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Lost Lore

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Lost Lore

  1. Well, thank you for the warm welcome, everyone~ And yeah, I should definitely look into getting on the PO server, at least. Chatting live is a lot more convenient than via forum posts... and I'm sure y'all will likely have fun beating me if I actually bother to put a team together so I can battle. Espurr is very close to Espy, anyway. And I think you can guess that I like Espurr, so feel free to call me that~ ...Did somebody mention fire? I thought I heard fire... (Psssst, Fire is my second-favourite type after Dark. And I must agree that burning things is lots of fun.)
  2. Can I just say that I love how the features started off completely serious and then slowly spiraled downwards into insanity? This one is my personal favourite, I think.
  3. I actually beat her on the first try. I'm going to guess that was because I had Gardevoir and Azumarill with me, though. In the early game, Fairies are kinda lousy. Late game, though? They clean house. Going to be honest, though, that Honchkrow narrowly avoided wrecking me. Most of my team was slow and by that point they were also mostly half-dead. Luckily, Skuntank happened to be packing Explosion as a last-ditch effort move on my part and... yeah.
  4. All right, this is either going to be really short or end up being a wall of text. ...Going to go out on a limb and say there's about a 90% chance of the latter. So. As you can see (assuming you can read, and if you're posting on here, I'm going to assume that you can) I'm Lost Lore. I usually go by Espy or just Lost for short here on the interwebs/internet/whatever you'd like to call it. Yo. When I first meet someone, I end up being rather shy. So please excuse me while I get over myself and try to overcome that around here. However, once I get more used to being around/chatting with someone, I literally won't shut up. Apologizing for that in advance. Aside from that, I'm usually cheery, I love making jokes (if you see excessive strikethrough abuse, I'm kidding around) and making people (including myself) laugh, but I'm pretty quick to become discouraged and really, really impatient. All right, now that I've gotten that out of the way... I've stumbled upon this lovely game that is Reborn via the PokeCommunity forums. First downloaded it back in December, said " why not, I'll give it a try" and quickly became addicted and could not stop playing for like, two weeks. Actually, I still can't stop playing now. What have I done. Pokemon experience-wise, my first game was Gold, and I've been trying to keep up with the more recent titles. I don't own a 3DS though, so I haven't played X or Y. Oh, and I wouldn't call competitive battling my forte, being honest. I understand how natures, IVs and EVs work, and I go out of my way to focus on coverage on any one given Poke, but... needless to say I think I'd get curbstomped hard if I tried to challenge the online League here. Haha... As my interests say, I enjoy drawing (a hobby at which I consider myself decent at, but will always likely have room for improvement), writing (I suck), and watching a handful of (generally mainstream) anime. ...What else do I add? Is there anything else I should add? I don't know. This wasn't in the manual... I told you that there would be a 90% chance of this being a wall of text
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