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Everything posted by DashingStorm

  1. Welcome to the nuthouse, please take off your shoes and I'll have your coat- Thankkkk you. Coffee is to your right, cookies to the left. Whatever you do, don't go straight ahead. Bad things await you there.
  2. Other people have pulled it off before, no idea why it wouldn't work for you (or possibly others). I'm kinda tempted to try and see what happens if I do it. Edit: Yeah, it works. Cheap, but effective.

    1. Simon


      lol wat.

    2. Fumble


      I wanted to vote just for Marill...

    3. Simon


      Oh, I see. Welp. Guess I gotta wait til it is fixed to vote for Totodile.

  4. Haihai. I'm debating on doing a Monotype run once E15 releases (hype train, all aboard!), but currently stuck between several types. I was thinking of either keeping it clean and go with Grass/Water/Fire with one of the Kanto starters- Or a Dragon/Fairy/Steel-type monorun. 6 options, not much time left. Anyone care to toss an opinion in there? The poll may look strange, but these are basically the starters I'll be picking from when I start the monotype run. Edit: I broke the poll. Can't remove the other questions when I click the red X next to them. >>; Ignore the other options, just keep it to the first 12, please.
  5. Welcome to the funhouse! Enjoy your stay and don't be a stranger if you need any help. There's a bunch of people, including myself, willing to answer any questions you may have.
  6. I think it's time I got a new forum pic.

  7. If needed, you could PM me with your savefile and I could possibly help out too.
  8. Welcome to the funhouse, admittance fee will be your sanity.. Thank you~ Enjoy your stay! (it's permanent.) Gotta say, I love Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World. (I never played the first one though). The amount of "HOLY SHIT THAT SPECIAL LOOKS AWESOME" was insane. .. ... ..Loading Arkhidon.exe
  9. Welcome to the nutball house So far, no recorded Nuzlockes of Reborn have been made.. That's a whole new challenge by itself. Enjoy your stay!
  10. Welcome to Reborn, enjoy your stay and don't be a stranger with questions!
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shamitako


      OMG. That last turn was gorgeous

    3. Shing


      Fucking focus blast, and the hax ending there. That's glorious.

    4. Vinny


      I might just call you RainbowKamina.

  11. May 8th: You've won the lottery, what are you doing with your winnings? Move out of the house, buy myself a new computer, go on vacation to see my relatives, make sure my family is set for life and proceed with a professional gaming carreer whilst keeping my current jobs on the side and saving the remainder of my winnings.
  12. When a Chatot is on the board for a TPP team, always bet on that team. #Chatot

  13. DK Up-B too stronk

  14. Why is there no "spam" cap on a single move in Smash3DS? >>; It'd make the annoying matches a bit more enjoyable to play at least.

    1. Shing


      Dat discharge and the end i can't eve-

    2. Vinny


      I... was totally expecting you to win this RD.

      Metronome > Everything

    3. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      LOOOOOOOL Punishment

  15. Wanted: Keldeo in ORAS :(

  16. Honestly, I just main Shulk most the time, troll people with Pac-Man/Villager or just completely rack up combos with Mario/Ludwig.. Why do kids tend to stick to using the same move over and over in the hopes that it'll somehow work for them? It just.. doesn't work.
  17. RainbowDash - DashingStorm
  18. It's that one guy that kinda helped me out at the start of everything! I mean- Wb Vinny <3
  19. Maybe try a different kind of game that isn't Pokémon-related?
  20. Smash3DS, yes? Yes.

  21. ..I actually run this Excadrill set, but with 100 HP and 156 SpDef, which is enough to take most hits and proceed to revenge kill. I've been using this Latios and it tends to catch people off-guard sometimes. Latios @ Choice Scarf Ability: Levitate EV's: 252 SpAtk, 150 Speed, 52 HP, 50 Atk Trick Psyshock Draco Meteor Earthquake People will always assume Latios runs max Speed/SpAtk and 4 HP/Def, right? Wrong. This Latios is more or less there to outrun the somewhat slower scarfmons, thinking they can still outspeed a Latios. Not only that, this specific set is designed to break down Heatran/Tyranitar if you predict the incoming Stealth Rock, Toxic or any other status/hazard move. Trick them and lock them into whatever they use, if Heatran decides to stay in for a Stealth Rock (without getting Tricked), you can risk going for Earthquake (which can potentially KO it), then proceed to switch after. A bit of an unorthodox set, but I don't really have many creative sets for OU.
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