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Everything posted by DashingStorm

  1. HOLY SHIT. Roy and Ryu confirmed for Sm4sh! O______O

    1. krim


      Yep, Our Boy is back. I don't care much for Street Fighter, but Ryu seems cool enough.

    2. CURIE


      We actually knew this would happen for a while now. Data for both of them were found in the latest update to the game.

  2. We officially have achieved leet-ness in the Grand Hall. http://prntscr.com/7fe6i5

    1. Rezilia
    2. Flux


      There must never be a new topic...

  3. ...Why must Sega torture one of the longest-running franchises they own by creating such horrible games? Just stick with a concept like Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic Generations, with the original voice actors for Sonic/Shadow/Amy.. And it's a good start.
  4. And that is why we now have the sorting function implemented. This comment was [REDACTED]
  5. Public release, ho! Everyone have fun with the latest installment of Pokémon Reborn- And try not to rage at certain points too hard. :]
  6. Ohmygoddddd I caught Giratina in Shuffle with 4% chance :o

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shamitako


      I really like this design tho, much better than the mega stone contests

    3. Cepheus


      I got it on Difficulty 7... currently at 18 because I still can't beat Milotic xD

    4. Noivy


      i blasted four free jewels on it, but i really wanted giratina

  7. Give mutes! [17:22] DashingStorm: ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ Give Mew #worth ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ DashingStorm was muted by BreloomBot for 7 minutes. (Automated response: your message contained a banned phrase) [17:22] &Blιnd gυardιan: no mew [17:22] Hypaa: sure because ive soft resetted over 100 times with shiny charm and no shiny as of yet [17:22] &Blιnd gυardιan: no razor claw either [17:22] %Vinny PR: But mew is there already [17:22] 2tousent: azery [17:22] 2tousent: i beat angie [17:22] %Vinny PR: or did ame remove that tile thing [17:22] +RBRN Azery: . [17:22] 2tousent: while i had no internet [17:22] +RBRN Azery: IT'S A MIRACLE \o/ [17:23] +RBRN Azery: Angie 2 stronk [17:23] +RBRN Azery: :[ [17:23] DhanushBhatt: Dash i'm joining you ( ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡° ) DhanushBhatt was muted by BreloomBot for 7 minutes. (Automated response: your message contained a banned phrase) [17:23] &Blιnd gυardιan: it's still there but the player can't get to it [17:23] Hypaa: angie was super easy [17:23] rawr danny: rofl [17:23] 2tousent: didnt grind [17:23] +RBRN Azery: I had to sweep her with Emboar and Bulk up [17:23] 2tousent: so 2 of my pokemon were 10 lvls lower than her's [17:23] • %Vinny PR shrugs [17:23] %Vinny PR: ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ Vinny PR was muted by BreloomBot for 7 minutes. (Automated response: your message contained a banned phrase) [17:23] +RBRN Azery: I had to grind him though [17:23] &Blιnd gυardιan: ..... [17:23] +RBRN Azery: cuz he'd have died in 1 hit otherwise [17:23] +RBRN Azery: :[ [17:23] +Pyon Pyon Kyuu: ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ Vinny is the best smelling mod in Reborn ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ Pyon Pyon Kyuu was muted by BreloomBot for 7 minutes. (Automated response: your message contained a banned phrase) [17:23] +RBRN Azery: I swept