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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

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Everything posted by DashingStorm

  1. Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnd we're back, folks.

  2. And with a little bit of help from senpai, magic has been created. http://prntscr.com/818ml2 :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Azeria


      why the coloured text at all XD , to each their own I guess :P

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      *hears the word Senpai and gets a bit twitchy. THen realizes it's not about him and leaves.*

    4. Red_Chaos


      needs more red

  3. First off, this is kinda not the place to ask for people to "hack" or edit your game file. Secondly, the Mystery Egg is always automatically set the moment you start a new savefile. It cannot be altered when a file is started, not even through hacking/cheating methods. If you want a Drilbur, why not ask for one in the trading thread? I'm also going to leave this here; http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=11625 - I suggest you read it before deliberately asking such things.
  4. Clarice is bae; [12:37] %DashingStorm: .helix Do you hate me, Clarice? [12:37] &BreloomBot: My sources say no.

    1. Azeria


      I sense bullshit of the next degree :]

    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      Clarice, didn't Amethyst ever teach you that lying is bad.

    3. Fumble
  5. I'll just add my own idea here as well, because Wynaut. Absol: Dark > Ice/Dark Change abilities from Pressure/Super Luck/Justified to Super Luck/Intimidate/Hyper Cutter Moves to add: Ice Fang/Ice Shard through level-up/Move Tutor
  6. Honestly, I have ideas for both Taka and Sirius on how to make them even tougher- But I have no idea whether that's a good idea for my sanity or not. .___. If anything, Cain will keep the Samurott and use a Poison-monotype team, and I did have a beefed up version of the final Victoria battle.. Which turned out to be extremely overpowered for that point in the game, but it would work as a means of "revisiting" a certain place. I'm anxious to see what results this poll will yield.
  7. Considering this isn't really related to the original Reborn game itself- Moved to Fan-Game Exposé.
  8. ༼つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give opinions for Custom Battles! http://strawpoll.me/5119629/ ༼つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. dead account

      dead account

      What do you mean by custom battles?

    3. DashingStorm


      More info can be found here regarding the custom battles; http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=16406

    4. SnowGlaceon


      Taka vs Solaris. Make it happen

  9. ..I made a Strawpoll to figure out which one of these I want to add after I record the next 5 Custom Battles, because I'm holding back on using other forum members for a liiiiiitle bit. Not to worry, I'll eventually add them, but I'd like to not stray too far away from the original characters in-game, y'know. Poll can be found here and I'll be taking votes for the next 2 weeks, so voting will end on August 20th. I'll add the top 5 results of this poll to the battle bracket and figure out teams that would suit them best and I'll do my best to create a customized trainer battle. (No promises I'll have learned to create the custom event by the time this poll will no longer be used, though.)
  10. ..Clarice wai u do dis? WAI CLARICE?! [17:38] +RBRN Azery: .helix do you hate chubb? [17:38] &BreloomBot: You may rely on it. [17:38] +RBRN Azery: ooooo [17:38] %DashingStorm: Rekt. [17:38] +Chubb the Pig: ............................... [17:38] FlameI7: rekt +Chubb the Pig left [17:38] • +Chubb the Pig cries himself a river [17:38] +RBRN Azery: das rite [17:39] %DashingStorm: Most important question you can ask Helix; [17:39] %DashingStorm: .helix Am I the coolest pony? [17:39] &BreloomBot: Very doubtful. [17:39] %DashingStorm: WHOA WHOA WHOAAAAAAAAAAA DashingStorm was warned by BreloomBot. (Automated response: caps) +Chubb the Pig joined [17:39] +RBRN Azery: WHOA [17:39] +Chubb the Pig: OOOOOHHH [17:39] %DashingStorm: BACK THE FUCK UP CLARICE. DashingStorm was muted by BreloomBot for 7 minutes. (Automated response: caps) [17:39] +RBRN Azery: SHE DONE YOU IN BOY [17:39] +Chubb the Pig: CLARICE GO YOU [17:39] FlameI7: Clarice is having none of you right now [17:39] +Chubb the Pig: GOT* [17:39] +RBRN Azery: SHUT DOWN [17:39] FlameI7: get rekt [17:39] YagamiNoir: Rekt

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I mean tooooootally not like you stab me all the time Alexus.

