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Lost Lore

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Everything posted by Lost Lore

  1. Happy belated New Year because I slept through it again, oops!

    1. YinYang9705


      eh, you didn't miss much

  2. A couple more things have come to light via the datamine...
  3. I'd personally advise sticking to spoiler tags because posts show up on the sidebar there.
  4. ...Uh, doesn't Florinia lead with Hippowdon, not Torterra? Or was that changed in E18?
  5. After 1,216 eggs, have finally finished my second intentional shiny hunt in Y. It would have been finished after 1,049 but the first shiny I hatched was female.


    The first hunt took 1,244 eggs, so this somehow took just barely less. I am so happy right now.


    (Said hunts were Lotad and Psyduck, respectively. And probably unsurprisingly.)


    ...I never want to do another shiny hunt again, please talk me out of it if I suggest doing so. Seriously this is mind-numbing, major props to people who can keep it up for thousands more eggs/encounters.


    /sorry for textwall

  6. [SwSh spoilers ahead... also a really bad joke. Like, legitimately awful.]


    Slather me with your high-calorie cream, baby.

    1. YinYang9705



    2. ZEL


      idk what yin is on about with that reaction, sounds like a friendly invitation to me

  7. [Pokemon SwSh spoilers ahead, proceed at your own risk]


    I really love that Corviknight is described as "the dashing lord of the skies".


    Have you ever wanted to be swept off of your feet (literally) by a giant armored bird?

    1. YinYang9705


      Not really no, but whatever floats your boat

    2. ZEL


      The fact that my #2 fave ever Pokémon is Skarmory should make my answer obvious, but just so we're all clear: Corviknight has every permission to sweep me off my feet. Consdering its status as a taxi, I bet it'd carry me afterwards, too.

  8. I didn't actually know I needed Kappa in a hat until now...


    That probably sounds silly coming from me but it's true.

    1. IntSys


      I didn't know you still visit the forums. It's about as unbelievable as you not knowing that you needed Kappa in a hat.

    2. YinYang9705


      You figured you would need all forms of kappas including those in hats instinctively, but I guess that's life for you, always full of little surprises

  9. We had to take the cats' food bowls away temporarily because they were swarming with ants, and Cooper is very upset about this. To the point she keeps following me everywhere while meowing loudly.

    1. SilverAngelus


      Silly Cooper~

      Are you going to buy them new bowls? Or would you wash these bowls extensively?

    2. Lost Lore

      Lost Lore

      They're getting washed extensively, and we were also waiting for the ants that were on the floor near them to clear out.

    3. ZEL


      Oh boy, the ants are at it again, eh? Maybe we should get Cooper a meet-up with Peppone, he apparently has decided that he prefers to eat food if it's not in a bowl. Will happily ignore food in a bowl for food on the floor.
      But also, fuck ant invasions, really.

  10. Happy New Year, everyone! I didn't sleep through it this time, at least...

    1. ZEL


      Happy New Year! ❤️ I hope it'll be a good one for you!
      Think I took over the tradition for you, I slept through it for the first time since I was a baby, oops

  11. I have it noted as being down a waterfall near the Glass Workstation, if that helps any. And yes, it's obtainable before Hardy.
  12. ...I actually forgot this topic existed for a while, I've been super frazzled lately. But I must. It counts as cuddling if you belieeeeeve... But I'll approve at the very least of not wanting to hurt it. You gave Whiscash a higher rating than this despite it probably feeling similar? It's a fucking fish. It can't even hug you. How very dare. This, though, I can agree with. Absolutely please do cuddle the soft pineapple. Aside from Lombre's I can mostly accept these. I'll spare you for today. ...These give me concerns about your ideas for cuddling, though, for the record. (Also you question cuddling a stomach and then... give a higher rating for cuddling a bigger stomach? I am even more concern.)
  13. Acceptable, will maybe not have to fight you. We'll see what happens when you get to Lotad line, tho. Strongly disagree with this, though, Typhlosion is large, warm, and soft, absolutely perfect for cuddling. Maybe a bit grumpy about it but obviously needs the cuddles all the more because of that.
  14. Oh damn, that banner. Now you have my attention, to be sure.

