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Everything posted by Zinarei

  1. ARTICHOKE?! Oh lordy. I just thought this one looked kinda pretty in a scary kinda way. Jynx really let herself go... THE EMBODIMENT OF HYPE They're evolving...
  2. Ah I forgot the items. I'll edit it, but it's mostly just leftovers and other healing items. I have a habit of keeping a secondary game and taking the leftovers from it. As for EV's and stuff, I wrote a note about it. It's all just basic stuff. Mostly HP and then the defense that compliments the Pokemon's stats.
  3. Okay, so I'm really bad about keeping ONE team. In Gen 4 I had a pretty solid team that I used consistently, but when it came right down to it, it was just a bunch of my favorite Pokemon. Now I'm trying to focus on a good STALL team. Yeah, that's how I get my kicks. It's not a good game for me until 50 turns have passed. So here's what I got thus far: NOTE: I'm going to spare you the EV and IV spreads. I'm using the usual spreads unless stated otherwise. Sableye A.K.A. Mah Boi Sableye Ability: Prankster Moves: Taunt, Will-o-Wisp, Recover, Foul Play Item: Leftovers Gliscor Ability: Poison Heal Moves: Earthquake, Toxic, Protect, Substitute Item: Toxic Orb Tentacruel Ability: Liquid Ooze (I guess) Moves: Scald, Toxic, Protect, Rapid Spin Item: Black Sludge Togekiss Ability: Serene Grace Moves: Air Slash, Thunder Wave, Roost, Aura Sphere Item: Leftovers Skarmory Ability: Sturdy Moves: Spikes, Roost, Whirlwind, Taunt Item: Leftovers Blissey Ability: Natural Cure Moves: Aromatherapy, Stealth Rock, Toxic, Soft-Boiled Item: Leftovers I'm not a big fan of the Blissey but yes, critiques?
  4. Nah. But they'll come out for me. Isn't that right, Mikzal?
  5. Yeah agreed. It gives me some time to earn up for a Wii U though. Quite honestly, I don't want a Wii U for any other reason. I hope that the mega evolutions aren't a final smash. I would like to actually see them. But yeah, my only other Pokemon related desire for Smash is Mewtwo. But who knows if that'll happen.
  6. http://kotaku.com/greninja-the-ninja-tongue-pokemon-is-a-new-character-1561030109?utm_campaign=Socialflow_Kotaku_Facebook&utm_source=Kotaku_Facebook&utm_medium=Socialflow My favorite starter EVER is in the new Smash Bros. I'm really content. Thoughts? If this was posted already, feel free to delete it, but I'm so hyped I couldn't help but post it.
  7. Don't watch TV much, but probably Faceoff! Who, in your opinion, is the most badass LOOKING (doesn't need to be a badass) character in gaming?
  8. NOPE. Finally Zinarei. Been busy with trip preparation lol. BANANA!
  9. The question: How do YOU guys display your Pokemon fandom, if at all? My reason for posting this: So I went to CPAC (Castle Point Anime Convention) in New Jersey today, and I was pretty happy with the amount of Pokemon fans and cosplayers there were. Granted you always see a lot, but this was still a lot to those standards. I'm personally a fan of the way Pokemon cosplayers make their costumes, because everyone does it differently. Someone might have a fur suit of Lucario, someone might have a humanized version of Bisharp, or someone might just have ornate clothing inspired by the series. I was in my Dark Knight attire, but to show off my love for Pokemon I was also carrying around mah boy Pikachu. We took a photo with a Xatu cosplayer:
  10. I wish Bidoof got more love. He's so damn cute. LOOK AT THAT FACE!
  11. You guys ever go to any conventions? If so, which ones? As a cosplayer/prop maker they're pretty important to my business, so I frequent them.
  12. I would hate to see anyone in the Chandelure line exist. Dying a gruesome death is one thing, but Chandelure waits at the bedside of the dying and absorbs their souls into it's lantern and uses it as fuel (I wonder if Thresh was inspired by him at all haha). That essentially means that you were denied whatever afterlife you may have had in store. They ERASE you from existence.
  13. I prefer Frokie myself. His ability Protean keeps battles interesting. Sure, he can get blown up easily, but if you play your cards right you get rewarded nicely.
  14. Haha appreciate the compliment, but I'm no master... Yet. Perhaps Mikzal?
  15. Granted but they're all of him getting dazzling gleamed by a horde of ultra manly fairy type gijinkas. I wish I had the ability to make illusions out of nothing.
  16. Fine then! I'll guess Vinny for you. :c
  17. (Me too...) Wish granted, but Snake is replaced with Battle-Hardened Mr. Mime. I wish I hard a wardrobe of extremely ornate clothing.
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