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Lost Lore

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Everything posted by Lost Lore

  1. Lost Lore


    There are two hidden in the early game. One is on a box in Lower Peridot Ward (...or it might be a barrel, my memory is foggy) and the other is in a bush in Obsidia Park. ...Well, three. One is also hidden Beneath the Grand Stairway.
  2. ...B-but I still use Skuntank... ;A; If you want something with the same typing but objectively better, look into Drapion? You do already have a Dark-type in Scrafty, though, hmm... If you want another Poison-type, though it's not my place to say, you can look into Nidoking (with Sheer Force and Sludge Wave/Poison Jab, but then again you also already have a Ground-type), Crobat or Scolipede (Speed Boost and Baton Pass are quite handy), off the top of my head. If it's something else you want, though? You are much better off asking someone else. I can offer (some) moveset advice, but team advice is not my forte.
  3. Basically this. Gyarados was kind of breaking the game in half, Lucario was... Lucario, Staraptor was powerful too good for the point you got it at, etc etc. Although I think the Togepi event was removed because spoilers, not Togekiss being broken.
  4. You can't steal held items from trainers, as a heads-up. So don't bother trying with them against Gym Leaders. If you're talking about from wild Pokemon: Meowth hold Quick Claws, Trubbish hold Black Sludges, Koffing hold Smoke Balls (...well, I consider those useful) and I've recently learned that wild Yanma hold Wide Lenses. I can't think of any others off the top of my head. Wild Panwhatevers also hold Oran Berries but that's only worthy of note if you're wanting Moomoo Milk for free. ...Oh yes, and Luvdisc hold Heart Scales. At a reduced rate so you'll be hunting for a while.
  5. The problem is that you can't go to get Rain Dance until after you've beaten Charlotte- the guard at Agate Circus won't let you. Unless you go back to E12, I suppose. First, Surf is actually very good on Heliolisk. You don't need to defend teaching it that. That aside, if you happen to have any Heart Scales, most people recommend Flygon with Rock Slide as a hard counter to Charlotte. You might look into getting that. If you don't have any Heart Scales, there are a couple hidden on Route 4, in trees and in a rock wall. I would take Rock Slide over Earth Power, I guess? The only other moveset suggestion I have to offer isn't for Charlotte, but I feel it should be said anyway: Skuntank isn't built for Toxic stalling. I would get it Explosion over that, or pick something else if you don't want Explosion. Edit: Ninja'd on the Rock Slide point but the rest still stands~
  6. I must emphasize that the best way to get Rain Dance up is to bring something with Prankster. That way it matters not whether or not you're faster than her, because you're still going first. There are a lot of things with Prankster, so you've got plenty of choices, too~ Something like Sableye or Meowstic would be best, I would think. You can also bring something really quick that gets it (such as Crobat) but there's still a chance she'll outspeed there. So you have to be pretty careful.
  7. I like Mega Rayquaza but I also can't shake the feeling that it looks like a giant green worm because of how they did the horns on its face...

    1. Bluewolf


      A badass worm that lives in the Ozone layer.

    2. diana


      you mean it wasn't before?

  8. I'd get Ice Fang back on Floatzel, probably over Double Hit. Aqua Jet really isn't quite strong enough on its own to deal damage, but I don't know if you feel like grinding it up to level 46 to get Aqua Tail... Also Crunch > Pursuit. Definitely get a Ground move on Donphan as well- it'll give you a much easier time here. Also I don't see the need for three Psychic moves on Meowstic- go get her something nicer from the move relearner over Extrasensory. I'd go with Signal Beam, personally. She also gets Light Screen if you'd like to buffer some damage from Sludge Waves, and there's always Safeguard to stave off Confuse Ray/the occasional poisoning. Finally, I'd say you're beyond the point where Fearow can help you, so I'd look into swapping that for something else. Not sure what, if I'm honest.
  9. Beryl Ward's music. It's not my favourite (although it is one of my favourites) but it's mournful enough so that it fits Reborn City very, very well, which is where you spend the early game, and thus, your introduction to Reborn.
  10. There is a Star Piece on Opal Bridge. This item hunting run was a really good idea.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lost Lore

      Lost Lore

      If you're strapped for cash? Early on, 4.9k is going to help you a lot.

    3. Sheep


      Ah, right. I don't use money. Unless I need to buy some pokeballs or something.

