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Everything posted by DashingStorm

  1. Never bet with the Great Black Fox. This is the result of said bet, and now my very essence is forfeit. Remember: Submission ir our only choice.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Wendel


      Nice spelling too

    3. Vinny


      /me sighs

      I leave for 3 days Dash. 3 days.

      really xD

  2. Soooooooooooooooooo. Never bet with Kurotsune. Never. This is the result of said bet I didn't formally sign/agree to.

  3. I mean- This thread; http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=12870 has way more popularity, so I'm closing this.
    1. RasenShot


      That's what happens when you don't believe in the Helix :^)

  4. -sighs- Nope, I don't have a MAC, just W7. Still deleted the Mining Collapse SE and that didn't fix anything, it's still the same thing that crashes the entire game right after Dexoy uses Flash Cannon, a SE plays, Sylveon's fainting cry is heard and Nancy returns Sylveon to its Poké Ball. When the screen shifts over, the game opens up an ActiveMovie window and then the game freezes. http://prntscr.com/8g9f7h - rip. Idk what music is supposed to play right afterwards- But it may be the source of this problem. Edit; Woo, Jan da best and fix'd what I somehow bork'd. :]]
  5. Puzzles, puzzles. They're very.. Puzzling. :] Trial and error gets you through everything, that's all the advice I can give.
  6. Game Freak/Nintendo gon' get copyright strikes for copying Cell from DBZ, yo. Wtf.

  7. Quick-draw Ame strikes again :[ [15:00] %DashingStorm: [14:54] ~AmethystBlack: 'does ame not like budew' > The answer is yes, she does. [15:00] ~AmethystBlack: i'll cut you [15:01] %DashingStorm: If Budew is- [15:01] TrailBlazer77: oo [15:01] %DashingStorm: Wow okay [15:01] TrailBlazer77: pulse budew comin threw [15:01] ~AmethystBlack: ......about that. [15:01] %DashingStorm: I was gonna say "If Budew is replaced by Whimsicott/Mismagius" [15:01] ~AmethystBlack: ._.; -- EternalEdge is no longer away. [15:01] %DashingStorm: BUT OKAY THEN [15:01] %EternalEdge: Good morning everyone [15:01] ~AmethystBlack: o [15:01] %EternalEdge: except Amethyst. [15:01] ~AmethystBlack: no im sorryyyyy bby come back [15:01] TrailBlazer77: mornin eternal [15:01] %DashingStorm: Q__Q [15:01] ~AmethystBlack: you can blame it all on rng
  8. ..Download Shelly? What. Me likes, tho. #Shelly-shy
  9. It's going to be a phone app available for any Android/iOS supporting phone. The holograms they showed were most likely there just to catch attention, as all finding and catching is actually done over the phone.. I'm going to hope Poké Balls won't cost money, but they'll probably make it so you can purchase them if you run out after the daily generator thing (more below) They announced this in a press conference, so I reckon Youtube should have that entire press conference somewhere soon-ish. Already confirmed this app will be free to download, though. :] As for my two cents, I believe they'll play it like this; - You'll be given a set amount of Poké Balls (normal plain Poké Balls) every day or maybe every week and once you run out, you can make use of the in-app purchase function to buy more Poké Balls. - I also believe they'll make it so you can buy other types of Poké Balls, probably Great and Ultra Balls (which were shown in the video) to catch Pokémon with somewhat lower catchrates (do you honestly believe you can catch a Charizard with a Poké Ball?) - As for the entire "raid" concept, I don't yet have an opinion on that, but I think it'd be fun to run across town to a raid event with a couple dozen players. - The blue bracelet you may or may not have seen is probably something you will have to buy seperately, as it indicates when/where a Pokémon may be when you have it on and when you have the game running (albeit silently or through notifications being enabled), which is neat.. But what if it starts buzzing in the middle of the night?
  10. Before the masses break out regarding this new reveal trailer posted by the Pokémon Company, let's keep it nice and simple. What do you expect will happen when this gets released? How do you think this game will develop? Feel free to discuss here! Don't know what this thread is about? Check out this video:
  11. This might be better suited in On The Hunt and as such-
  12. I broke Rejuv. Twice. Within 5 minutes. Idk how I feel about that.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DashingStorm


      I don't do Rejuv fixes. I don't usually break things unless I'm asked to, either. Idek what I did.

    3. Red_Chaos


      just reinstall it

    4. BlueMoonIceCream


      I was mostly kidding

  13. Ayyy. I decided to finally give Rejuv a go, but even before I actually got through the S.S. Oceana, I crashed. Twice. First crash occurred right after the Sylveon cutscene, where the RGSS player opened an activemovie window that didn't really do anything, but upon leaving the room where Nancy was captured and the Dexoy approached you, the game froze and crashed with a "RGSS Player has stopped working" message. I recall having this same error before in Reborn (which had to do with Route 4 music, so it miiiiiiiight be a music issue? Just an idea) ~ Second crash (which you stated was fixed on page 1), being; Trying to force open the menu or force save crashes the game [Fixed] Nope, sorry. It's not fixed. I kinda/sorta hit quicksave with D upon starting a New Game due to the first glitch and hit both X and C to exit out (mistakingly) and I got hit with a right afterwards. Jan/Zumi pls. Halp.
  14. Firstly, I suggest you read the PSA regarding RPGMaker/Cheat Engine. We will not provide you with the means which allows you to cheat in any game(s). Locking topic and moving on.
  15. So I'm thinking of posting an LP of either Light Platinum or Liquid Crystal (GBA versions), while I wait for my laptop to come in. What do you guys want to see?

    1. Felicity


      Light platinum. LC gets real burring in an LP :P

    2. Hexagoen


      why not a computer setup? unless you are using one and you just want a laptop...

  16. So I'm thinking of posting an LP of either Light Platinum or Liquid Silver (GBA versions), while I wait for my laptop to come in. What do you guys want to see?

  17. Time to steal the queen's crownjewels. But yeah- Reborn is already pretttttty damn big as it is. Again, you can always add the tracks for yourself and just play them in the PokéGear.
  18. Have you considered a Stealth Rock user with Sturdy (like Golem) to cripple her entire team? Also, for help regarding certain/specific Gym Leaders, I can only suggest you check this place out; http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=13527
  19. Oh shit, you make nice signatures. Really nice ones, if I may. Can I request one with the coolest-of-cool ponies; Rainbow Dash? :] (Equestria Girls style) With obligatory quote line "It needs to be about 20% cooler." if possible! ..Resize may or may not be applicable.
  20. I mean- ..I could quite literally upload the Heather battle tomorrow, but who wants to see a stupid Raichu absolutely sweep a team that was supposed to be hard Q__Q I want to make this somewhat of a challenge, so I'm thinking of using a team with somewhat.. Less of an advantage against her.
  21. You don't even have to grind all that much. Early on, you can "grind" by using the Ace Trainer in the Grand Hall who has lvl 35 mons or grind on Unowns under the grand stairway. I mean, really- You don't have to grind for hours to make progress in the story.
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