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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by DashingStorm

  1. AME. Why does the AI predict moves?! This ain't competitive! Q__Q

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. DashingStorm


      No like- I used High Jump Kick with Scrafty on Luna's TTar, missed it, she SWITCHED to Sableye the turn after into my second HJK. Needless to say, I suicided.

    3. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      IIRC, the handler of Pokemon Essentials made it that way and no one can do anything about that.

    4. Sutoratosu


      know what this means though?

      Gotta get smarter.

  2. I voted Flying for only one reason; Bird Jesus. ..And you get Charizard, which has extremely broken Dragon Rage as early-stage Charmander. (And Dragon Rage remains to be one of the most broken moves until what, 5th badge?)
  3. How did you find your way to Reborn? - [5/30/2015] Preeeeeeeeeeeetty sure I found the game through shofu as well. Episode 8 yo. (That being said, I never got past Arceus up until yesterday, so I'm experiencing the rest of the game ever since that was released.) :[
  4. This is quite funny, as the same "bug" takes place in Reborn as well. The way this works is that Shedinja copies the exact values Ninjask gets when Nincada evolves, basically you have a Ninjask duplicate, but with a Shedinja-style. Nothing that can't be fixed in a future update, though. coughjancough
  5. Palutena is bae. :]

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shamitako
    3. RubyHeart


      She is best poll dancer, that's for sure

    4. Shamitako


      ...Well then (also *pole)

  6. Welcome to the fun squad, enjoy your stay and don't be a stranger when help is needed. :]
  7. This is PG13, right? :[

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      No, this is Patrick.

    3. Arkenciel Zeno

      Arkenciel Zeno

      No, this is sableye

    4. Shamitako


      Technically yes... However it's also terrifying

  8. Rabble rabble new profile pic oops.

  9. Wait it's Reborn's birthday? oml wat.

    1. Peepeepoopoo


      It isn't a birthday without cake, WHERE'S THE CAKE?

  10. Hello! Don't mind the others, your sanity is safe with me~ In a way. What do you mean it's not, it is! Enjoy your stay in the funhouse :]
  11. Server went kaboom #BlameAmethyst

  12. Welcome aboard, matey. I be your sinking ship's tour-guide. Episodes are released as updates to the game, where you can choose to either start a new game to completely re-live the experience or just continue with your current team into the next part of the storyline as it unfolds. That being said, enjoy your stay!
  13. Welcome to the fun house, I'll take your sanity as entry fee.. Thankkkk you~ Enjoy your permanent stay :]
  14. Anti-Grass.. As I see it now, I'll definitely be needing something to tank against Fern/Florinia. >>;
  15. Corrupted Master Ball coming in 3, 2, 1..
  16. 750, huh? oml nope.exe Here's to hoping e15 will be as successful as the other episodes!
  17. Tfw I sometimes nag Dan and I get the older brother response :[ "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat" "What you'd break this time?" Tfw I know he still <3's me regardless of how much I accidentally sequence break Reborn Q__Q Dan deserves a gift of love :]
  18. Hint; Before you obtain Ditto, have a slot free in your party, save and reset until you get a reasonable IV'd Ditto, breed and pray to Lord Arceus. Just like for competitive gameplay
  19. Once you've triggered the event for whatever starter you've obtained through set event (and therefore obtaining the starter), the game classifies it as a completed event. So you have to pick which one you would want (if these new starters even replace the old ones).
  20. I feel absolutely gutted for ranking 15051th in the Lucarionite event in Pokémon Shuffle Q__Q Top 15k would get a Lucarionite

    1. Sheep


      Ouch. At least you were close though right?

    2. Sharu
  21. The closer the release of e15 gets, the more I'm starting to fear the outcome of this playthrough. So far, it's looking like I'll be starting with a Totodile and Frillish. If you haven't casted a vote on what my starter & gift Pokémon should be, do so at the top!
  22. Hilda, your picture just screams you saying "HEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!"
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