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Everything posted by DashingStorm

  1. The Redemption League opens up next week Friday! Didn't register yourself yet? Do so asap! http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18099

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Darvan Korematsu

      Darvan Korematsu

      They should remain open consistently for the flow of new challengers we may get afterwards.

    3. DashingStorm


      They will remain open, but Leaders will start showing up starting next week Friday.

    4. Fumble
  2. Updated this post: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18099&page=3#entry451552 with new Trainer Cards! Check out if yours is there! :]

  3. Sorry if that came off harsh, but I have to make myself known to prevent people from doing this again, as can be seen on page 1, it was a complete (I don't want to say mess) inaccurate attempt at creating a card themselves. "I thought I might save you the time." generally doesn't save us time at all, because we have to re-create the entire thing regardless. The full roster of challengers & Trainer Cards are here: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18099&page=3#entry451552 Newly created Trainer Cards: AuthorReborn: Candyrobe: Hypa: Octocactus: Pineapple the Blue: Pixl: Sharkthomas: Sumaru: Zechs:
  4. Okay this self-creation stuff needs to stop. This is the second instance and I have to explicitly mention that creating your "own" versions of our cards is simply not allowed. What you've done is literally take the Bug-design, removed the bug on the bottom-right, cropped your own sprites, added a Flygon marking and then submit it to us with your own sprite on the card. This is unacceptable and we will not take these submissions into account if they're being submitted like this. If you're going to register, please read the first page and keep yourself to registering with us with either a custom sprite or one of ours alongside your Pokémon team.
  5. If you haven't done so already, check out the first batch of Trainer Cards we've created for a few of the registered League challengers! http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18099&page=3#entry451552

  6. You can register in the registration thread down in Victory Road. :] Please read the rules in this thread's first page when it comes to limitations and stuff, and register in the other thread! (which also has instructions on how to do so etc)
  7. First batch of Trainer Cards is done! Check them out and see if yours is in there! http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18099&page=3entry451552

    1. Vinny


      i didn't sign up, why is my trainer card not there :[

    2. Azeria


      vinny pls :]

  8. Again, my apologies for the delay, but the first batch of registered cards are done! I'll have them sorted by alphabet, all you have to do, is right-click the card that's yours and save it to your own computer. If you want to show it off in your signature, right-click and copy the image url, then put it in an image tag, being [ img] and [ /img] without the spaces, then edit your signature in your own profile! Arimaki: Aquawaffle: AuthorReborn: Avatar of Grima: Avictus: BIGJRA: Candyrobe: Caradius: Chubb: Damurdara: Dark Desire: Derpy Simon: DJWongTong: DobbyTheElf: Drymus: Epic C: ExLink32: Fezzdog: Flynn: FraRPetO: Grizzly: Hibari: Hypa: Ice Cream Sand Witch (we had to shorten your name because oml your name is long): Inno: Jacobliterator: Juuzou: Korematsune: Last Repel: Lilbiggestjake: Lord Drakyle: Milotic: Noivy: Notus: Octocactus: Pineapple the Blue: Pixl: Pyrromanis: RagesSorrow: RaymondNotRay: Reeveelution: Rupe: Sasuke: ShadowStar77: Sharkthomas: Sinikuro: Sir Bagel: Sithe: Smoke: Sonikku: Sumaru: Swimming95: Tempest Admin Eon: TheDW66: Wendel: WWBoy: Wytch_Doctr: Xenome: Xetaark: Zechs: Zephyr07: As you might see, the shiny sprites used in your Trainer Cards aren't the actual ORAS shinies, they're in fact the Reborn shiny sprites! So this means your shinies are only visible on your Trainer Card, not on the server itself, sorry! I think that's almost every single registered person with us so far, with exception of 4 more, which we're currently (re)making because of some issues we ran into yesterday evening, which is why it took a bit longer than expected to get these done and uploaded. But there they are! PS: I'll keep updating this post with all the new Trainer Cards we create to keep a "database" in this thread with easy access for everyone to grab their cards.
  9. Okay so, we've run into issues because I'm supposedly a lame pony perfectionist, but moves being inconsistent is enough reason for me to delay things until they're actually not sloppy-looking for you guys. Apologies for the inconvenience this might cause. :[

    1. Juniper


      Take your time x.x x.x x.x x.x

      Worth the wait ^^

    2. Grizzlybrand


      Not an issue, Every you've showed us so far has been quality, I'm chill with waiting.

  10. Tempest Admin Eon, you haven't specified what Trainer Sprite/Trainer Card you want. NOTE TO EVERYONE WHO HAS REGISTERED WITH US SO FAR: We've run into a minor delay because of move inconsistencies >> I don't think we'll have the first batch of cards out today as I had hoped, but please be patient, I did mention this might take a little while to process.
  11. I don't believe this will ever be a thing in Reborn. It would require way too much programming, plus there is no online capability yet to even support the usage of Secret Bases. So my guess will be no.
  12. Did you read what Derpy Simon said? ._. People here most likely have no idea what "Pokémon Life" even is, I know what Lunar IPS is, but not your issue. I'd suggest you really check out the PokeCommunity forums instead of ours for additional help.
  13. Payments have been processed (Mister Gallade IM'd me multiple times since this morning) for Zetaark/Sinikuro/Inno/Drymus (and since a couple of minutes ago) Notus, your sprites will be added to your Trainer Cards! Also, to not confuse people in the future for what is and isn't allowed, I've done you guys all a favor and copied over the League's rules into the main post. So again, no Speed Boost Blaziken or Speed Boost & Swords Dance + Baton Pass combinations allowed, just clearing that up. To find all the rules, just check out the first page. EDIT: I keep forgetting stuff, but I completely forgot to add another Trainer Sprite, check out Ari as one of your available Trainer Card sprites! If you want to make changes to your team/sprite, please let us know as soon as possible, before we distribute these cards! (if I have to edit this post again with more info, I will)
  14. In case you're not aware, the League's signup thread is now open! http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18099

  15. Mister Gallade has informed me that all payment requests for custom sprites (so far) are in, and as such, we're adding them to their respective Trainer Cards! I- Think we'll have the first batch of cards out tomorrow, keep those registrations coming!
  16. Redemption League registration is OPEN. For real this time. No joke! http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18099

  17. Redemption League registration opens tomorrow! Get your team ready! ..I also have to sorta re-work the entire thread, but that'll be done fairly soon! (Because I have 49 images to stuff in the thread.) :]

  18. ..Nice reporting you did there- You forgot to ask Venus' badge name, ya dolt. I was so generous to add it to your post for you. Anddddddd I'll probably have to check up on Helen to make sure she didn't wander off too far..
  19. You can replace them if you rename the "new" sprites to the exact name they are in the Graphics > Battlers folder.
  20. I'm probably gonna bring major news out really soon. Like. Really soon. REALLY, REALLY SOON.

    1. Commander


      And by soon, he means in one month.

    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      trashie trying to make himself feel important :]

  21. And I thought having 394 savefiles was a bit extreme.
  22. Vinny confirmed to want Mega Weavile. Someone make it happen.
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