes place, we will notify whoever is trying to register Swagger on a Pokémon that this is not allowed. Evasion Clause - Moves that boost Evasion, like Double Team or Minimize are banned from usage. Moody Clause - Pokémon with the Ability Moody are not allowed. OHKO Clause - You cannot use one-hit KO moves, like Guillotine, Fissure or Horn Drill. To limit, but not have items be abused, you can have up to 3 of the same item on a Pokémon, meaning 3 Pokémon with Leftovers is a viable option. However, the use of Gems is prohibited. (Even though the Normal Gem is viable and legal, we’ve decided to ban every single Gem instead of allowing just one.) EV spreads and Items can be changed, as long as the maximum restriction of 3-of-the-same item rule is followed. Abiding Smogon rules, we have also decided to limit the use of Baton Pass to 1 Pokémon. This also means that the following Pokémon are not allowed to have a combination of Baton Pass & Swords Dance & Speed Boost: Torchic, Combusken, Blaziken, Ninjask, Scolipede. Agility & Swords Dance however, is allowed. On request, we have come to the conclusion that you may have one Pokémon in rotation only after you have defeated 15 Gym Leaders. If you want to earn that 7th Pokémon, you have to prove to us, and yourself, that you're worthy of having a 7th Pokémon to face those final leaders. On top of all this, we have decided to not go with 17 leaders and 1 Champion, but 18 leaders and a Champion who reigns supreme. However, you are only eligible to challenge the Champion when you present us your Trainer Card with all 18 badges printed on it. The Trainer Card is a WIP and a general concept/layout will be finished soon. About the Trainer Card; We will be handling these manually, meaning that it might take a little while for us to be able to print your team onto one. How we will be dealing with (custom) sprites is still up for debate, as we currently don't have a method of using Showdown's system to link to the forums to automatically create & print badges onto your cards. We're working on a possible alternative method, but we have no guarantee that we can automate this system as of now. As for the brackets (I'm not revealing which leader/type is being placed in which bracket just yet), they will look like this: Bracket 1: Leaders 1 - 3 (Must defeat at least 2 of these to progress to bracket 2) Bracket 2: Leaders 4 - 6 (Must have at least 5 badges to proceed to bracket 3) Bracket 3: Leaders 7 - 9 (Must have at least 8 badges to proceed to bracket 4) Bracket 4: Leaders 10 - 12 (Must have at least 11 badges to proceed to bracket 5) Bracket 5: Leaders 13 - 15 (Must have at least 14 badges to proceed to bracket 6) Bracket 6: Leaders 16 - 18 (Only when all 18 badges are obtained, the challenger will be eligible to schedule a battle with the Champion) Champion Bracket: Redemption League Champion If things are not clear- Ask away and I'll do my best to answer everything.
  15. That's why we also have a search bar right above your Member Info.
  16. You're supposed to head south before you can even progress through that side. Aka head into the Coral Ward, which is south from where you are right now. In the future, I suggest you take a look at this thread if you don't know where to go; http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10938 Bug Reporting & Troubleshooting threads are only really meant for game bugs and glitches, and this is not one of them. Explore the place and see what you can find!
  17. I mean.. We have a Reddit. A wiki is.. Idk I wouldn't.
  18. We're in the process of measuring which leader is suited best for each bracket, when they're finalized I'll put them up. The point of the League is for it to be a challenge. Having several teams to switch between is actually counter-productive considering that Leaders may also have other teams to counter a possible counter-team. The reason we have moves registered is because moves would otherwise be switched up indefinitely, giving people easy access to moves that could potentially tear through Leaders with ease. It's more of a "you pick 6 Pokémon that have good coverage overall / pick your favorites" theme and see how far you can actually get. Leaders aren't invincible and each has their own flaw, which you'll find out about soon enough. That being said, the Leaders won't have insight in everyone's teams. Another reason as to why we register singular teams per person, is because if we let people change up their teams over and over, they can more or less "scout" what Pokémon leaders can/will use and build teams around that accordingly. This is why I can only reccommend that if you're going to participate and challenge the Redemption League, you build around a strong core and make sure you cover enough options, considering there's 17 leaders and a champion to get through. Diversity is the main key in this aspect!
  19. As of current date, you cannot "catch 'em all". Whichever Pokémon you see are available right now, are available in this Episode's release.