Narcissa with him aswell [17:23] 2tousent: you know how i got past mamo? [17:23] Hypaa: wait so they could just use rpg maker and get mew ? o.o [17:24] 2tousent: venusaur [17:24] +RBRN Azery: ? [17:24] +RBRN Azery: ayy Based Venu [17:24] 2tousent: petal dance 1 shot it [17:24] +RBRN Azery: . [17:24] +RBRN Azery: how did you survive [17:24] +RBRN Azery: it's attack [17:24] 2tousent: uh [17:24] 2tousent: its a venusaur [17:24] gbhg: uhh [17:24] gbhg: um [17:24] 2tousent: its not a jumpluff [17:24] gbhg: hmm [17:24] +RBRN Azery: Doesnt it have [17:24] gbhg: I see [17:24] gbhg: intresting gbhg was muted by BreloomBot for 7 minutes. (Automated response: flooding) [17:24] +RBRN Azery: Icicle Crash [17:24] +RBRN Azery: or something [17:24] +RBRN Azery: REKT [17:24] 2tousent: no [17:24] +RBRN Azery: . [17:24] 2tousent: earthquake and ice shard [17:24] ChronoTryst: Everything is going better than expected [17:24] WendelM: rekt [17:24] &Blιnd gυardιan: > [11:23:51] Hypaa: wait so they could just use rpg maker and get mew ? o.o [17:24] &Blιnd gυardιan: I mean you can just give it to yourself anyway zz [17:24] +RBRN Azery: not even broken ass cold truth? [17:25] Hypaa: lol thats true [17:25] Hypaa: cold truth is super broken agreed there [17:25] 2tousent: it didnt use cold truth [17:25] 2tousent: i did use victini tho [17:25] 2tousent: but i dont even feel guilty [17:26] Hypaa: cold truth did 80% damage on my poor sylveon [17:26] +Abbey Street: ヽ ༼ ຈ ل͜ ຈ ༽ ノ Abbey Street was muted by BreloomBot for 7 minutes. (Automated response: your message contained a banned phrase) OU battle started between DashingStorm and DhanushBhatt. [17:26] 2tousent: foul play dark gem houndoom for her froslass [17:26] 2tousent: like [17:26] 2tousent: lvl 45 houndoom [17:27] +RBRN Azery: ヽ ༼ ຈ ل͜ ຈ ༽ ノ Resseti Powre ヽ ༼ ຈ ل͜ ຈ ༽ ノ RBRN Azery was muted by BreloomBot for 7 minutes. (Automated response: your message contained a banned phrase) [17:27] WendelM: ... Succubus Sazane joined [17:27] • ChronoTryst waits to see who acts next [17:28] Hypaa: i just swept angie with nasty plot houndoom/flamethrower piece of cake, sunny day'd with another poke tho +DobbyTheElfI joined [17:29] +DobbyTheElfI: ヽ ༼ ຈ ل͜ ຈ ༽ ノ DobbyTheElfI was muted by BreloomBot for 7 minutes. (Automated response: your message contained a banned phrase) [17:29] Hypaa: all those guys on mute list poor things [17:30] DashingStorm: Not enough people muted. ( ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡° ) DashingStorm was muted by BreloomBot for 7 minutes. (Automated response: your message contained a banned phrase) [17:30] DhanushBhatt: We need more mutes ( ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡° ) DhanushBhatt was muted by BreloomBot for 7 minutes. (Automated response: your message contained a banned phrase) !But you see joined [17:30] Hypaa: ( ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡° ) going afk anyways Mute Forever! ( ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡° ) Hypaa was muted by BreloomBot for 7 minutes. (Automated response: your message contained a banned phrase) [17:30] %Vinny PR: Dash what have you done [17:30] +Pyon Pyon Kyuu: You were expecting another emoticon KONO ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ DA! Pyon Pyon Kyuu was muted by BreloomBot for 7 minutes. (Automated response: your message contained a banned phrase)
  8. Needs moar mutes in chat http://prntscr.com/7eks9s :]

