Replies? What are those? How do I do them? Okay no I'm going to make an honest attempt I swear. It will probably be terrible but.
I'm sure you missed a few alts but those are the main ones I use so let's pretend you got them all
And you've told me this before but I'm still flabbergasted to hear it. I don't think that will ever change. But I'm flattered all the same, and thank you very much!~
Also this is absolutely adorable. What does it say about me that I find cake-related arson adorable? Probably not anything good.
No enlisting the machinery to blow out candles, though. Not unless I want a very waterlogged cake and kitty. That were also probably blown through the nearest wall.
Only the first reply and I've already abused strikethrough to hell and back, this bodes well.
Thank you! ...When was the last time I had an ice cream sandwich, actually? I would say I'm craving ice cream now but seeing as how I've just gotten some, that disaster has ended before it starts, hooray!
There are a lot of people on here I don't speak to and I should do something about that except... how do I start and hold a conversation? Without sounding absolutely ridiculous? It is a mystery.
Thank you!
Also no slacking on your homework- no I am not trying to continue a running joke that should not be continued what do you mean
Thank you~ I'm going to try my best, though it'll definitely be easier said than done.
Litten is way cuter than that doge and can take it on any day, it's time to smack down... wait no, that'd be bad for Litten. Never mind.
Thank you, Cap'n!
I know that feeling all too well. Very much same.
Thanks Jeri! That is a lovely shade of blue... and uncannily close to my Shawjamon alt's colour. How?
Yet again I am flabbergasted and flattered (Flattergasted? No that sounds terrible...). Though trust me when I say I've had a fantastic time talking to you, too. Thank you, and thank you again for being a friend~
Thank you!
Thank you, Nyoom!
Thank you! I think lately people are trying to usurp that title, if I ever actually held it in the first place... gotta keep on my toes.
I am nowhere near the level of kink goddess but still thank you
Some days it's hard for me to see how I'm nice, but I guess eventually it'll be hammered into me if enough people think so? I guess I'll just have to keep doing what I'm doing, then~
Thank you!
I will do whatever I want with the machinery. So long as it consents, of course.
Oh god long post is long someone stop me