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Everything posted by CaptainMomo

  1. I haven't played since...13, I think, and am now going through the game once more and yeah, I can definitely notice the nerf. I came up against Florina, dreading the boss battle because GOD I remember her Cradily oh god I don't wanna even think about how much that thing will destroy me-oh Toxic Spikes and Nidoking save the day? Huh. Oh man, though the battle with Corey with the corrsive mist oh boy that stress induced gastritis coming in-Ampharos+Electric Terrain to turn off the mist/ruin Corey's strategy. Cool. Aya...took her out on the first try with a three man team of Meowstic, Scrafty, and Nidoking, the latter of which has Earth Power, which mean the Wasteland doesn't effect it. Now that's not to say I don't feel the tension in almost every other battle (Noel and that Ice Leader come to mind for me) but I remember when a lot of the enemies had ridiculous movesets, and to say nothing of Team Meteor's Admins. Honestly, the battles are nerfed overall, and your mileage may vary whether that's a good or bad thing (personally, if I want the game harder, there's always Hardcore). Me speaking, I don't mind the nerfing, because it still is tough as nails frequently.
  2. Part of me wants to get my master's in Psychology, but another part of me wants to make Youtube videos about anime, movies, games, just fiction in general. Psych would pay more but Youtube would be more fun. Decisions, decisions.
  3. ...welp, I've been quite igornant of the game. Had I done this all earlier, I would be pretty set. Oh well. ONWARDS. Thank you all! I'll update with progress reports.
  4. I already have Cheat Engine, but that's just to speed things along such as grinding. But alright, I'll give it a shot. So far, I'm grinding up Tina the Meditite, and...if she's gonna be a mainstay, I feel she needs a physical Psychic attack, and the only one I think of is Psycho Cut, which means I gotta get an Abra, grind it up to learn Psycho Cut, then breed. Fun. Outside of that, I probably will go through and get the mining kit since I can't recall where the mountain is where I can get a fire stone. Only thing I'm concerned with is getting Heart Scales for the relearner and the Department Store. I onyl have 2 stickers, am I supposed to have more? Thank you.
  5. ...and I am way past Shade, because I still have Shadow Ball. So there's that plan shot.
  6. I think Meditite will work out, as she'll cover my niche I need. I lack a Fire Stone because I don't know where to get them, and I don't know how to get heart stones to make my team REALLY strong. But Zen is leaving for Tina the Meditite. Also got the Dive TM and gave it to Johnny so he could ACTUALLY hit something with a good attack! Also, again, don't know where Shadow Claw is. Anyone else have any suggestions? EDIT: Sorry, didn't see you post, Etesian! In regards to breeding...I can do that, but that just makes things tedious. I ain't the world's biggest fan of breeding, but DDance on Feraligatr is really solid. I'll give it some thought. I don't know what SD is. Swords Dance? OK, I could replace it with Knock Off...if it didn't mean breeding. It's been so long that I completely forgot how I evolved Arthur. I was planning to get Cross Poison, but again, I don't know where a lot of items are nor how to get Night Slash. Besides, I can't leave town to go back, and I'm not sure what's ahead. Everything else is still good, might replace Donphan with Nidoking or Manoswine. Thank you. Any other advice?
  7. Alright, so I just got to the Agate Circus, and I'm thinking my team needs an overhaul. Either my team is too frail, only good at one trick, or balanced with no moves to use (FERALIGATR). I wanna start grinding people up to level 62 so they can fight evenly, but I am not in the habit of wasting time. I had to cut a couple members since they got too weak, but other than that, it's been consistent. Here's the main team. Johnny the Feraligatr Level 57 Sheer Force Crunch, Water Gun, Ice Fang, Strength Honestly, I just want a better water attack. I know he can learn Aqua Tail at level...63? I want him to stay if only because he's my starter. Arthur the Escavalier Level 57 Overcoat Iron Head, X-Scissor, Swords Dance, Iron Defense I love Escavalier, but I think I need to replace Iron Defense with something. Drill Run? Ninja the Drapion Level 56 Sniper Struggle Bug, Poison Fang, Crunch, Hone Claws He needs better attacks. Struggle Bug was only taught so I could beat Luna. That, and Fell Stinger wasn't coming in handy. Zen the Girafarig Level 57 Sap Sipper Shadow Ball, Trick Room, Psychic, Nasty Plot Honestly, I want him gone. He's too frail, his ability is too situational, and he was just meant to fight Radomus with Shadow Ball. That being said, he also has my only Psychic and Ghost attack, so he's hard to replace. Decepticon the Donphan Level 56 Sand Veil Earthquake, Rollout, Giga Impact, Rock Smash This has been with me for a long time, and I don't wanna retire him. However, his heyday is long gone, and I know it's just a matter of time before I need to replace him with someone better. Braveheart the Pyroar Level 59 Moxie Flamethrower, Work Up, Dark Pulse, Hyper Voice The ace of the team and my glass cannon. I love her to death, but I know better fire types are out there. I do have options in the box, but I'm hesistant to bring back my Hariyama. He's strong, but he's slow and that HP doesn't do much if you're still made of paper. I'll gladly take suggestions. Thank you.
  8. Wow, I've been missing out. Haven't caught have of these pokemon, so... anyways, finally beat her. Got lucky with that godforsaken Dragalge and managed to lower it's health enough to where Nidoqueen KOed it with it's own Sludge Wave. From there, was rather easy. Thank you. I've never been a fan of using slaves for HMs. Besides, eventually Raticate will be out of the team, so I can give it all the HMs I'll need. As for why we do that? Not sure. But I feel it's because we took the time to nickname them, so might as well add them.
  9. Ah, first time in awhile since I posted in the forums. Anyways, Aya. You know her, you might love her, you might hate her. Who knows. But I'm working on trying to beat her and she's really hard. My team isn't exactly double battle oriented, so there's that...anyway, I figure maybe it might be time to give my team an overhaul. Here's the team: Ninja the Drapion Level 40 Quiet Nature Ability: Sniper -Bug Bite -Poison Fang -Night Slash -Hone Claws Eradicate the Raticate Level 41 Mild Nature Ability: Hustle -Crunch -Double Edge -Charge Beam -Cut DIO the Hariyama Level: 43 Gentle Nature Ability: Sheer Force -SmellingSalts -Wake-up Slap -Knock Off -Fake Out Johnny the Feraligatr Rash Nature Level 43 Ability: Sheer Force -Crunch -Chip Away -Water Gun -Ice Fang Decepticon the Donphan Level 43 Naive Nature Ability: Sand Veil -Earthquake -Rollout -Fury Attack -Endure Braveheart the Pyroar Level 44 Naive Nature Ability: Moxie -Flamethrower -Crunch -Work Up -Echoed Voice So, that's the team. Do you think I can handle Aya? And if I can't, what should I do? Even then, are there improvements I can make? Thank you.
  10. Well, I'd probably be out and about, traveling and being a man, and I'd see a Beedril. Little fun fact, Beedril are 3 foot tall BEES. So yeah, there's that. Also wouldn't wanna be near any Grimer or Muk. I like being clean and prefeably not being full of toxins.
  11. I usually end up with Steel types, which is fine, as Steel is probably my favorite type. While it nets me Aggron, Empoleon and Escavalier, what ends up happening is my entire team ends up Steel typed. I also tend to go after personal choices despite the pokemon themselves being weak(Ariados, Beedril, Bellosom.)
  12. Hello there! I'm Captain Momo, but just call me Momo if you'd like. I've been playing this game for about a week and am really liking it! I hope to get to know you all better as I continue to play and battle!
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