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DashingStorm


      Vinny dong'd too hard :[

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      Dhanush is the only one I was legitly surprised with.

    4. DashingStorm


      I may, or may not have started a thing back there..

  9. Sludge Wave Gengar in competitive is a different thing from having a Sludge Wave Gengar in Reborn. You can't teach Gastly-family Sludge Wave through the TM, you'll have to breed something within its breeding group with Sludge Bomb, if you want Sludge Bomb on a Gengar.
  10. Yay 500 posts! Time to get Ace- Shit.

  11. Well this is boringggg.

  12. Magikarp was axed for a reason. Reason being Gyarados being stupid overpowered throughout the entire game. I don't see any reason to put it back in early, honestly.
  13. Though you should probably avoid saving in the Spinel Town Pokémon Center. It's caused several people to glitch before fighting Serra.
  14. Haha, didn't realize that dark blue was a bit.. Too dark. I'll edit it to be light blue instead. :]
  15. Hold items do work, they just don't trigger 100% of the time. Iirc, Quick Claw only activates at a 12.5% chance and Focus Band only activates at a 10% chance. If you've found the Focus Sash earlier in-game (under the grand stairway) and have a Pokémon with Destiny Bond or Perish Song, you can just use that to quickly KO Arceus. That being said, it's hard to outspeed Arceus, but not impossible to win the battle without above-mentioned strategy.
  16. Hellooooooo everyone~ Remember that thread I made a while back asking for you guys to pick my starter and gift? Turns out you guys pretty much voted for the 'dile (no not Sandile, get out.) and Mr. Pringles to start my adventure with. After a lot of trial and error, I actually obtained a very nice Totodile after 5 resets, with an Adamant nature and 31 Atk IV's! As for the Frillish.. Let's just say I got a reasonable one with a Calm nature and decent IV's. (I gave up after 13 attempts, so yeah.) As for the rules of this Nuzlocke challenge; So with the rules written and my starters chosen, let's get this show on the road, shall we?! Episode One; The beginning of a new adventure! So I finished my tour around the several regions in this vast world, challenging gym after gym, Elite members one after the other.. I even tried my hand at the famous Battle facilities in Hoenn! Alas, without much luck, I returned home.. A note was dropped off at home, telling me to pack my bags and head out into a newly discovered region, called Reborn. The note cut off almost immediately after saying "Good luck, Trainer~", as if written in a rush. If you wish to see the actual note, click this spoiler; Well, I knew what I was gonna do. I dropped off my belongings, rushed to Professor Oak's research lab, and said I was heading out yet again. A whole new journey.. Again. I wonder what's in store for me this time. As I rushed back to Saffron City's train station, I realized I brought all my Pokémon with me. Clearly, if this is a new region, they must have new Pokémon as well, right? I called up Professor Oak and said I'd transfer my entire team back so I could start fresh upon arriving. Down at the Saffron City train station, I saw this.. Lady wearing white and purple, as if she were a gemstone. "She must be Professor Amethyst", I thought. It seemed she noticed I was looking for her and kindly waved me towards her. As I stepped forward, I could hear the announcer over a speaker, saying "All aboard for Reborn City!", as I heard Professor Amethyst yell "Come on, the train's about to leave!", I started pacing towards the professor faster as she started boarding with several other people. I jumped on, completely out of breath, and followed the professor to a cabinet where we discussed how the Reborn League works and why she sent out notes to Trainers of all regions. I introduced myself formally, and mentioned how I had travelled from region to region and how well I know my Pokémon mechanics and whatnot, that I had won quite a few badges and entered other Leagues, but never won any of them. "Looks like I picked the right Trainer to send a note to, I'm not certain how well you'll fare against other Trainers in the Reborn region, but it sounds like you'll be fine. Have you brought your Pokémon with you?", Professor Amethyst asked. I shook my head and said I wanted to start a fresh journey, for the full experience of having a new adventure in a new region. "Perfect. I have a surprise for you when we arri-", she couldn't even finish her sentence, as a loud explosion was heard when the train pulled into the station of the new region- "Get down!", someone yelled. At that moment, I passed out and could only feel my body get dragged out of the cabinet and literally thrown out of the train.. I woke up several minutes later, with the professor by my side. The entire station was blown up, there was no way to get back home, I thought to myself.. I saw the professor talk to some.. High school girl..? She introduced herself as Julia, captain of "cheer and pep". "Nothing peppy about this entire explosion", I thought. Professor Amethyst ran ahead to inform the authorities, as she left me with Julia. As Julia and I spoke, she mentioned she was one of the Reborn League's Gym Leaders, saying that if I entered, I'd have to face her in a Gym battle sooner or later. She pointed towards the east, a giant building in the middle of the city, known as the Grand Hall, and that someone else will pick me up at the entrance to also get enrolled in the Reborn League. At the entrance to the Grand Hall, I saw a girl wearing a kimono- She looked cute, but man oh man, was I wrong in thinking she was one of those "easy" types. I almost got my ass handed to me before even obtaining a Pokémon in a new region. We made our way into the Grand Hall and met back up with Professor Amethyst, who mentioned it was okay to just call her Ame instead. She called me up to a chamber with.. 18 Pokémon to choose a starter from.. Oh man, this is tough.. To be continued~
  17. Must. Get. Shiny Charizard from ORAS event.

  18. No hordes, that'd require a Pokémon Essentials re-coding. Which is downright near impossible (I won't say impossible because who knows what people are capable of doing). As for Mega Evolution, maybe? Some day? Never? Idk.
  19. I recall a spoiler-lock until.. July? E15 isn't out publically yet, it's for the (hard)core community members only. I have a feeling that once videos of this are posted (including shofu's videos), people are going to start flooding the forums and a bajillion of bug reports are gonna start popping up due to not every bug being located/fixed as of yet.. On-topic, gl w/ your run, I'm looking forward to many rage-moments and the works on Skype. :]
  20. Something, something, illegal game, something.. Considering Pokémon Reborn is not an official Pokémon game, but a fan-made one, it can clash with their ToS. Check out Twitch's ToS, you don't have to believe a random person on the interwebs.
  21. I'm relatively sure Twitch doesn't allow non-official games to be streamed and can lead to getting your account compromised. Just a heads-up.
  22. Caution, may be a spoiler, soooooo.
  23. Well fuck. I completely broke Reborn. rip this run, on towards E15!

    1. Vinny


      god dangit dash not again

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