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Lost Lore

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Everything posted by Lost Lore

  1. Name-wise, Lost Lore will work since, y'know, it's my username p. much everywhere. Gender is female~ Look I stopped being lazy for a few seconds it's a miracle
  2. Those Meteor grunts only appear in the museum at night, iirc. Then they run to Tanzan Mountain, where you can defeat them, and then proceed to return to the museum for the fossil.
  3. I guess I'll make a habit of embarrassing myself, then, since that seems to be all I'm capable of doing anymore.

  4. I really do wish this feeling would go away and stay away. But I guess that's too much to hope for.

  5. So this is my avatar from last year and that is when it received the hat, of course. ...but may I please ask for a hat on my hat? uwu It's me, of course I am going to ask for approximately 100% more hat. What did you expect?
  6. Because I could not settle on a new avatar... this one from last year is back.

  7. I really need to learn when it's a good idea to just keep my stupid worthless emotions to myself...

  8. [09:09:39] +LonerShing: what to do.. [09:09:41] +LonerShing: what to do [09:09:50] Sylveon Reeves: forced to get fairies or lati twins [09:09:56] Sylveon Reeves: or megabro [09:10:02] PixlComet: you bored, shing? [09:10:11] +LonerShing: Yep. [09:10:18] Asgоre: o/ [09:10:21] PixlComet: then fap [09:10:24] PixlComet: *rap [09:10:26] +LonerShing: .... [09:10:27] PixlComet: RAP
  9. Looking at both of them... Diggersby will hit harder but Flygon is faster. (Though Diggersby gets Agility to mitigate its low Speed somewhat.) Set-wise... Flygon would be Dragon Claw, Superpower (though you'll need to get this from Trapinch before evolving it), Earthquake, Rock Slide. Diggersby, meanwhile... Take Down/Facade/Strength (ft. unreliable Normal STAB), Earthquake... Bounce? Hammer Arm/Brick Break? Swords Dance? Rock Tomb? (Disclaimer: I'm only considering potential sets I'd run, not ones that you should run. Because I don't honestly know what I'm doing!) I think I'm going to go with Flygon here. Dragon coverage is, more than likely, more useful than Normal. Unless of course you already have a Dragon-type. Diggersby has the harder hitting Earthquake... but that's really the only thing it has that counts in my book. They're both solid options, but... yeah.
  10. Honestly I believe that anything I really could have said has already been said, but better than I could ever hope to word it. But I'm going to make an attempt anyway. What you did was wrong, and honestly, if it was someone I had met in person, or knew on a more personal level, I may not be able to forgive them. I am also not the kind of person, however, who goes around hanging someone with a noose formed of their actions unless I believe what they have done truly deserves it. And this, in my honest opinion, does not. (Does that make me too nice? I've been called that before. Except, accounting for some of the things that I've said and done in the past, I do not honestly believe it.) Do I believe that you have dug yourself into a pit far too deep to climb out of? No. Will it take time and a lot of effort to rebuild those relationships you've shattered, and climb out of that pit? Of course. Will you ever be able to truly climb out of it entirely? Well, that is up to you. It is not something someone else can decide for you. I am not going to call you brave for coming out, as you were forced to. Though you did at least have the courage to fess up to what you've done rather than running away, regardless of being forced into this position. I sadly cannot commend you for that, however. Nor do I feel that I have the right to condemn you. At that, I feel that my standpoint is more neutral than anything else. Rather than closing this on a hostile note, I'm going to be polite. Welcome, Hunter. The past should not be entirely forgotten, nor dwelt on, only learned from. Always always.
  11. Now that you've delivered the goods, how about delivering me some takeout?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ZEL
    3. ArmoredGuardian
    4. PcPichu


      One does not know where exactly you live in order to fulfill this quest D:

  12. ...I mean, accounting for at least one of my server alts... However, I will not advocate for Pokemon abuse via hooking them up to PULSE machines, causing them considerable amounts of pain, and mutating them into freakish monstrosities. It would not be cool. And you should feel ashamed of yourself for ever considering the thought. (If someone takes this post too seriously so help me I am going to vault them into the atmosphere yes I will make them into a literal meteor you're welcome)
  13. I don't feel like you've accounted for backleveling with Common Candies to get moves earlier than level 20, in which case: Hitmonlee - Jump Kick (Level 13), Brick Break (Level 17) Hitmonchan - Mach Punch, Bullet Punch (Level 16) Hitmontop - Triple Kick (Level 19) [...arguably the worst of the three level-up-wise, to be honest.] Note that normally I would not advocate this but since it's only level 20 from Tyrogue to evolve them, and you're not going far back for most of those moves... Though you also can't breed another one before Blacksteam Factory because Tyrogue and evos are always male. (Tyrogue also can't breed in the first place, but that's irrelevant to the point.) Unless Tyrogue is a wild encounter, in which case... yeah.
  14. It is also possible to breed Ancient Power onto a Swinub- though at that point, the only obtainable Pokemon that can do so is Dunsparce, which is Beneath the Grand Stairway. Also not sure that Mamo would still wreck her considering her field lowers Earthquake's power now, although I suppose it is worth a try.
  15. One thing in your advice vs. Julia: Soundproof does not, in fact, block Sonic Boom. It is evidently not a sound move. For some reason. I would also point out the Super Potion hidden in the column of barrels in the Mosswater Factory but I don't have a screencap. So I'm not going to bother. That's probably not all that helpful of a tip anyway.
  16. I guess I just shouldn't be allowed to talk, then.