  20. From what I can recall, Surskit can be caught again when it's raining.
  21. Greetings fellow Trainer! So I suppose you have seen the somewhat cryptic hints around the forums and today, I finally bring you what you may have found to be puzzling. If you have heard of the former Reborn League and have always wanted to participate, but could never find the time or simply didn't know about it in advance; Now's your chance for a shot at Redemption. I would like to introduce you to the Redemption League, an online-based League that will take place on the Reborn Showdown server on http://reborn.psim.us ! Before I explain the general idea behind this League, a few things to note; - The League is currently still a work-in-progress, but the concept is pretty much complete and we're working on some finishing touches. - Just like the old Reborn League, we have rules of our own, with 18 completely NEW Gym Leaders, each one representing their own type (including a Champion). - This League will take place during the weekends (Friday - Sunday), from 4:30 PM EST - 7:30 PM EST, to accomodate as many challengers as possible in the alloted time. Now on to the good stuff. What I'm listing right here will be the rules for you, the challenger. Keep in mind that we have a team of 11 people right now, each and every person being heavily involved in this process as it keeps rolling onwards to the future. 1) Challengers may only issue 1 challenge per day. If you want to face a Gym Leader, you'd best make sure you know who you want to battle in advance. This also means you have a maximum of 3 challenges per League week, possibly netting you up to 3 badges a week if you do extremely well. Don't think this will be a cakewalk, we will prepare our Leaders to the extreme to make sure they're ready for anything. 2) You can only use the team you have registered with us throughout the entire League. We will have Trainer Cards where your Pokémon will be listed, along with their moves and the slots for your badges. We will be creating these badges and cards manually, meaning that you will (most likely) not immediately receive your card right after you have registered with us. 3) We have Pokémon restrictions. What I mean by this is that the following Pokémon/Ability combinations are not allowed to be used. This is a long list, so bear with me here. Along these banned legendary Pokémon, you are also NOT allowed to have a Mega Pokémon on your team. The following Pokémon are also banned: Speed Boost Blaziken (list is subject to change accordingly.) 4) If you get caught cheating by having an illegal move (that is not registered with us), or by using a Pokémon that isn't allowed, you will automatically be disqualified for that battle. Leaders will get your team preview as listed when you register your team with us, so they will always be aware of the situation. If you get disqualified for a battle, the leader will make note of this and forward this to us, meaning you will be forced to make changes and you will be able to challenge that leader again next time they're scheduled. If you lose against a Gym Leader, you automatically get the chance to be first-pick for the next day the leader is scheduled for a rematch. You can always decline and challenge another leader from the bracket they're divided in if you so please. That's all up to you. 5) You must meet certain badge expectations before you're able to issue a challenge to a leader from a higher-ranked bracket. Down here, you can see the amount of required badges you must have before making challenges to other brackets' leaders. As for the brackets (I'm not revealing which leader/type is being placed in which bracket just yet), they will look like this: Bracket 1: Leaders 1 - 3 (Must defeat at least 2 of these to progress to bracket 2) Olivia - Grass Nicholas - Electric Haley - Ice Bracket 2: (Must have at least 5 badges to move to proceed to bracket 3) Alicia - Ghost Lucifer - Dark Ariel - Fairy Bracket 3: (Must have at least 8 badges to proceed to bracket 4) Helen - Rock Elliot - Normal Erwin - Bug Bracket 4: Gaia - Ground Lilly - Water Venus - Poison Bracket 5: Leo - Fighting Axel - Fire Ninia - Dragon Bracket 6: Dexter - Psychic Festus - Steel Oliver - Flying Champion Bracket: Redemption League Champion It might seem complicated, but it's your basic "obtain a certain amount of badges and you can advance to next bracket" system. If you're still confused, feel free to ask us how this works. As for the Leaders, these rules will be applied to them; - They all use teams according to their specialized type, but are also excluded from using legendary Pokémon. However. Gym Leaders from the 5th bracket and onwards have access to 1 Mega Pokémon. So leaders 13-18 will each have a Mega Pokémon. On top of that, the Champion has free access to one legendary Pokémon AND a Mega Pokémon. So be prepared for a challenge. - Gym Leaders rotate and have schedules applied