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Lost Lore

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Everything posted by Lost Lore

  1. Samurott's Aqua Tail. ...A dance with swords wouldn't go awry first, I don't think.
  2. 1- Togepi's been removed as of Episode 11, so there's no way to get into the apartment. 2- It needs to be windy to get them to appear. I think it also needs to be nighttime out, but I'm not sure on that...
  3. That makes me wonder, though... why would he let El into the Castle? He's very clever, clearly, so it's odd of him to assume that El was brainwashed (and El admits as much, too) and just go with that... Oh, and if you sided with El, he says this: Even though it's obvious that's not true, so he's like, trying to deceive you? He's not to be entirely trusted, but... he hasn't done anything to turn on you, as the player, so... Perhaps he's more of a neutral party of some sort? ...Radomus, y u so confusing?!
  4. Yep, that particular part of the Railnet you gain access to later on in the story, after you've gotten Strength.
  5. There's one in the Underground Railnet (specifically, the Subrailnet) and another in Iolia Valley. I think that's all of them, though.
  6. Meowstic's Dig. I must be strong, overcome the cuteness... be faster, smarter, than- wait, that doesn't work... It doesn't help that the first time I saw one and heard its cute little squeaky cry I got a crit on it and... ;A;
  7. Head back towards the city from Route 1, and enter the Gate... you'll figure out what to do from there.
  8. Pokemarts can't be trusted, they randomly teleport onto people's roofs.
  9. Okay, I'm not gonna lie- I have some bias towards Radomus at the moment because he's one of my favourites. His personality + the costume changing thing kind of cemented it. But anyway, I definitely agree that how he acts makes him seem very suspicious. I had thought he was maybe going to do something in Episode 11 to further incriminate himself, but he didn't, really... unless mugging some poor Meteor Grunt counts. (...Naw, that's probably not what he did, but that's a funny thought.) The whole light/dark speech thing didn't really help his case, either... He also mentions that the Pendant is very important to him, and he does seem to know of it. So has he had it before? And what does he intend to do with it, I wonder? All in all, there's a lot of mystery surrounding him. Though I guess he just goes out of his way to be like that... regardless of others questioning his sanity (...who in Reborn has their sanity intact, though?) because of it.
  10. Volbeat's fourth move is Moonlight. I have a record from Episode 10 that says that Masquerain's is Stun Spore, but I dunno, that might have been changed... No idea on Dwebble's, though.
  11. Poison Jab is unobtainable at the moment because Stunky doesn't get it (for some reason). He'd have to wait for the TM. Just a note~
  12. You're gonna be in for a lot of breeding, if you want all of those TM moves... assuming it's even possible to get all of those, because some of them I kind of doubt. You may not know this, but Reborn is kinda barren of decent TMs (well, some of the later ones are decent... and Shadow Ball is okay). Let me see if I can't toss forward my two cents, though... Torterra- Looks good to me. Can't recommend anything better, I don't think? Skuntank- First, you get major props from me for using Skuntank- it's my favourite Poison-type, and it's often overlooked. Coverage looks good on it, but I don't see the need for Shadow Claw? Dig is going to be a run-around to breed for if you really want it... I think the best way to get it is from Sandile? Instead of Shadow Claw, how about... Screech? A Poison move? (Most of Skuntank's are lousy though.) Maybe Explosion- although that's kind of late, it's good for a last-resort move. You can also go mixed with Flamethrower, since you're using Naughty nature anyway. Drifblim- No idea why you're going with Flare Boost, unless you intend on letting it get burned frequently? If you wanted Flame Orb, that's not available yet... If you want the extra Speed, Unburden will probably be more useful to you. That aside, again, there's a lot of breeding involved for that... I can't think off the top of my head how you'd go about getting Thunderbolt (I was going to say Rotom, but that's a no... Castform, maybe?), Will-o-Wisp shouldn't be too hard, and I know at least Ralts (who is weirdly in the Indeterminate/Amorphous egg group for some reason, yes) gets Psychic. If you can get Will-o-Wisp, though, yeah, you're gonna like pairing it with Hex. ...Although, as someone who went with a long silly breeding chain to get Flamethrower and Energy Ball on her Chandelure, this is likely a case of "where there's a will, there's a way". Aggron- Looks good from here. Aggron doesn't really need to be any slower, so Adamant might be better, if you aren't using special moves anyway? Otherwise, besides the aformentioned run-around required for Dig, fine. (And if you're doing the run-around anyway, why not Earthquake?) Gallade- ...Hmm. I've never considered Shadow Sneak on that... Night Slash might be a wee bit better of an idea, but Shadow Sneak does get priority... Also, a nature other than Lax might be wise? Gallade's Special Defense is pretty good- you don't want to drop that for the Defense boost. If you want more Defense so badly, Impish, maybe, because no special attacks? Persian- Technician is probably Persian's best ability, so good. I would recommend a more accurate move that gets the boost from it than Cut, but I can't think of one off the top of my head... Although, if you're going Adamant with her, drop Power Gem for something else? It's not boosted by Technician (it's 80 power, so...) and it'd just be hindered by that. ...I think that's about all that I've gotta say? Probably not terribly helpful, but suggestions, nonetheless.
