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Lost Lore

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Everything posted by Lost Lore

  1. Espurr's Dark Pulse. If it were a punch, I would question how my Honchkrow uses it... Does it punch with its wing?
  2. Well, as I haven't given you a second option yet... *calls upon the mighty power of Random.org to pick a starter...* Your type is Fire... and you shall use the fourth gen's Fire starter. So Chimchar. Leave it to the RNG to give you the second most OP starter what.
  3. Espurr's Disarming Voice. (...Weavile doesn't get Sucker Punch? What the hell... I want a word with whoever came up with the learnsets/move tutor moves for Pokemon...)
  4. There is one in the part of the Underground Railnet that's called the Subrailnet, and another in Iolia Valley.
  5. You can also use your registered bag item with the Shift key~
  6. Eh, I know that (my Scrafty misses more than I'd really care for with Hi Jump Kick, admittedly) but... it's not like Hi Jump Kick has to stay- if the accuracy bothers you that much, trade it for Sky Uppercut at level 59. And I think the (significant) power increase is a bit more important than the accuracy drop at this point... ...Especially against something like that Arceus.
  7. Then go to the move relearner and teach it Hi Jump Kick? I dunno why you even still have Double Kick at this point in the game... no offense. X'D
  8. Any Dark-type's Sucker Punch. ...Fine. Honchkrow's Sucker Punch.
  9. Pachirisu. You may teach it Cut, if you have need for that, since Bidoof can't be used for HMs.
  10. That specific part of Tanzan Mountain is called Tanzan Mountain West- it's the one that leads to South Aventurine Woods.
  11. ...Should I feel guilty for linking people to older episodes? Oh wait, Reborn is no place for my morals. Anyway, someone uploaded Episode 10.1 in this topic here. And yeah, that's all you need to do~
  12. Noivern's maniacal giggling for a cry makes defeating things with it a little too amusing.

  13. Not to mention that X items don't work, so you're going to have some hell of a time. I'm going to wish you luck anyway, though. (P.S. She's the sixth, not the fifth~)
  14. If you want Carvanha earlier (you can't get it until Spinel Town if you join Magma since you need the Good Rod to fish it up) then you want to join Aqua. In the long run, joining Magma would be wiser, though, since there's no other way to get Chinchou at the moment. Joined Magma in my main file and Aqua in my Dark mono-type, incidentally.
  15. The only thing I use Unown for is grinding, because wow they're worth a buttload of experience. Early game Under the Grand Stairway is the best place to grind and late game the Astrae is far superior to anywhere else. ...Granted I did use one on a Psychic mono-type of Crystal, but that's neither here nor there. They are pretty interesting, though, aren't they? Mega Unown confirmed.
  16. And as the ever-happy Dark-type enthusiast, I'm going to recommend Zoroark to you as well. Night Daze from the move relearner + that Speed = Shade's worst nightmare. ...Assuming whatever Shade is can have nightmares, anyway.
  17. I'm no expert, but: I'd do away with Water Shuriken on Greninja. It's largely specially-focused, and unless you're using the type jumping abilities of Protean to your advantage, you don't want physical moves on it. Water Shuriken has priority, but that's about all it has going for it, and Greninja is really speedy anyway. I would advise a non-Fighting move on Machamp, but I don't think it gets any that aren't Normal or Fighting outside of TMs, so that'll have to do. And Zap Cannon on Magnezone is a bit risky- nine times out of ten, it's going to miss when you'd really need it to hit. If it's the paralysis you want, pick up Thunder Wave? I don't think there's anything else... @Double, ya really should've gotten your own topic, but I'll have a look at your team too: I'll say the same thing about Inferno that I said about Zap Cannon above. Dragon Claw or Shadow Claw instead, perhaps? I think that's the only suggestion I have, though...
  18. That's obviously why Fern has one.
  19. As much as I'd love to see more of Terra's (very amusing) character, I think I'll go with Adrienn, as we don't really know much about xem yet.
  20. The Interview Intermissions are more of an insight into a certain character's... character than they are really relevant to the story. You get little tidbits from them you might not have known before, but otherwise, not much. I won't post them (though I have them, yes) because that would be a wall of text and is kind of off-topic, but the characters that have been interviewed (in-game) to my knowledge are: Arc, Aya, Bennett, Hardy, Kiki, Luna, Radomus, Samson, Shade, Terra, and Titania. ...The last of those, though, "politely" declined to be interviewed. And there was a grudge held for the next like, two or three interviews because of that, amusingly.
  21. It's not actually here on the forums, but... I really like taking logs, and Interview Intermissions, so... here you go: ...There's a reason I said "interesting" was the best descriptor I could come up with for her. I think "bizarre" would work, too, but that's nothing new in Reborn. Could be either of those things, possibly... or it could be for something else entirely. Or perhaps I should say, for someone...
  22. ...Okay, so I'm not going crazy thinking the RAAAAAAAWWWWR thing was Terra? Good to know. And I haven't met her yet, either, but judging from her Interview Intermission, she's a very... interesting (for lack of a better term) person indeed. Also, Samson is definitely in Agate City, since he works in the Agate Circus. So I figured he'd be the next Gym, too, but that's just a guess. (I mean, he doesn't have to be there just because of that, but... it'd be kinda weird if he weren't, wouldn't it?) Also-also, a lot of the moves boosted by that field are Flying-type... hmm... It's conspiracy theory time!~
  23. The other Interview Intermissions play earlier on in the story... I believe which one changes with each Gym cleared? Aya's was the most recent one for Episode 11, if I recall. They do tend to be rather amusing, too, actually- I've gotten a chuckle out of a few of them. Radomus' was not one of those I got a chuckle out of, but I really like the Interview Intermissions and pay entirely too much attention to the TV OTL
  24. I presumed Radomus' dead wife, since, on the TV, in his Interview Intermission But really, who knows, at this point...
  25. All of the music, to my knowledge, is in the game's BGM folder, which is in turn in the Audio folder. Besides some of the slowed-down variants of the tracks, that is. Online-wise, the remixes were done by GlitchXCity, I believe?
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