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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by CaptainMomo

  1. OK, so new problem. I'm at the part where I gotta meet Erin and Melia and go the Scholarly District, but for some reason I can't find Melia and co. I beat Souta, I had Melia open the box...am I missing something? I've been up and down the route, been in the District...IDK where they are. I accidentally registered for the Grand Dream Tournament awhile, did that affect anything?
  2. OK, so I just finished Darchlight Cave/Woods, and now I'm trying to find Flora so I can battle. Where is she, exactly?
  3. I've had a couple bounce around my head for awhile. Luxray Crest: Biting moves get a 50% boost in power (AKA Strong Jaws) and Luxray becomes an Electric/Dark type. Roserade Crest: Speed is increased by 1.3 and gains the Storm Drain ability. Gigalith Crest: Attack and Special Attack are swapped (This is more of a gimmick and would require some additional Special attacks, but it's an idea.) Salazzle Crest: Gives it Merciless Toxapex Crest: Gives it Corrosion
  4. Hello. Could I get a female Ralts? No IVs in Attack, and preferably a Modest Nature (Timid and Bold also work, whichever's easiest). Please and thank you! EDIT: Oh, and Trace! If she could get Trace, that would be excellent! Thanks again!
  5. Quick question: are there any plans to include the IV mod? The one where every mon you get has 30/31 IV's?
  6. I am the rocks on that eternal shore! CRASH AGAINST ME AND BE BROKEN!
  7. Oh, it's the scientist, isn't it? OK, no biggie. I didn't save, so all I gotta do is defeat you again (fun boss battle, it was amazing) then fight the science guy. Only reason I didn't is because I thought I was outside the CoM and was done.
  8. I BEAT COMMANDER ON MY FIRST TRY HA HA! Anyways, I think I'm done with the CoM? Unless there was something I missed?
  9. Thanks man, gonna get this CoM started! Here's the team I'm using, wish me luck!
  10. So just I understand: CoM is it's own thing, and it's just kinda like the post game, while Hardcore is just...Reborn Hardcore. Like, CoM doesn't have any of the main game in it? Also, in CoM. can I use a team from vanilla Reborn, or do I have to use a team from Hardcore?
  11. I have a Leavenny, but it's typing is what scares me, since it has so many weaknesses. Though it is there, should I need to train up someone else. Thanks for your suggestions! I managed to get a Gogoat and am slowly EV training it, but it should replace Chesnaught as my Grass-type. The save file won't be needed, but I appreciate it! I use Lapras mainly for either tanking blows (go go Shell Armor) and Perish Song. Offense isn't what I need from it, since I have so many other mons that can hit hard. I do love Lilligant, but if my moves on my teams are any indication, I prefer coverage before stat buffs, and on top of that, she's only good at one thing. Yeah when she Quiver Dances she hits like a sack of bricks but...eh. Drapion will be solid once get Knock Off on it. Cross Poison/Knock Off/Toxic Spikes/Thunder Fang should be solid. Anyways, thanks for the suggestions. Here's what is going on the Rotation. Drapion Gogoat Gardevoir Wobbufett Rhypherior Also am gonna do...something with my Eevee, not sure which. Once again, thanks for the help!
  12. I definitely want 2-3 on the rotation, and I can actually EV train them. so there's that. Here's what's in my 'possible recruit' box. Out of all of them, here are the one's I'm debating. Eevee: In terms of possible Eeveelutions, the only one I really feel strongly about is Sylveon, but...meh, I never really got into it. But Reborn's made me like a lot of Pokemon I didn't before, so maybe Sylveon can get a second chance. Though I have no idea how to evolve it. Togetic: I got it from my Mystery Egg and evolved it, but it's at Level 2. Also, I'd need to get a Shiny Stone for it, and I'm running out of places to mine for it. Budew/Petitl: Both serve the same purpose to me, as I do want a grass type to take over Chesnaught (who honestly I don't like), but both have problems. Budew requires both a happiness evo and a shiny stone, and again, don't have a lot of places for those left. Also, I don't have access to Sludge Bomb. Petitl I already know I can give it the moves I would want, but it suffers from only doing one thing (Own Tempo+Quiver Dance+Petal Dance), and Roserade would at least have access to Toxic Spikes and some versatilty. Gigalith: Really, what's stopping me is the fact that it has a shallow movepool as it is. That doesn't mean I don't want it, as it has access to Stealth Rocks, and he did save my ass from Ciel. I just want something else on it other than Stone Edge. Ampharos: Would need EV training, and I want Thunderbolt on it. Rain Dance is an option, since I do have some Pokemon who benefit from the rain. Wynaut: I've taken a Wobbufett to the Hall of Fame in other games before, I can do it again. Clefairy: Magic Bounce and wide movepool, but I honestly don't know what all it's capable of. Any advice there?