    3. Shamitako


      ...Speaking of, I haven't done that in a while *Stabs Huk-chan*

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie
  12. OP edited with the 4th battle against our own Lil' Danny!
  13. Not everyone reads every topic and/or comment (or uses the search function properly for that matter). That came out mildly rude imo. >>; Back OT: I have no idea whether El used Normal types back in League, but I'd assume he would considering the Ditto/Arceus thing. Let's just hope he doesn't actually find a way to obtain the real Arceus. ._.
  14. Banner, get! New video thumbnail, get! ..Now I just need to make the video for tomorrow. I'm so behind. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=16406

  15. zzz Pineapple confirmed to be The False Prophet.

    1. Wendel


      Did you just figure this out?

  16. In the future, please refrain from posting Rejuvenation Bug Reports in the Reborn section. Thank you.
  17. So Kuro pretty much forced me in here- To make an intro. Hi, you've all probably seen me around, be it on Showdown or on the forums. I've been in charge of Bug Reporting/Troubleshooting for a short time now, and since recently, I've also been looking after Reborn City. Add this new task here in Development/Quality Control and you've got quite the busy pony. But rest assured, with all these things combined, I'll be sure to stay busy/active throughout my stay. ..Do I really need an intro? I'm quite notorious for actually breaking Reborn on an (almost daily basis). This time, I'm going to see if I can adapt my breaking-skills into making them fixing-skills. Glad to be workin' with everyone!
  18. The third battle is live! Surprisingly enough, it's a lot shorter than the other two.. ..So I might have to push the actual upload date back 1 or 2 days, due to some.. Technical difficulty. No, I didn't break anything, before you point fingers. I'm just trying to sort out the new video thumbnail and due to my lack of logical sense, I've been altering this image for a good 3 hours because I messed up the background. That, and I've yet to figure out a team to use & I've yet to playtest this battle to make sure it's actually doable to a certain extent.
  19. Well screw you, Oak. I ride my bike whenever I want.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      I meant Oak's. And the Arcanine indeed perplexes me (the Rotom too actually o.O )

    3. DashingStorm


      The Arcanine was used in his RBY glitch team, as for Rotom, he actually obtained one in the anime o-o;

      The Tauros, yes- He pretty much has enough Tauros obtained from Ash, god knows why he caught 30, and has enough Tauros to start a ranch.

    4. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      Oh, I didn't know that :/

  20. You don't have to copy/paste the new episode into the old folder. You can simply extract the zip file into a whole new folder (and possibly name it Episode 15 to not get confused) and open it from there. That's the easiest way to update the game.
  21. Coming soon to your computer; A RBY/Anime tribute to the almighty-watcher-of-where-you-cannot-use-your-bike. Expected upload date: 8/1!
  22. I only have a few things I want to share regarding your touching story, Ame; - Look at what you've built within these past years. A community this vast, with an enormous variety of people of all ages, genders (and non-genders), who have supported your creation since the beginning and will most definitely stick around until the very end. And by the very end, I don't just mean the day Reborn gets finished, but for me personally, I'll be that one-pony/brony you can always rely on to be there if things get rough. Friendship is magic, don't you agree? - As rough as life can be, which I've experienced first-hand with my own life, falling and getting up seems to be a huge part of it. Which I've kept doing for the past 15 years or so, gradually only getting worse as life progresses. But that's for myself to deal with and people close to me to either notice or not notice. :] I'd say happy birthday, but I think I'll just offer you a coupon for a hug instead. ^^ _____________________________________________ | | | | | Coupon valid for | | One Hug | | | |____________________________________________|
  23. From what was mentioned earlier about updating from W7/W8, you don't lose your files when you update to W10.
  24. Happy B-day Mikey! I mean c'mon, 23 is something you can still celebrate, you're still near early 20's, so you still sound young :]
  25. No problemo. Making the animations would require quite some time, but if you're dedicated enough to do so, by all means. ^^;
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