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Everything posted by DashingStorm

  1. I guess that title's pretty much stuck to me, huh..? D:
  2. I bring to you all greetings, cookies and cupcakes, Pinkie Pie special recipe baked! A certain gemstone was going to make this topic to introduce me as latest Reborn Staff member- But when she actually logged on, she was more then overwhelmed by the awesomeness that shines in my manes- Nah I'm kidding. So hi, I've been around, you've probably seen me do my thing in the Bug Reporting/Troubleshooting section lately and was recently approached to be appointed as designated Staff member for this section, so here I am! No, I'm not an actual Global Moderator, I'll only be doing things around Bug Reporting and Troubleshooting. If things pop up in other sections, I'm not your pony-to-go-to. With that all being said, I hope we'll all have a great time together and if there's anything broken with your save or if you've found any bugs and/or glitches, you know where to find me! ~Dashie
  3. Y'know, I've once heard this rumor that if you say Amethyst backwards three times in a row when the moon is at its highest on the second Friday of every month, she'll appear beside you and turn you into a Budew.
  4. Pretty much this. Why would you even want to randomize Reborn? That's illegally tampering with the game's files and data. ._.
  5. DashingStorm


    Welcome to Reborn! Enjoy your permanent stay with us, don't be shy, grab a cookie from Shia's special stash. :]
  6. DashingStorm


    Bienvenue á Reborn, mon ami! Enjoy your stay and don't be a stranger to say hello to everyone in their respective holding cells ~
  7. ..I think I've always pronounced it as "biks-bision"
  8. ..With Iwata-san's passing last weekend, I've pretty much had this on for hours and hours to remember that this man made it possible for us to go to Kanto in GSC.
  9. Welcome to the fun squad, cookies and cake are being prepared as we speak.. Have a seat and help yourself to all the other treats we have in store for you. :]
  10. ..I actually woke up and shed a few tears when I heard this happened .__. Never in my life have I known someone to have been such a large influence on my gaming life, I've absolutely loved Earthbound and all the Kirby series. Hell, I've seen all the Twitter posts made by various CEO's and other well-known celebrities and gamers, I really feel upset that Iwata-san is no longer among the living. ..It seems that Iwata-san ran out of 1-Up mushrooms and went to the great blue yonder. You will be greatly missed by the entire gaming community as a whole.
  11. Like Kuro mentioned before- This is just a raw implementation with no possible extra features as of yet- Because it's just a raw version of the entire system. Additional add-ons may happen (at some point, if at all), but for now, just consider it to be a simple Trading/Battling system with nothing else.
  12. And the custom battle creations continue! Today's topic; http://prntscr.com/7s6jaz (Please don't mind the hair, I'm learning to sprite still :[)

    1. Arkhi


      What a cutie

    2. Shanco


      Dude looks like he's headed to the disco party.

  13. I'm not entirely sure whether you can alter the event to give you anything else, but I do know that Golett/Golurk is available in Route 3. Sorry for not being much of help. :[ Maybe someone else can answer your question on how to (if possible), change the totem pole to give you a different Pokémon.
  14. Sorry to say, but Wonder Guard won't do you much good against Aya, considering half her team packs at least a Dark-type or Ghost-type move. 4 of her Pokémon carry moves that can KO Shedinja, one of them carries Leech Seed which would also instantly KO it after 1 turn- So Wonder Guard might not be your best bet for Aya. If anything, bring a Meowstic (as suggested before), or a Ground-type like Sandslash. Just be wary of her Gengar, Drapion and Dragalge. She's pretty much set to counter almost every type. (Even Steel.)
  15. Q___Q RIP Satoru Iwata, thank you for making Nintendo for what it now is.

  16. I'd call that a fair idea, yeah. That'd limit the actual usage of storage space from the entire community as a whole. :3
  17. Pfft. Suitable title for her, I'd say. http://prntscr.com/7rwn60

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. zimvader42


      >little brat

    3. Nova


      oh, cool.

    4. DashingStorm


      She actually has a lead Aerodactyl. Her remaining Pokémon are Drifblim, Braviary, Crobat, Staraptor and obviously Mega Salamence.

      She's not impossible to beat, I just beat her. :3

  18. Not sure if this has been mentioned, like.. Ever- But I'd really like if we had some more storage space for attachments, like 1MB maybe. I know this might be a huge deal due to site traffic being high and may even cause the forums to crash if too many things are uploaded and create site instability.. But being someone who often uploads fixed savefiles, I tend to run out of space every 2 or 3 uploads, considering some savefiles can be extremely high in size (300kb+).
  19. Would just have to alter one thing to make unable to be namechanged. :3 I'd like to see how well this goes and maybe even participate for this beautiful purple.. Booger..
  20. Most Mystery Egg-mons are relatively new. I mean hey, there's Larvesta in the Mystery Egg if you're extremely lucky to get one. Or if you're beyond stupid lucky, I've read somewhere that Axew can be obtained through that egg.. Whether that's true or not, I have no idea. :[
  21. This is now officially Ponymon Reborn. http://prntscr.com/7rt51a

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fumble
    3. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      For the love of Arceus no.

    4. zimvader42


      Lol well I'm not surprised. It had to happen sooner or later

  22. The earlier TM's are.. Not that amazing. Granted that's a given when a game is rather difficult and wants to keep the difficulty high instead of giving out the overpowered TM's out of the blue. You can find some reasonable TM's later on (like Secret Power, Hidden Power etc)
  23. Alternative options for getting a bigger screen to play Reborn on, if you enter the options menu, you can choose to fit the screen to "Large" size, it's the last option before Cancel and will most likely give you the biggest possible screen. (However, if your monitor can't handle that size, you might be missing a part of the game's screen.)
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