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About Heartless

  • Birthday 12/22/1997

Profile Information

  • Alias
    Ender Evan
  • Gender
  • Interests
    I am a huge Pokemon and kingdom Hearts fan. The Heartless and Nobodies interests me very much. I also like games like the Danganronpa series and Five Nights At Freddy's. Another thing is Digimon.

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  2. Have an idea for a Pokemon game mechanic? Post your ideas here, and discuss with others on their ideas. Simple examples would be like new statuses or new types. Your idea shouldn't be a single sentence, it should be something you feel passionate about, and something you'd love to see in a Pokemon Game. Like if you want to add a new type, you should try to explain your reasoning, and how it would fair against others.
  3. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  4. Happy Birthday :D, i hope that you will have a fun day ^^

    1. Paul25


      Happy Birthdayyy! :) 

      Wish you one of the most pleasant day of your life :D 

  5. Okay, most likely a dumb question, but what do you do with the file after you download it?
  6. Excited for more pokemon news tomorrow

  7. Is it possible to get another download point for this game? Media and Mega don't work on my computer for some reason.
  8. Game.rxdata Okay, I'd like to try a Mono Poison type Run (Yes I'm aware of the many vast poison types you can get early, But this would help.) Could I get a Gastly, a Skrelp, and a Shiny Skorupi? At least decent Ivs, abilities and natures don't matter, Random egg move of your choice, and make them all female. I'm currently in the starter room, so it'd be best to just put them in my PC.
  9. Hi, I'm currently doing a ground type mono, and I'd like to get two more mons, and some changes to my mons. New mons: lv 55 Impish, Jolly or Careful Gliscor with Acrobatics. Swampert; Lv 55 Adamant Swampert with Ice Punch. Abilities and Evs don't matter, but I'd also like them to have decent IVs. I'd also like if my Gastrodan could have Mud Bomb Replaced with Earth Power. This Last part is optional, Meaning ya don't need to do it, but I'm thankful if you would: in box 3 I have all of my Ground type Mons. If you can give them all have decent IVs, that would be very helpful. Oh and, Just to also make my day, make some of them shiny, but don't tell me which ones are. Like I said This last Part is optional, so You don't need to do it. Sorry if this is too much, but I'd like the additions to prepare for what's coming up. Thank you, and have a wonderful day~ Game.rxdata
  10. I was gonna get garchomp fron the Request a Mon thread for Monoruns.
  11. Okay, I've decided to do a ground type Mono run. Can I get a Rhyhorn, Gible, and Shellos with one of their useful egg moves, decent Ivs, and natures like serious, bashful, docile, etc.? Also if You can edit my Turtwig to be shiny, have seed bomb, and buff it's Hp IV, that'd be fantastic. Before I go, is there a specific way to install your new file or does it do it automatically? EDIT: My file is on the page before, but if you need it I'll post it. Game.rxdata I just realized that one isn't the same. So, use this one.
  12. Okay, after enough thought, I'm going with just ground types. I think my team will be rotating Torterra, Camerupt, Diggersby, Gastrodon, Garchomp, Krookodile, Gliscor, Rhydon, Mamoswine, and any other suggestions you guys have.
  13. I'll make sure to try all of them, but what second type should I use other than ground?
  14. Okay, so I want to try a mono run on Reborn. I think I want to Try a ground type run with a secondary type that I don't know yet. My ground types will most likely be Torterra, Camerupt, and a third I haven't decided yet. Any suggestions?
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