    1. ZEL


      I don't even know what to say here besides that you're in for a ride
      Personally I enjoyed the hell out of it, though~

  15. The wild Talonflame and Pidgeot in Teknite Ridge can have Tailwind, as it's one of the last four moves they learn via level up, so that was probably it. This does mean that you don't have to bring Tailwind yourself, though, indeed.
  16. Someone please knock me out, all I want is to sleep...

    1. ZEL


      I can try to gently whack you with a pillow? :')

    2. Lost Lore

      Lost Lore

      I don't think that'd be enough force to knock me out, but, hell, try it anyway.

  17. Disagree strongly with Shade not being romance-able. Let him take the player on a hot date in the void. ...Okay, in all seriousness. Speaking for myself, the only characters I have any form of attraction to whatsoever I can't see sensibly romancing the player character. It's not realistic, and despite this being a game full of magical elemental monsters, I do like some degree of realism. This is of course not accounting for other characters who have other reasons why they really shouldn't be. (Eg. being underage.) Also not a huge fan of forced romance to be honest, even if realistic, so unless I can avoid it, I don't really want to see it. Now, if you'll let me romance the ringmaster or that one move tutor lady on 7th Street, on the other hand... (...Look, I didn't say the post would stay serious.)
  18. Except the player can also choose NOT to read the diary, in which case blaming them is rather silly. Then you can only blame Titania for making assumptions and flipping her shit over it. And actually leaving the damn thing open on the table in the first place when Amaria can come back at any moment. I don't think she thought that through. As it were, though, Reshiram path is exactly what it says on the tin: the bitter truth about what lengths Amaria is willing to go to in order to continue her facade. She's been wearing a mask through the entire game- as evidenced by her diary in the Onyx Trainers School (straight up says she's wearing a false smile and that she's genuinely not happy on the inside) and by what she says if you say you don't trust her in Blacksteam Factory ("Right... Why would you, after all?"). Said mask just finally fractures with the whole fiasco with Titania's diary, and only goes downhill from there. And honestly, I can't say it's that Amaria tries to drown the player that leaves a bitter taste in my mouth (though it certainly does not help her case). It's generally the fact that even though she straight up admits she knows Titania doesn't love her (which she does in both paths), she continues to smother her, despite her suffering. Claiming that's love of any sort is blatantly false, regardless of any mental health issues she has. (Ironically it's Titania that shows more love in this situation- albeit not a romantic sort- in staying with her despite the suffering so she won't kill herself. Though there are certainly better ways she could have handled this, so she's not entirely free of fault, either.) Reshiram path is pretty preferable for me in this case, with both of them going their separate ways. What Amaria actually needs is to seek some professional help. And also probably be relieved that the player is a silent protagonist and can't really go to the police about her attempted murder.
  19. Nope, he straight up says the guards in the gate to Agate are asleep, which I imagine would not bother him at all if he could have just had Meteor let him in. (Or at least, certainly not enough to bother to mention them.) I could be wrong, but it doesn't really line up well. I feel like his way to Route 1 and Cain apparently having a way to Ametrine are just a case of gameplay and story segregation more than anything else. But I won't discount this theory pertaining to Cain. Because, well, who can say for sure?
  20. I wanted to vote for Radomus for favourite gym leader, but he seems to have been left out in favour of this mysterious Rodomus. We knew him well. Anyway though: Radomus' whole involvement thus far was a delight to play through, from his wit and all the hats to hammering home the "not everything is black and white" concept. Favourite member of Team Meteor is ZEL without contest. Lumi's diary in Ametrine and subsequently the PULSE Magnezone battle both broke me. Also PULSE Abra sassing Zero is brilliant. I really hope Zero gets closure of some kind from all this... but a part of me doesn't really expect anything but death. Please no. He deserves better. All of them do, honestly. As for the third category, I'm going to have to go with Cain. All those innuendos, man. My kind of humour right there.
  21. I'm not feeling very merry as of late, but I guess I can still say Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays for those of you who don't celebrate Christmas.

    1. Kamina


      merry christmas! hope you feel better


    2. ZEL


      Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays to you, too ♥
      I wish you all the best, love ya!

  22. However unlikely it is, you can actually win a Master Ball from the lottery in Onyx Arcade if all five of a Pokemon's ID numbers match. So maybe not hacked.
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