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Lost Lore

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Everything posted by Lost Lore

  1. #justicefornatu

    1. Garnet.



    2. YinYang9705



  2. I thought today maybe had a slight chance of being a good one. So much for that.

    1. ZEL


      http://i.imgur.com/kVlPIwW.png espurr did a good job, me not so much. I'll stick to hugs next time :3
  3. Remember what I said yesterday about my thoughts usually consisting of "saearafsfrgf"? If they weren't actually like that before, they most certainly are after reading this. I feel like it's kind of obvious that I enjoy talking to you, too? But it's past time for me to come out and say as much rather than implying it, so yes, that's what I'm doing now. Even then, just "enjoy talking to you" doesn't quite cover it- just being around you is very enjoyable for me. Kind of odd for me to come out and say about someone, but, well, there's no doubt in my mind. Though I have to wonder how you're not tired of me having no self confidence + mood swings galore. I would get tired of me very quick. But you haven't. And I really, really appreciate that. ...Okay before I lose what little coherency I have left (no I'm not gushing shut up): You are absolutely wonderful, and don't you dare say you don't deserve attention. One year, one month, however long you would have been here, you do deserve this. In my mind, at least. Happy Reborn Anniversary, Ama~
  4. I mean. I could also post my own status objecting to being called cute. c:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Exalted


      it does but law the status writen just now

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      how did you not see that coming ama

    4. Shamitako


      RIP Ama

      Also, BTW, Losty, I highly doubt you're not cute by at least one possible definition of the word

  5. Depends on the Pokemon, really. Usually if I'm stumped for a name I'll take inspiration from one of their foreign names, eg. Irrlicht the Gourgeist and Somnium the Musharna. Sometimes they're named after characters, like Madara the Arcanine or, dare I mention, ZEL the Vaporeon. Then there are those that are named after songs, such as Niji the Slowking or Echoes the Noivern. And finally sometimes it's just something I feel suits them. Incidentally, my main team on my first file is: Bayou the Swampert (pretty self-explanitory) Sir Vale the Gardevoir (partially from Sirknight, Gardevoir's japanese name, and valor) Baron the Lucario (this is a character reference to one of my characters- the quirky owner of a large castle in my Mystery Dungeon-verse) Incense the Chandelure (burning incense, which is something we do sometimes, and the trailing smoke being comparable to souls, perhaps?) Cantus the Meowstic (I was on a TWEWY kick when I named him, so he's named after Panthera Cantus) Echoes the Noivern (named after a song, as mentioned above)
  6. I'd ask for some form of sleeping aid to help me fix my sleep schedule but... I don't think anyone can do that.

    1. PcPichu


      That is one of your personality traits though Espy, unusual sleep patterns! I slowly fixed mine by forcing myself to each at set times [even if it was half portions]. Although ended up with me sleeping the day, and awake at night it was regurlar. I then, stated up all day one day and reset my meal times and it worked aftera week c: Took nearly a month overall though ^^;

  7. I did the best I could, but I can't shake the feeling that I fucked up really hard somewhere. There's no getting across how sorry I am. I didn't mean for this to happen...

  8. I see this life~ like a swinging vine~ Swing my heart across the line~

    1. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      Counting Stars - OneRepublic

  9. I feel unwelcome now, but I guess that's just how it has to be.

  10. Oops I screwed up again

  11. If it had to be somewhere within the City, I'd likely choose Beryl Ward. Always have liked the Rhodochrine Jungle for whatever reason, and it'd be nice to have it within walking distance. Quiet walks in the forest early in the morning sound really nice. Though the town atmosphere would probably be a bit gloomy with the cemetery and all... not sure I'd be on board with that. My first choice, though, would probably be in Agate, since that's so close to my favourite place in Reborn, Route 1. Well, once the sleeping spell is cleared up, that is. My sleep schedule is warped enough, I'd rather not make it worse.
  12. It's always my fault, and never anyone else's. I'd do good to remember that.

  13. What does it take for me to genuinely have a nice night? Just once?

  14. There is only so much I can take before I can't take it anymore.

  15. Will there ever be a day where I don't royally fuck something up or end up hurting someone when it wasn't my intention or do I just need to cease to exist?

  16. Dragon Ascent is actually not even Dragon-type- it's Flying-type. ...I also kind of doubt Saphira will be using Mega Raycray, but, who knows? I can't decide if my favourite thing about this field is Multiscale making Dragonite even harder to break through, or Pay Day's 2x boost. (Yes, I do appreciate the former even though I know I won't like facing it at all. I really like Dragonite okay leave me alone) And, though Saphira getting this field is a given I'm not sure what the second Gym that does is... my money is on Hardy atm, especially if he runs Smack Down (since Rock/Fire Smack Down and all), but I don't know...
  17. To be honest Crystal Keys makes me think of the... well, Ruby Ring and the like. Though I may or may not have made a few jokes about the Crystal Plugs, so perhaps a change is due after all. Also The Spyce... or Spice... is very cute, definitely the kind of place I'd sit down to have a drink at. (Non-alchoholic, mind- not my cup of tea.)
  18. Okay I had initially said "well this puzzle is going to be a fun time" and moved on but then I looked at the sentence again and considered- Is this a pun. Is the victory road puzzle going to involve field effect switching. Because this both makes me cringe at the pun and think it's going to be even more terrifying than I'd initially thought. (...I could also just be reading too much into this. I probably am. That, or I just gave you ideas. Oh dear.)
  19. To be honest, even on my first attempt, I didn't have to look up how to do Shelly's puzzle. Now that I've done it so many times, too, I've sort of memorized the answer. (I've also noted that it is actually a lot more simple than it looks, though that may be due to solving it a million times.) I still have to look up chess puzzles though because I absolutely cannot chess. Which is a shame because it means my favourite character also has to have my least favourite Gym by default. I can see why it'd be easy to someone familiar with chess, but if you're not, you're gonna have a hard time.
  20. Time does not heal all wounds.

  21. I didn't want to make any guesses outright, but I had Inkay and Malamar at the back of my mind, since reversing things is kind of their thing. Topsy-Turvy creating this is neat, and it'll definitely turn things to someone's advantage if they use it just right. Will likely play around with it sometime. Inverse battles are a neat concept, even though I don't do them often. This, though... This worries me, just a tad. Sounds pretty crazy. But also like it could be lots of fun. We'll see.
  22. I hate being so disgusting that no one should ever be around me, to be honest.

  23. I guess I'm always the one that does something wrong... even if I don't know what that something was.

  24. Hhhhhhh Trick Room extensions More than that, though, my Rainbow team is going to be very grateful for this thing. (If, y'know, I actually continue that playthrough. I probably will, it's been a lot of fun getting back into it~ Even if team adjustments have proven to be hell thus far...) I do wonder what Pokemon that is, though... I'm almost frightened to find out, since I have a funny feeling that we'll be fighting it first.
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