  13. I'm more looking for general advice. Like, I like my team, and it's solid as can be, but I don't want to think I've ignored a base or type that can destroy me. Criticism as well, because this is Reborn and this team was made because the next episode...worries me, if Ciel is any indication on how hard it's gonna be.
  14. So I beat Ciel awhile ago, and decided to go on and rework the team more to my taste and doing the EV training thing. I dropped my Ampharos, Meowstic, and Chesnaught in favor of Metagross, Porygon-Z, and Lapras, and I just wanted to see if the team needed some more bases covered, or if the team was solid. All Pokemon are Level 75. So in order: Breakdown the Scrafty (EVed in HP and Attack with 4 in Speed) Wide Lens Relaxed Moxie -High Jump Kick -Crunch -Dragon Dance -Thunderpunch Paintrain the Nidoking (EV in Attack and Sp Attack, 4 in Speed) Scope Lens Docile Sheer Force -Surf -Earth Power -Sludge Wave -Megahorn Puppy the Arcanine (EVed in Attack and Speed, 4 in HP) Charcoal Naughty Flash Fire -Crunch -Outrage -Flare Blitz -Close Combat Cactus Jack the Metagross (EVed in Attack and HP, 4 in Speed) Metal Coat Hardy Clear Body -Hammer Arm -Bullet Punch -Zen Headbutt -Agility Glitch the Porygon-Z (EVed in Sp, Attack and Speed, 4 in HP) Silk Scarf Modest Adaptabilty -Discharge -Tri Attack -Agility -Hyper Beam Siren the Lapras (EVed in HP and Sp. Attack, 4 in Defense) Icicle Plate Bold Shell Armor -Surf -Ice Beam -Perish Song -Safeguard Props if you get the Metagross nickname. Thanks so much!
  15. I don't recall all I did, but I do remember training up a Gigalith from a Boldore to use Stealth Rocks and get some early damage off. Beyond that, Ampharos used Electric Terrain to change the field and spammed Thunder until Gliscor, which was -to me at least- her most annoying Pokemon since that can wall and heal with Poison Heal. Mega Altaria I got lucky with Nidoking surviving a Earthquake and KOing it with a Sludge Wave. Hopeflly that gives ideas.
  16. Honestly, I wouldn't want to. Igglybuff just wouldn't be worth replacing as my starter, even if it was tailor made for me. Plus, Wigglytuff really shines because it's versatile, but that only applies to when I have solid TM's. Also, I have better things to use a Moon Stone on (Nidorino, mainly).
  17. ...don't suppose I can get a do over? Well, let's see. All the pokemon are all obtainable, so all choices are legit. However, realistically, none of the options appeal to me. Igglybuff can become a Wigglytuff, which, while having a bunch of HP and a solid movepool, I can simply get the event version that can spawn an egg move, and therefore have it be superior to when it would be a starter. Happiny...no. I know Blissey is really good, and can eat up attacks like no ones business, but I don't even know where the Oval Stone is, and even then, unless it was early, I wold be stuck as it's baby form for far long than I care for. That leaves Scatterbug who I least know how to use, and at least would be a fully evolved Pokemon before the first gym and could be solid if it survives long enough to get it's better attacks. Ultimately, I'd go Scatterbug, but only because my other options are just bad by comparison.
  18. If I may, I would like to take part in this, since I want to do a Hardcore run eventually (and maybe nuzlocke it because I make good decisions.)
  19. I remember back when Aya was a legit pain in the ass to fight, and I thought during my Episode 15 run, she would still be difficult. However, what I didn't have my first time around was a Nidoking with Earth Power+Sheer Force. I legit think he could have soloed this gym, since the only one who didn't die was Gengar. but then my lovely Scrafty came in and just Crunched the bastard. I'd have to think harder for glorious moments, but just seeing Nidoking utterly mangle her team after all the stress I suffered earlier was just...theraputic. (Don't worry Aya I still love you)
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