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Everything posted by DashingStorm

  1. I gots me a Hoopa on Wifi! :D (Pretty sure it's far from legit considering it's 6 IV but who cares!)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. zimvader42


      Are you gonna use the ghost/psychic or dark/psychic form?

    3. DashingStorm


      ..The unbound form which I believe is Dark/Psychic. :o

    4. zimvader42


      Cool. Hyperspace fury wrecks lives.

  2. Class? Class?! I'll show Fern who has more class. -tips hat- I like this artwork- I just dislike Fern. Give Amy & Tania art pls
  3. When I said I might have something up my sleeve, I wasn't kidding. Many hours into learning how to sprite, I've come up with this! http://prntscr.com/7umvx0

    1. Arkhi


      Surfing turns your sprite into something else. Noice!

  4. As created by Explosms a few days ago; there's an alternative to Lord/Duchess to be known as "Lex". Kurotsune approved.
  5. Q: Will there be Mega Evolutions? A: There are a few Mega Stones available, but there is no current item that allows Mega Evolution for players. Q: When can you beat up Arceus? A: Not today, not tomorrow, maybe not ever. That being said; Welcome to Reborn!
  6. I miiiiiiight have something up my sleeve.. Might.

    1. Fezzdog


      are they arms

    2. Anvilicious


      They never said they were wearing the sleeve...

    3. DashingStorm
  7. Edit; Scratch that, that was in 14.6 ._. tf was the other method to getting another Exp Share? Lottery..?
  8. 7/18 ..Spiders ._. I hate them so much.
  9. I never realized these things were pre-requisites to triggering the actual Ditto event. o-o But if so- Then yeah.
  10. What do you call a magic owl?

  11. ..My guess for Adrienn's team might be a bit unorthodox, but very well viable. Mr. Mime / Togekiss / Florges / Sylveon / Whimsicott / Mega Mawile Why? I have no idea. Fairy-types aren't exactly overflowing and duplicates might be used from other teams, like Noel's, but I don't think she'll copy Clefable over again, especially not at this stage of the game. Sylveon obviously because it was one of the very first announced Fairy-type Pokémon, Mr. Mime can be quite scary with 120 base SpDef/100 Speed. ..Togekiss was Seel-approved, but yeah. Whimsicott because Ame adores Whimsicott and it's annoying beyond shit to deal with if you can't counter it. Florges is.. Bulky beyond words, my god. 154 SpDef >>; (sure, it has crap Def) And Mega Mawile because it's either going to be Mega Mawile/Gardevoir/Altaria/Audino/Diancie among Fairy-types. I don't see Gardevoir happening because she's Radomus' ace, Altaria is Ciel's.. That leaves Mawile/Audino/Diancie. Scratch Diancie because it's a legendary and you're left with Mawile and Audino. What's more threatening to you, a Mawile with two huge jaws or a pudgy nurse?
  12. ..Ditto is obtained in Blacksteam Factory, during the puzzle with Abra/Cyndaquil etc. If you don't obtain Ditto from there, it'll shift to 7th Street instead.
  13. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if it would- Nvm.

  14. First of all, welcome to Reborn! Enjoy your stay and don't be a stranger to ask for help you might need. Regarding your username, I thinkkkkkk you should probably take that up with one of the forum admins ~ (By which I mean most likely approach Amethyst or Ikaru to assist in these matters through PM, they can surely help you out.) :]
  15. Welcome to Reborn! I think this is (don't quote me on this) one of the only games out there that actually gives you the option between 3 types of characters to be created. Don't be mistaken, Reborn's a challenge if you've never played it before and don't know what to expect- So you'd better prepare yourself.
  16. Welcome to Reborn! Don't be a stranger to say hello to the people in their respective holding cells- Just don't stick your hand in or you might lose it.
  17. Thankies, thankies! Starting to run low on cookies and cake.. Once I get the sleep out of my eyes and my brain starts to function somewhat properly, I'll think of something.. Creative enough for a new title that would suit me. (Or I can always ask around for good suggestions!)
  18. ..I love this new image. Love it.

  19. I have to go with Nymphyx, the Delphox. She's helped me a ton in e14 and managed to pull through every time I needed hax on my side.
  20. ..Something tells me I should change my actual forum title to something related to "Reborn's Gamebreaker" or something in that direction.
  21. I would say welcome, but I've seen you pop up so much I don't think a welcome is needed for a regular such as yourself. n__n; And hey, better late then never to make an introduction, right?!
  22. Holy shit that's a sick beat. Thanks guys!
  23. So uh, hi. I'll be your host for Bug Reporting and Troubleshooting from here on out. :]

    1. Hexagoen


      dont be shy, dasie-sempai~

    2. Odybld


      Bug reporting: now 20% cooler

    3. Sparky


      More like 20% more broken :P

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