  13. Meowstic's Power-Up Punch. ...Punch with your little stubby arms, cat. Don't look at me like that. Hey that rhymed
  14. It's windy in my game now, actually, so... it looks like this:
  15. Stunky - Alleyways pretty much anywhere but Obsidia Ward, and rarely in the Railnet. Tyrunt - Quests from the Order of the Helix. (Late game option, so I hope you're okay with waiting that late.) Ralts - A house in Lower Peridot Ward- bring Pokesnax. Drifloon - Outside the Abandoned Power Plant- the one across Beryl Bridge, specifically- on a windy day. Sewaddle - Wild in Jasper Ward. Budew - Wandering around by the Lapis Ward flower shop... there are specific requisites for it, but I'm not 100% sure on them? Scraggy - Obsidia Slums, with the Dull Key. Dull Key is in the Railnet, but you will need Strength to access it. (You actually don't, but it's advised to wait.) Pansear - Hiding under Opal Bridge on a rainy day. Also requires Pokesnax, I think? You can get Fire Stones from mining, and there's a Shiny Stone hidden in the Wasteland and another outside Citae Arc-d'Astrae, I believe?
  16. Mega Meowstic Type: Psychic Ability: Prankster (Male) or Competitive (Female) Normal stats: 74/48/76/83/81/104 Mega stats: (Male) 74/48/116/93/121/114 - (+40 Defense, +10 Special Attack, +40 Special Defense, +10 Speed) (Female) 74/48/86/123/91/144 - (+10 Defense, +40 Special Attack, +10 Special Defense, +40 Speed) I won't stop and you can't stop me
  17. Fighting being nerfed is fine, but I was pretty unhappy about the Dark-type thing too... My Dark-types get enough of a bad rap, you leave them alone. >:< Also, we all know who the best dragon slayer is:
  18. Farfetch'd. It's in Chrysolia Forest, but it's kinda rare, so be patient. Then you need to progress further in the story- you'll get it eventually.
  19. ...Nobody mentioned Aggron? Y'all suck. But yeah, you can also get Aron in the Underground Railnet, after you've gotten your fifth badge. You'll need Headbutt.
  20. Meowstic's Signal Beam. If only Water Shuriken had been a special move... if only, if only...
  21. Someone said Mystery Dungeon? Personal favourite, right here. It's a shame that dungeon is so short...
  22. Nope, Beryl Wall is in 7th Street... you're looking in the wrong place. If you don't know where 7th Street is, then you're not far enough in the storyline yet, so don't worry about it.
  23. Have a Meowstic. (Don't lie, you knew it was coming from me.) Which gender is up to you, but of course. Edited because, but of course, I've forgotten that you can't get the mining kit until after defeating Shelly. Oops.
  24. It's 3 in the goddamn morning, and you people have me over here giggling about Fern not having a soul. Anyway, I'd assumed the silhouette was the champion, since we have no idea who that is as of yet. ...Now that you mention it, though, he/she/it/xe/they/whatever does look like they're holding a rose... Fern's Roserade confirmed for champion- Ame really needs to come to terms with her Budew issues.
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