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Everything posted by DashingStorm

  1. Playing Smash on a 3DS isn't as easy as I thought it'd be..
  2. I should probably add my FC to this list, huh? 3DS: 4442-1702-3667 Currently playing: Alpha Sapphire / Smash 3DS / Pokémon Y (wonderlocke soon!)
  3. Will-o-Wisp, y u no hit in wifi :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Shamitako
    3. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      Scale burns more frequently than WoW

    4. AeroWraith


      It should be renamed to Will-o-Miss

  4. Let the breeding in ORAS commence!

    1. Sonikku


      dashie q~q


  5. Hiya folks, I'm not sure whether a thread like this exists/existed.. So I thought I'd open one up instead. Basically, I'm looking for a bunch of things to trade for in ORAS, mostly Hidden Ability things so I can breed them, but also a few legendaries from past events I couldn't get ahold of. (Celebi/Diancie/Jirachi etc) If you guys want to make use of this thread, feel free to do so! Think of something along these lines; Wanted: Celebi with Nasty Plot Offering: Sneasel with Ice Punch/Ice Shard, Timburr with Drain/Mach Punch, other legendaries ^Pretty much what I'm offering, might have other stuff, PM me or something if you happen to have said Celebi!
  6. You basically only need Episode 14, but getting the 14.6 patch off the forum post is a semi-bug-fixed patch. Also, this is the wrong section for asking such questions. Next time you have questions related to the game; please post a topic here: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showforum=42 This section named On The Hunt is specifically meant to ask questions about finding a specific Pokémon or item in the game.
  7. The Helix Fossil in my bag is actually twitching of anger right now..
  8. You're just really that unlucky. Soft-resets are your friend, friend. If you really want something with Lightningrod to get past Julia early on, I can recommend getting the Old Rod and fishing for Goldeen in the south-west corner of the Peridot Ward.
  9. DashingStorm


    By joining the Aqua Gang in the Lapis Ward hidden alleyway and doing their respective sidequests. Taken from my old guide; Joining the Team Aqua Gang After defeating Shelly, you can immediately access the second mission (that gets you Carvanha, first mission is required to trigger second missiong post-Shelly). Mission 2: Sidenote: The Magma Gang leader will lead with a Drought Vulpix in the early 40's, a Houndour in early 40's, and a lvl 45 Houndoom.
  10. @Jerichø: you are all boring @Jerichø: stop being boring @Jerichø: im bored @Jerichø: i dont care @Jerichø: clarice @Jerichø: mute me @Jerichø: i said do it @Jerichø: c'mon @Jerichø: do it now! @Jerichø: Godot Kaito @Jerichø: Clarice isn @Jerichø: doing her job @Jerichø: mute me &Shuuichi: ... Jeri, are you okay? ^^; @Jerichø: Ikaru? Prasiolite: Me boring nonsense +Lost Lore: Jeri Succubus Sazane: WELL @Jerichø: I +Lost Lore: Your sleep deprivation is really showing @Jerichø: will @Jerichø: not @Jerichø: go @Jerichø: down Jerichø was muted by BreloomBot for 7 minutes. (Automated response: flooding) +Lost Lore: ...Rip! &Shuuichi: .... Oh, he needed sleep? DashingStorm: Wrong.
  11. Yay, got a Timid Contrary Serperior! :D

    1. NickCrash


      Nice! Now kill it.

  12. The amount of noise above my place.. I can't even hear myself think. Or shout.

    1. Sheep


      What's going on up there?

    2. DashingStorm


      They're tearing the place apart. Quite literally. Some renovation thing.

  13. This is looking to be an extremely large project.. I wish you all the best of luck, if I knew how to map or anything, I'd gladly offer my assistance n__n;
  14. Welcome to the fun squadron! Enjoy your stay and don't be a stranger when it comes to questions.
  15. The horrors of flipping Voltorbs just to get 4000 coins.. 2 hours. 2. Hours.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shing


      6 hours for 11000 coins for me.

    3. DashingStorm


      Without speeding things up. >>;

    4. Commander


      I think I got 11,000 in 5. I love you voltorb calculator.

  16. Gosh, I don't know what to say. I see familiar faces and new faces, I think it's about time for me to dive back into Reborn's technical (and non-technical) thingamadoos and see where that gets me. Glad to be back aboard!
  17. Guess who's peeking back..? :)

  18. So uh. I know I sorta left in a ragefit last time (due to circumstances)- But yeah. Hi again..? Those who don't know me, I'm the dashiest of dash and full of rainbows. Refer to me as RD/Dashie or my rl name Urvin (shortened to Urvy by most people) I used to be a very active member of this lovely community, as some of the older members, like Ame, BG, Fezz and the lot would know, dedicated myself to trenching through Reborn by creating a humungous guide (with assistance given by Ikaru, BG and Cowtao for the thread/inside-info) and quite frankly, I regret leaving on such short and furious notice. So I have returned! Not sure whether I want to pick back up on before-mentioned guide (it's still catching dust on this crappy laptop), I might just make a fresh Reborn file and actually get through the entire game first at my own pace. n__n; Sooooo.. Good to be back! ~RD
  19. Back to my old habits. Later.

  20. I don't think you're supposed to get behind there to begin with- And if so, it would have to be a future event of some sort..? Though I'm positive it's nothing to worry about for now. n__n;
  21. Taco, you ninja.. But yes, it's most likely as TacosAndFlowers mentioned.
  22. I'm assuming you're talking about his Cinccino? There's an ablility called Skill Link that makes it so that multiple-hitting moves always hit 5 times.
  23. Ask McDonalds, brah. They had a sign pointing towards the drive-thru area and the sign itself said "McDrive".. And yeah, last time we tried to walk through that place, they didn't even bother to take our order either, they probably only responded this time because it was hella busy at that time..
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