    4. Vinny


      "I don't use money" - Sheep 2014


  11. Welcome to Reborn. We do ask you to leave your sanity at the door when you arrive for a reason, you know. ...Would you believe me if I told you this isn't the only time that happens? Because it's not~ Anyway, just defeat Shelly and get yourself another badge. I would also suggest you train up more Pokemon so you don't run into this problem in the future. The idea with Reborn is to have a full team of six (and more if you so choose on rotation) as early as you possibly can.
  12. There's probably nothing behind that door for now, but I'd imagine it'll indeed be accessible at some point in the future, after purifying the Azurine Lake. Which would be nice because I'd hate for it to stay that ugly shade of brown forever. Poor Adrienn. Xe must get this a lot. This is what I feel like doing every time someone makes one certain simple typo
  13. That little bit outside Apophyll Academy, where you first meet Kiki.
  14. I am pretty sure that Pumpkaboo and Gourgeist are always super size in Reborn. But don't quote me on that.
  15. Lost Lore


    If it's still a Fighting-type you want (and you do want one- that Cradily) then you can catch Makuhita and Mankey both in the slums as well. In my experience, both have done well against it. Also a minor-ish correction thing on the Dull Key: It's obtainable just before battling Shade as well. After him however, yes, you have to wait for Strength. (That's when I usually pick it up, but I still wait to do the quest for the Scraggy until later, since it's not feasible then... well, if you have a good Fairy-type, maybe.)
  16. Whismur is still where it was before, in that one house in Lower Peridot Ward. I think you only need Pokesnax to find it.
  17. I really do like using my entire team, so I can't really say any one Pokemon has stolen the spotlight. Although Mamoswine was making a name for itself in my latest playthrough, and as I can recall, Gardevoir has saved me a few times... ...Why is Gyarados in the tags? With Moxie and Dragon Dance it's going to carry anyone to victory.
  18. I don't get the point, though... there's probably nothing in that cave for right now. As a placeholder. Since it's not a place you're supposed to be able to access at this point anyway. All of these Teleport shenanigans, though... y'all are really trying to get into places you shouldn't be. I don't know if I should commend you or scold you.
  19. To specify, Gothitelle gives you the Soul Candle now. It's no longer found in Broken Cave, since Broken Cave is no more. I think this also means you can get Pumpkaboo a little earlier than you could before, but not before Corey. I don't think I checked before Shelly.
  20. The only Mega evolution I want more than any other is Dragonite. I don't care that it doesn't need one, that it's plenty good already, I just want it to have one. Ideally it'd retain Multiscale and get a decent buff to its bulk as well as its Attack. I don't know how I'd feel about it taking some cues from Dragonair like every fan-made one I've seen seems to do but I guess I'd live with it. Also yes Dragonitite is a silly name for a Mega stone and that is a good thing. You can probably guess that I wouldn't argue with a Mega Meowstic either, with different designs/stats for each gender
  21. You are thinking of the banner for E10, in which El was kidnapping (Pokenapping?) Gardevoir and tossing out his Snorlax against Radomus to stop him from trying to take her back. ...I think? My memory is a bit fuzzy on that. It's been a while. I can't recall a case like this one in which the story was changed enough so that the banner wasn't quite relevant anymore. I wasn't here pre-E10, though, so I dunno. ...Well it was still relevant, it just happened differently... I'm going to stop now before I start tripping over myself. (...If I'm assuming that's what you mean? I genuinely can't tell.)
  22. 188:08 on my main file. I still have grinding to finish so I expect it to be sitting around 200 hours by the time I'm done with that. It'll probably have my highest playtime overall, since I use it to pioneer each episode. That means exploring/getting hopelessly lost/being smashed into the floor by Gym leaders the first time/what-have-you.
  23. I should hope my Pokemon wouldn't despise me with every fiber of their being... considering they are my pixel babies and I take care of them as best I can. But I've probably given at least one of them a reason to hate me from trying too hard to keep them evenly leveled and sending them out against some less-than-favourable match-ups. "How the fuck is anyone going to take me seriously when you've gone and nicknamed me that?!" -Da Fuzz the Swoobat Off the top of my head, Blair (Skuntank) is pretty good at calming people down when they get riled up so he'd probably be able to kick me out of a funk. Then we have Echoes (Noivern) who is likely to break eardrums with his voice on account of yelling all the time, who loves flying around more than anything else and likely wouldn't mind taking along a passenger. Obligatory mention of my "mascot" as well: Cantus (Meowstic) is fun to write but the only thing I can ever see him doing is making really lewd comments at the worst times. He does act serious sometimes and he's given me some headcanons about Psychic-types, but most of the time? "I thought we agreed never to speak of that again?" "Only because it made you all hot and bothered." "I was embarrassed because you were blatantly hitting on the enemy!" "Keep telling yourself that."
  24. Lost Lore

    Bright Powder

    Actually the very last obtainable sticker is after Luna, and that gets you to Floor 9. The others are all obtainable before her. So you might want to check and see which one you've missed?
  25. Lost Lore

    Bright Powder

    Brightpowder is the one that increases your evasion- you're thinking of King's Rock. Which is not obtainable period. Scope Lens could be pretty fun too, on that note... five hits and heightened crit chance all day every day. (That's also on Floor 8, sadly.)
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