  17. Meowstic is most suited to dual-screen support later on (specifically the male one, as the female doesn't learn Reflect... via level up anyway), though mine does actually battle every once in a while. Female Meowstic isn't bad, but she's outclassed by a lot of later Psychic-types, sadly. And you can get a Fennekin at the tail end of E15- you don't need to choose it as a starter. It's late enough so that I wouldn't consider it, though. (Maybe if you really want it more than your current Fire-type, in preparation for E16?) Since you already have both Typhlosion for Fire and Gardevoir for Psychic, however, I don't think Delphox is really what you need. As for Azumarill, it's because of its nifty ability Huge Power. That, and breeding Aqua Jet onto it (and some people also breed Belly Drum, although that's not exactly a necessity) make it a quite formidable little physical powerhouse. Its bulk isn't too bad, either- it will more than likely live a hit. Though, since you already have Gardevoir for a Fairy-type...
  18. Well since people are saying they don't want something bad to happen to x character... ...yes, y'all know what I'm going to say but I'll say it anyway. It would cause me entirely too much emotional harm if something happened to Radomus. Especially now that he has the Pendant- he's basically just painted a target on his back. (I mean, I mostly think that he'll be just fine- he is quite the tricky fellow and probably has more than one way to get himself out of trouble if he needs to. But there's this one irrational negative part of me that can't help but worry anyhow.) Granted there are multiple characters I could say this about (I'm pretty sure all of them have been mentioned but I'm going to single out Shelly because Shelly is precious and ZEL because ZEL has not been mentioned enough and is also precious)... I guess that just goes to show how fantastic the characterization is. Such attachment, very worry, wow
  19. Sirius has never had a Floatzel, to my knowledge. Taka used to, but he doesn't anymore after his more recent team revamp. Perhaps someone has gotten things mixed up somewhere in regards to that? Hooray for Gen 3-esque Thunder, that was my favourite animation for it! Retaliate is taking cues from Gen 6's variant, which is also quite nifty.
  20. Two things bother me more than anything else does: -The level cap just after Corey. Unless you've been doing some serious grinding, you are not going to be level 30 yet. Hit Lapis Ward and suddenly everyone is mid-30s? What? The Grand Hall trainers can't even help you catch up because they're that level as well and often worse to battle than the regular trainers about. (I'd gripe about their level jumps too, and also that clown at the circus with the full EV trained team that's supposedly "good" for grinding... but I don't feel up to people bitching at me because of it.) -Chrysolia Forest. I have always, always hated that damn place. The amount of time I spend just trying to get through the damn thing even now when I've done it so many times before is ridiculous. I actually don't even want to leave Spinel Town once I get through the first time, so I only have to go through it once more to leave. The diary thing bothers me too now that it's been mentioned, I'm not really one to invade someone's privacy like that. Though that does beg the question of why in the blue hell Titania is writing in it in the middle of the goddamn living room when Amaria can come back at any time. Really not a good way to keep its contents a secret, is it? Even if she's not the sort to go snooping around either? ...wow, this post came across as more aggressive than I intended. Oops. P.S. Also it's Aventurine- there is no D there. Seriously. I know you don't like it but please spell it right. OTL ...Actually, does people typoing Radomus' name as Randomus count as something I can dislike about Reborn?
  21. I am slowly losing my ability to type please send help

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KingRyan


      just look at the buttons on the keyboard, and push them to make words.

    3. Mikzal


      Instructions unclear, KingRyan. Got fingers stuck in the toaster

    4. PcPichu


      Your new avatar looks like a Gentleman Spiritomb

  22. Lost Lore


    I'm afraid your research was outdated: Cottonee has since been removed from that spot, and is now only obtainable in the wild on Route 4, if memory serves. That's after your 10th badge. You may want to turn your attention to this topic if you need help finding any other Pokemon. But I'd say to search for them yourself, first, and use that as a last resort~
  23. In this particular case, the Litleo runs to the Underground Railnet's holding house in Obsidia. But... be ready for a fairly difficult fight before you chase it further down there. (Unless you're already around level 30 [or higher], then you should be just fine.)
  24. It is entirely up to luck, and I don't think it has anything to do with how many or how few items are in the mining rock, actually. I mean, it might, and I may just not have noticed it, but... it seems unlikely to me. "Just keep searching" is probably not what you want to hear, but, alas, it is the best solution I can offer. ...Speaking as someone who still has not found an Odd Keystone in a run that's supposed to be centered around item hunting, however, I feel your pain.
  25. Well, since I was mentioned, I should post, no?~ Allow me to formally welcome you to Reborn! Or not so formally, hell, it's been a while since I've posted in an introductory thread. What was my spiel again...? Ah yes, try to retain at least a little of your sanity, but a lot will not do. Also, mind your hats, there's a reason my title is "Infamous Hat Thief" now. And as for you guys. Y'all who are reading or answering this thread right now. Yes, you. Y'all better treat this guy right, okay? uwu I'll answer these, too: The game was what drew me here first, from its PokeCommunity thread. After quickly becoming addicted to it and playing it for like, a couple weeks straight, I started to lurk the forums. Then came Episode 11's release, which is when I joined and started posting. And no, I am a fluffy Psychic/Fire-type kitty with a penchant for hat hoarding and thievery. (Blame Meowstic for the Psychic part, that thing is too cute for words. Maybe blame Radomus as well, that guy is pretty... rad.)
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