to them, League runs for 2 to 3 hours a day, depending on how busy/crowded the queues get. - Gym Leaders may or may not have more than 1 qualified battling team. That's up to the challengers to find out or not. Additional rules: Speed Boost Blaziken is banned from use. We will uphold the Species Clause, meaning you can only have one Pokémon of a certain species in your team. The following battle clauses will be in effect for Gym Leader/Champion battles: Freeze Clause, Battle Timeout, Sleep Clause, Species Clause, Swagger Clause, Evasion Clause. To clarify these rules and clauses; Freeze Clause - Only 1 Pokémon per team can be Frozen. Battle Timeout - Battle Timeout has to be on at the start of the battle and may not be turned off. Stalling out the timer repeatedly will lead to you getting disqualified for that battle. If you disconnect, the Leader you will be battling (and vice versa, in terms of the gentleman's clause), will wait for their respective opponent to return while the timer is running. If they do not return, they are disqualified for that battle. Sleep Clause - Only one Pokémon can be asleep per team, however when a Pokémon uses Rest, it does not add up to the one Pokémon limit. Species Clause - You are only allowed to have one Pokémon of the same species (Evolution line) in your team. So you’re not allowed to have Eviolite Doublade and Aegislash or Porygon2 and Porygon-Z on the same team, for instance. Swagger Clause - Using the move Swagger is not allowed and when team registration takes place, we will notify whoever is trying to register Swagger on a Pokémon that this is not allowed. Evasion Clause - Moves that boost Evasion, like Double Team or Minimize are banned from usage. Items that lower accuracy, like BrightPowder and Lax Incense are also forbidden. Moody Clause - Pokémon with the Ability Moody are not allowed. To limit, but not have items be abused, you can have up to 3 of the same item on a Pokémon, meaning 3 Pokémon with Leftovers is a viable option. However, the use of Gems is prohibited. (Even though the Normal Gem is viable and legal, we’ve decided to ban every single Gem instead of allowing just one.) EV spreads and Items can be changed, as long as the maximum restriction of 3-of-the-same item rule is followed. Abiding Smogon rules, we have also decided to limit the use of Baton Pass to 1 Pokémon. This also means that the following Pokémon are not allowed to have a combination of Baton Pass & Swords Dance & Speed Boost: Torchic, Combusken, Blaziken, Ninjask, Scolipede. Agility & Swords Dance however, is allowed. On request, we have come to the conclusion that you may have one Pokémon in rotation only after you have defeated all 18 Gym Leaders. If you want to earn that 7th Pokémon, you have to prove to us, and yourself, that you're worthy of having a 7th Pokémon to face the Champion. Before I end off this introductionary topic to the upcoming Redemption League, I have to make some mentions to a bunch of amazing folks that helped set this up from scratch, and I'll also be giving them their "positions" in this League organisation. The staff: -- Redemption League Hosts/Managers -- Bazaro - Redemption League Host/Management & Head-of-Design/Sprite Creator Haven Pyrrhon - Redemption League Host/Management Apophyll Sparky - Redemption League Host/Management mde2001 - Redemption League Management RBRN Nova - Redemption League Management & Designer/Sprite Creator -- Redemption League Staff -- RBRN Azery - Redemption League Supervisor & Management assistant Darvan Korematsu - Redemption League Supervisor & Management assistant Frarpeto - Redemption League Supervisor & Battle qualifier Xiri/Jiniri - Redemption League Supervisor & Battle qualifier Kamina/Fruitdealer - Redemption League Battle qualifier SHIA - Redemption League Design Assistant / Sprite Creator In short, all these amazing people have contributed their share on creating this League and we do hope that you'll enjoy every bit of it and who knows- We might be able to crown YOU as the very first Redemption League Champion! What's that? Oh- I haven't stated my own position..? DashingStorm - Redemption League Host/Creator, All-round fabulous pony. There we gooo. You will almost always see me online during League hours, but whoever else is on beside me for specific days will shift and rotate with every day/week, because people have their own schedules to attend to. This is also the main reason we decided to run the League hours mostly in the weekends. That's it for this announcement, though! Stay tuned for more information as we progress through this rollercoaster of brainstorming! PS: We have most our Leaders ready and hungry for battle.. Just you wait.
  22. I.. Kinda wanna close it down too. Just because of that thread you mentioned.
  23. Bruh. What just happened to the server? :[

    1. ZEL


      :c And it was such a fun match, too ;A;

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